I finally made it back to Winterhold, and went into the Inn. I didn't see Enthir anywhere, so I walked up to the bar. "Where has he gone this time?" I asked him. "He's in the cellar. Said it was more private down there," He replied. "Thank you," I smiled, then walked down to the cellar.
"Thank Nocturnal you're okay," Mum said pulling me into a hug, "I hope it wasn't more trouble than you can handle?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "Word got around that all of his mercenaries were killed by the traps in Calcelmo's laboratory," Enthir explained. "Interesting that his nephew didn't rat on me. He saw me," I said confused.
"Well, he told everyone that the traps went berserk and they all got caught in them, and he got knocked out," Enthir continued to explain. I smiled, "Good. I gave him a hit of amnesia."
"Enough of that, on to business. Did you get the translations?" Enthir asked. "Yeah, here," I said handing the scroll case to him. He pulled out the rubbings and gave me a raise eyebrow. "Dare I asked how you acquired these? I expected notes... not a rubbing," He said. "It's quite the tale, Enthir. You want notes? Take it up with the lunatic who carved it into a giant unmovable stone tablet."
"I understand... Now let me take a look at this," He said walking over to the table. He laid the rubbings and journal down on the table, and he started reading them, "Hmm... this is intriguing, but highly disturbing. It appears Gallus had suspicions about Mercer Frey's allegiance to the guild for months. Gallus had begun to uncover what he calls an "... unduly lavish lifestyle replete with spending vast amounts of gold on personal pleasure."
"Does the journal saw where the gold came from?" Mum asked. "Yes. Gallus seems certain that Mercer had been removing funds from the Guild's treasury without anyone's knowledge." "Anything else, Enthir? Anything about... the Nightingales?"
"Hmm... yeah, the last few pages seem to describe "The failure of the Nightingales," although it doesn't go into great detail. Gallus also repeatedly mentions his strong belief that Mercer desecrated something known as the Twilight Sepulcher." "Shadows preserve us. So it's true..." Mum frowned. "What?" I asked. "I'm not familiar with the Twilight Sepulcher. What is it? What's Mercer Frey done?" Enthir asked.
"I'm sorry, Enthir. I cannot say. All that matters is we deliver your translations to the Guild immediately. Farewell, Enthir... words cannot express..." She said. "Its' alright, Karliah. You don't have to say a single word. Listen, all I want is the truth to be revealed to the Guild," He said. Then the turned to me as she walked over to the main door, "Listen. They respected Karliah, and she deserves better. You both do. Do whatever you can, and I'll consider it a personal favor."
"Thank you, Enthir. Keep the rubbings," I chuckled. "I was going to anyway," He laughed, "If you ever manage to gain entry to the College, and you find yourself trying to rid yourself of stolen goods becoming a burden, come visit me. I've been known to handle items of questionable interest from time to time, and I'll see what I can do." "I'll take you up on that," I smiled.
I walked over to mum, "We should hasten to Riften before Mercer can do any more damage to the guild." "Gallus' journal mentioned the "Twilight Sepulcher". Part of the Nightingales yes?" "I guess I see no harm and concealing it any longer. It's the temple to Nocturnal. It's what the Nightingales are sworn to protect at all costs." "Why such protection?" "Everything that represents Nocturnal's influence is contained within the walls of the Sepulcher. Now it seems Mercer's broken his oath with Nocturnal and defiled the very thing he swore to protect."
"Thieves and temples just don't add up," I frowned. "I thought the same thing when Gallus first revealed these things to me. I think given time, you'll understand more," She said. "I think I'll understand better if you just told me, mum," I said. "I know, but as a Nightingale, I've been sworn to secrecy regarding the Sepulcher. I know the Guild doesn't do much to foster faith, but I'm going to have to ask that you continue to trust me."
"You're my mum, of course I trust you. I just want to understand what's going on better," I replied. "I know. Let's get to Riften. As soon as we possibly can," She said, "But first. I think you should have this. It belonged to Gallus, but I firmly believe that he'd want you to have it." "Thank you. I'll put it to good use," I said taking my father's old sword from her.
It was made of ebony, but very different from your typical ebony sword. It was cleanly made, and the hilt had the Nightingale symbol engraved around the blade. It had red and green magic weaving through the metal and stone.
"If the Guild isn't willing to listen to reason, you might have to," She said. "Brynjolf's handling everything, I pray they won't be too violent," "Then let's pray, together," She chuckled.
"You ready?" She asked as I entered the flagon. "Yeah, sorry I took so long. I was carrying too much stuff, and had to take a load off," I answered, "Got some gold for some of the junk. That Bersi is so terrified of me, he gives me double what everything's worth." "Really? Gallus taught you well," She chuckled.
Everyone was staring at us as we made our way to the Cistern. Unsurprisingly, the secret entrance was locked. I opened the door and motioned for mum to go in first, and I walked in behind her.
"You'd better have a good reason for-," "Riseki?" Brynjolf cut off Vex, who didn't look very happy at our entry. "We have proof," I said. "To hell with the proof. You're alive!" He said walking over and hugging me. "Brynjolf... Hello? Murderer..." Vex said. "Brynjolf, we have Gallus' journal," I said as Karliah handed it to him when he pulled away.
"No, it... it's true?" He asked looking up at me. "Hey, I went through oblivion and back trying to get the translations to that... I'm quite positive that it's true," I said. "I can only imagine," He chuckled, but still seemed disturbed. "Every word, Brynjolf. Mercer's been stealing from the Guild for years, right under your noses." "There's only one way to find out if that part's true, lass. Delvin, I'll need you to open the vault," Brynjolf said.
"Wait just a blessed moment, Bryn. What's in the book? What does it say?" Delvin asked. "It says that Mercer's been stealing from our vault for years. Gallus was looking into it before he was murdered," Bryn answered. "How could Mercer open up a vault that needs two keys? It's impossible. Could he pick his way in?" Delvin asked. "That door has the best puzzle locks money can buy. There's no way it could be picked open," Vex answered.
"He didn't need to pick the lock," Mum said. "What's she on about?" Delvin asked. "Use your key on the vault, Delvin," Brynjolf said, "We'll open it up and find out the truth." Delvin walked up to the door and used his key, "I've used my key and its' still locked up tighter than a drum. Now use yours."
Brynjolf used his key and the doors opened, "By the Eight! It's gone! Everything's gone! Get in here, all of you!" Brynjolf knew what I told him, which was that Mercer had killed Gallus, but I guess he didn't expect him to be so shocked that all of our gold was gone.
"The gold, the jewels... it's all gone," Delvin said disappointed. "That son of a bitch! I'll kill him!" Vex said drawing her dagger out as if he were standing in the room with us. "Vex! Put it away... right now. We can't afford to lose our heads... we need to stay calm and focus," Brynjolf said. "Says the one who got all sorts of upset when Mercer came back saying she was dead," Vex frowned gesturing to me.
"What did happen there?" Brynjolf asked. "He tried to kill me. He knew I was working with mum to clear her name," I explained, "He stabbed me." "Yet you lived," Delvin said. "Long story. Too long to tell at the moment," I said. "Fine. We'll do it your way for now, Brynjolf," Vex frowned sheathing her dagger. "Vex, Delvin... watch the Flagon. If you see Mercer, come tell me right away," Brynjolf ordered.