Chapter 4

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 Alison's POV

   I wake up the next morning thinking about what happened last night and wondering if it was a dream.  I'm hoping it's a dream it can't be true, I despise rich men like him. Nobody knows that I only came here to find my true love and I'm almost postive that it cannot be him. 

  I was in deep thought about last night until i was rudly intrupted by my mother, "Breakfast is on the main deck this morning , we will be there if you need anything." I didnt reply and just pretended i didnt hear her until like 10 minutes after that i got really hungry so i decided to get dressed and go eat but not with my family. I can not stand my family, seeing them all happy and cheerful, don't they know i am miserable. Once i got there i quickly got my food and kept my head down so that my family would not see me and then invite me to eat with them . Luckly i got away but while sneaking away backwards i bump into someone and knowing who it is i quicky turn around bend down alittle and apologize and say sorry only about 50 times before i look up and see the guy from last night named Trent,  i stand up straight and say,"Oh its just you." and walk away.

  As i walked away i looked back for just a quick second to see if hes looking at me and he yells "Watch out!" I quickly turn around as fast as i can and get a cake in the face, i walk backward a little as i wipe off the cake off my face and bump into a waiter and he pushes me towards the pool and i scrape my head off the edge of the pool and fall in. As i sink to the bottom of the pool and see someone jump in but then i blacked out. 

Trent's POV

I couldn't help myself but i had to laugh when alison got hit in the face with a cake, it was hilarious but when i saw her get hit by the waiter and her head scraped off the side of the pool i got so worried i didnt even wait for her to go in the pool i dropped my food and went right after her. I could not help the fact that i was worried about her so i went in after her. 

I had tooken her back to my room after i had told her parents what had happend, they wanted to take her but i wouldnt let them i wanted to be by her when she awoke. Almost an hour later she woke up and asked a whole bunch of question like what happend? Am i in you room? What time is it? , i answerd all those questions then said, "Can you shutup for 5 minutes for once and let me talk.?"

"Ugh your so rude, do you have papertowel or something to clean up this blood on my forehead?"

"Ya it is in the bathroom ill go get it." I walked to the bathroom lightly wet the papertowel with warm water and come back and start to wipe blood off her head.

"Ow! That hurts!" 

"Well sorry, how else am i supossed to get the blood off? im only trying to help and your yelling at me, i thought maybe you liked me or something because of you know last night but i guess not." I could tell from the look on her face she was surprised probably because she thought it was a dream, i have that effect on people.  She stared at the ground of my room for a while as we sat there in slience untill she said," I better get going and thanks i know you were just trying to help, sorry for being rude, i won't bother you again." 

She started walking out the door before i said anything else, i cant believe i let her walk out. I feel so stupid. I sat there for alittle while thinking about what i should do because i kinda feel like a dick. I decide not to go all sappy now and to be myself i dont have to change for no body. Later that night i text some girls to come over to my room so we can hang. Once they got to my room we didnt really do much talking, in other words we had a three some. During it i got bored so threw the girls out just before dinner on the main deck. 

While the girls were about to walk out of my room , i open the door and see alison about to knock on my door, i stood there like a fool with my mouth wide open shocked about what she is wearing, a short light pink dress with silver shoes and a silver necklace. She is beautiful right now. The other girls say bye and i turn back to alison and say,"You look beautiful, why are you all fancy for dinner on the deck?"

"Well i was going to ask you to have dinner with me as a thank you but i see you already had your dinner you jerk!" said Alison. I see Alison turn away from me and go towards her room, and then stop and grab a leftover pie from one of the rooms and come back toward me and throw it in my face. I had that one coming but i never did anythig wrong. Its not like were dating.

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