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Chapter 1

Boy Trouble

"Hey. I am SO mad at my teacher because while I was waiting for him to start talking, I began reading and got lost in the book. I wasn't aware that he had started talking so he yelled at me IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS. The popular girls started snickering and he sent me into the hall. Yesterday he gave us our homework and today he told us we HAD to get them signed but he never told us yesterday! And I got my first "missing homework" stamp! Anyway, while I was in the hall lashing at myself for how stupid I was, my crush, Michael, came up to me and asked me sincerely, "You alright, Reilly?" and I rudely ignored him! So tomorrow I'm going to explain why I ignored him and I'll apologize. And also, Craig is going around and telling everyone who me and my best friend Ali have crushes on!! Ali has a new crush, or shall I say, two! Well, there's William and, the new unexpected crush, Conner! I mean, William is drop-dead GORGEOUS but no ones better then Michael, in my mind. But, I mean, I've always noticed Conner's cute and all, but he's not really a crush. Well, anyways... there's nothing much more to talk about today, so see ya tomorrow!"

I finished my sentence and closed my journal. I flushed red with frustration as I recalled the incident with my teacher. I will never think he was the best teacher any more. NEVER. No matter what he did that was so cool and awesome and even if the popular girls loved him. I didn't care. Then, while I was upset with my teacher, the phone rang. I ran to pick it up and noticed the caller ID. It was Ali.

"Hey! What's up?"

"We have a MAJOR problem...Craig. Around 20 people just called me and asked if the rumor is true."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes." Ali replied.

"This is terrible! What if Michael thinks I'm a freak!?!?! Then he'll NEVER ask me out to the winter dance!"

"You think you're having problems with Michael? William doesn't even KNOW I like him! NONE of the boys in school like me and you know that!"

"I know, but..." I said.

"No! Reilly, HALF of the 10th grade boys drool over you! And you just brush past them like they're a pile of junk!"

"Ya, because none of them are Michael!" I argued.

"Ya, but half of them are drop-dead GORGEOUS!" she argued back.

"Well I only have my eyes on Michael, and YOU know that!"

"Well what if Michael ends up not liking you? Then what? All of the others are gonna think you're a jerk for ignoring them and you're gonna end up with no one!"

"Well.... I have college! College boys are WAY cuter anyways!" I was getting annoyed now. This convo was taking WAY to long and my mom would kill me for being on so long.

"Well, yea but..." She sounded desperate for a better comeback.

"Well, gotta go. Homework. Bye."

I hung up the phone and went downstairs to grab a snack. When I arrived at the kitchen I noticed my cell was ringing. I got a text from William. Uh oh. I checked it out. It said,

Hi. I heard Ali has a crush on me. Don't worry, I wont tell anyone about it and I won't tell her I know. Just our little secret, ok? :-P well, see ya in school. Bye, P.S. Craig told me. He's such a pain right? Lol! Well, can't wait to see you in school!

Oh. My. Gosh. He didn't. William was just... flirting with me.

Chapter 2

An Accident (and MORE Boy Trouble)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2010 ⏰

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