Sick Palette x Healthy Goth (Fluff)

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Request By LuanaLikesToWrite, Here We Go!
AND HOLY SHITTLES THANK YOU LUANA FOR THIS REQUEST (and sorry for not updating) BECAUSE THIS WILL BE BASED OFF A REAL STORYYYY (cough because this actually happened to me cough)

Palette's POV

Today was...fine I Guess. Except that I caught a cold. I had to stay in bed until I felt better. BUT THE 'MOST' BAD THING IS I CAN'T GET OUT THE HOUSE. .....Well That means I can't see Gothy. (poor Palette ;3;)

Mom came and gave me some lemon mint tea. But I didn't want to drink it, It tasted gross. My phone started to buzz(cue pink fluffy unicorns ringtone), And I picked it up..It was Gothy.

"..Hey Gothy.." I said weakly, " don't sound Alright..Are You Ok?" Goth asked, "..ngh, Yeah.." I answered, "No Your Not. I'm Going To Come Over, and bring some medince." Goth said, "Nonono..I'm Fine..! Just a *insert weird cough here* small cold.." I said, "SMALL? Pallete I know what you mean by 'Small'. I'm Coming Over." Goth said, Hanging up before I can even say another word.

Suddenly, The doorbell rang. Dang He's fast. I can hear talking and screeches coming from downstairs.

(Heres what happened)

Goth: *breaks down door*
Ink: JFC *stops smooching a blender*
Ink: Goth why are you here?
Goth: PALETTE IS SICK SO I'M GOING TO HELP HIM *Starts running upstairs*
Ink: WTF


Goth Kicked My Door off its Hinges too, I suddenly Shot up and sqeaked. "Sorry bout' that." Goth said, Walking by Me with a First aid kit. "It's fine," I croaked, Goth put his hand on My Head(SKULL WHATEVER), You've got a cold, Have You been In and Out of Heat and Coldness?" He asked, I nodded. "That's why." He walked to my closet and got out my Pajama Jacket.

"Wear This, It'll keep you warm and You'll feel better. If your to Warm, Then just take it off." Goth said, I nodded and slipped it on. I felt a bit better and smiled. I swore I saw a tint of purple of his cheeks.

I looked up at Goth and Poked his cheek, He blushed more. "W-What Are y-You D-Doing?" Goth Stuttered. I continued to poke his cheek, Then I stopped and Giggled silently. Gothy Sighed and grabbed the First aid kit, "Well I have to go Palette." Goth said, And turned away.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him next to me, making Him blush again. "P-Palette!-" I put my finger over his mouth(TEETH ITS THE FANDOM)And kissed his cheek.

"I love you Gothy."


"I Love you too, Palette."



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