A/N: I suggest you read chapter 24 before this just to remind you something.
About a month after the proposal, Linguini and Colette finally got married and went off to the honeymoon. During that time, the restaurant had to take a break until they came back. Remy decided to stay in the colony for his break. He was having a long conversation with his dad, Emile, and Git.
"So Remy," Django continued as he sipped his water, "are you still gonna live with them when they come back?"
"Depends," Remy put his hand on his chin, "more likely not. I wouldn't want to bother their time. But if they want me to move in with them, then I probably will."
"Remy, you can always stay with us!" Emile exclaimed excitedly.
"We'll see. I'll more likely stay with you guys," Remy said.
"You have plenty of time to think about it," Git placed his hand on Remy's shoulder, "whatever you choose to do, I'll support your decision."
All of the sudden, in one of the post peaceful day, all four of them heard other rats screaming in a distance. "What's going on?" Emile jumped.
"Oh, no, I hope it's not human," Django rushed through the area where the screaming came from.
"Dad, wait!" Remy followed after him, then Git, then Emile.
While Remy and Git followed them, they heard two familiar voices: "Where are they?! I'll destroy everything and everyone to find them?"
When they reached the place, they didn't see any humans, but two rats -- two familiar rats. "Oh no..."
"They're back..." Git started.
"... with their clan," Remy finished the sentence.
The two familiar rats stood in front of their whole clan and smiled evilly. "There they are," one rat said to the whole clan as he pointed at Git.
"Time to get our revenge," the second rat swung his stick.
"We forgot to tell him that we are leader of this huge clan," the first rat snickered evilly.
"What makes you think you're welcome here?" Django yelled at them.
"What makes you think that we forgot about last time?" The first rat yelled back.
"You took all of our valuables away," The second rat yelled after him.
"Come on, this is over. Why is this necessary?" Remy calmly told them.
"We believe in revenge." The first rat cracked his knuckles.
"We'll now make you face all the destructions." The second rat took raised his stick.
"CHARGE!!!!!!" the two rat said as they continued to swing their sticks, breaking everything in their way, and hitting many rats. Git clenched his fist and was about to go forward, but Remy grabbed him.
"Git, no, don't" Remy shook his head, "this is not right!"
"Remy, they're hurting us! We can't let them take over us!" Git said and turned towards the charging rat wave. He then jumped and tackled the two rats and started to beat them. The rats from the other clan charged at Git. Django ordered everyone to grab anything they can find to swing and help Git fight off the clan. After each of the rats had grabbed their sticks, they also charged with their war cry.
Git eventually broke out with the help from other rats. Each rat was swinging their sticks against the other rat. Although Git was strong enough to handle two rats who were trying to get their revenge, he was injured too much to attack them effectively.
Meanwhile, one of the rat climbed up to the high cliff where there he stacked bunch of trash. He untied the ropes that kept everything in place. Remy, who wasn't fighting anyone, noticed a rat trying to cause an avalanche on the rats. Even though he called out to stop, it was already too late. Soon, everything tumbled down on every rats from the other side, but it did hit some rats who were on his side. Remy rushed to save the rats from his side. He saw the familiar paw. He pulled out and Git came out. He was grunting in pain, and his wounds and bruises were worse than the time he dealt with the other rats for the first time. "Oh no, Git! I need to get him treated now!"
"I..." Git weakly grunted, "I'm fine... Remy... save others first."
Remy called other rats who were able to avoid the trash avalanche, and asked them to pull the rats from their clans and treat their wounds. While the rats were being treated, Remy looked at everything with despair. "Wh-- why? Why is this necessary?" Remy couldn't help but just stand there, shocked. While the rats from his clans were being treated, Remy ran into the piles of trash and started to rescue the rats from the other clan. Emile watched his dad being treated. Then he suddenly remembered Remy and turned to look for him, only to see him trying to rescue the other rats. He went around digging through the piles of trash. He carefully took out each rats from the trash pile.
"Remy? What are you doing?" Emile watched Remy saving every other rats who were trapped under the piles of trash. Remy ignored him and continued to take out their enemies one by one. Emile rat to him to stop him. "Remy, stop! They attacked us! They don't deserve this from you!"
"Just because they attacked us because they were angry, that doesn't mean we shouldn't help them." Remy pulled one of the unconscious rat from the pile. "Emile, a little help?"
Emile helped Remy carry the rat to the safe place, but continued to say, "What makes you think we should forgive them?"
"Everyone deserves forgiveness," Remy said as he continued to save more rats. "Plus, holding on to grudge wouldn't fix anything. It's less painful to let it go." He eventually saved the final two rats who tried to get revenge. "Emile, help." Emile, convinced by Remy's words of wisdom of forgiveness, helped Remy save two rats with a smile on his face.
Git woke up few hours later. Right when he opened his eyes, he saw Remy wiping his wounds. When Remy noticed that Git was awake, he gave him a warm smile. Git tried to get up, but he grunted in pain.
"Stay down," Remy lowered his body down.
"I'm fine," Git said as he tried to get up again, but it was too painful for him. "Never mind."
Remy snickered. "Why don't you rest for a bit, I need to take care of other rats too."
"All right, go ahead." Remy moved onto the rats who caused the whole rebellion. "Remy, did you rescue those guys?" Remy nodded. "Why would you do that?"
"We can't hold on to grudge forever," Remy carefully wiped their wounds.
"You're a helpless rat," Git smiled and lied down.
Remy sincerely took care of other rats while they were unconscious. He wrapped cloth around their wounds, and got a cup of water to wipe their wounds so that they wouldn't be infected. While Remy was wiping one of the rat's wounds, he slowly gained his conscious. When he noticed that Remy was wiping his wounds, startled, he stood up quickly. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"
"Stay down," Remy told him calmly, "you're wounds are still great."
"What are you doing?" the rat asked.
"Treating your wounds, of course," Remy said as if it's his duty.
"Why would you do that?" the rat asked, very confused. "I attacked your whole clan."
"I understand your anger. Making enemies doesn't get you anywhere. So I don't want to be enemies with you. By the way, what's your name?" Remy said in a befriending manner.
"My name... Léonce," Léonce answered.
"Léonce? That's a great name. My name is Remy," he let out his hand to shake hands. Léonce accepted the handshake. "What about your friend over there?"
"His name is Alcée," Léonce answered.
"Why don't you and your clan stay here until you guys all feel better?" Remy offered.
Léonce smiled to Remy's generosity. "Are you the leader of the clan?"
"No, but my dad is." Remy pointed.
"Well, your clan is lucky to have you," Léonce said.
"I'll be back," Remy went back to check on rest of his clan, then the other clan. Léonce smiled as he watched Remy check on every single rats. "Everything okay?" Remy asked as he went back to check on Léonce.
"Remy, about the trash pile, Alcée and I will help you clean up. I mean, we're the ones who attacked you and you forgave us just like that. There's gotta be someway to repay you."
"If it makes you satisfied, then sure," Remy did not want to force them to do anything. He wanted them to do something that would make them feel comfortable.
As soon as Léonce and Alcée recovered from their injuries, along with their own clan, they helped the whole clan clean up the mess after the massacre they caused.
"You didn't have to make your whole clan clean up with us," Remy started as he carried some trash to the piles.
"They volunteered, actually," Léonce replied as he pushed the pile onto the big pile, "everyone was moved by your forgiveness."
"Also, I want to ask you a favor. Not a big thing but, I want you to talk to my boyfriend. Don't worry, I already talked to him so he won't be aggressive to you anymore."
"Your what? Boyfriend?" Léonce asked in surprise.
"Yeah, umm, we're actually in a relationship." Although Remy regretted mentioning that, Léonce didn't seem to care. He was rather more concerned about talking to Git.
"I, uh, I'll try. Do you want Alcée to talk to him also?" Léonce asked cautiously.
"That would be wonderful. You don't have to talk to him now. You can talk to him after we're done cleaning up this mess," Remy suggested.
The work was done faster than Django expected. After the mess was cleaned up, Django announced, "Thank you everyone, for cleaning this mess. And if the leader of your clan agree, we will have a peace treaty saying that we will not cause any further massacres like this. With my son's generosity to forgive all of you, I hope that all of you are satisfied as well."
Léonce and Alcée went up to Django and shook his hand. The whole crowd cheered as rats from each side shook each other's hands. After the ceremony of peace treaty was over, the other rat clan left to return home, except Léonce and Alcée, who decided to talk to Git.
"So, we just wanted to say, we're sorry about what we have done to you," Léonce apologized.
"And your rat clan, and thank you and your boyfriend for forgiving us like that." Alcée added.
"We're now friends, yes?" Léonce asked.
Git smiled and put his hands on each of their shoulder. "Sure, buddies."
"Sorry and thank you about everything, Remy," Léonce waved at Remy as he exited the colony with a bright smile.
"We'll come back any time soon. And our next meeting will be friendly one!" Alcée waved along with Léonce.
"I'll be waiting!" Remy waved back at them. Then he turned to Git. "So, we're all good right? Let's all forget what they did to us."
"Absolutely," Git leaned in to hug him, but his back pain was still severe. "Ow! Oooh!"
"Maybe you should lie down a bit," Remy said. "You can hug me when your back is better."
"That's a deal," Git said.