WTBWY|Chapter 1

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Enjoy 🌹


Berlyn P.O.V

"Papa, I hope you can grant my wish. Please..." I cling to my one and only papa.

"Of course sweety, how can I say no to my little barbie. Come here." Said Nugie to me, his lovely daughter.

Papa hugged me like I'm a teddy. No! I thought papa was the teddy. I'm thin so papa called me barbie. Papa is chubby, and I love it! When I'm 4 I always thought that papa is pregnant, he didn't deny it maybe only a little laugh and my stupid wish for the baby to be born as a boy. Fuh! Silly me~

I live my life without mama figure. When I ask papa where is mama he would never reply, of course I'm curious. But, I don't mind waiting my papa ready to tell the whole story.

"Mag, it's me Berlyn." I call my best friend Maggie Yolan.

"Yes Bear?" Yeah whatever, although I didn't look close enough to represent bear figure.

"Papa grant my wish! Can we go there tonight?" I said excitedly.

"Thank godness! Finally! I'll prepare my stuff right away. Stay there, I'll pick you up at.. 6? See you." Maggie she love to babying me.

"Okay Mag!"

I run to my bathroom to take a bath, I love bathroom. Why? Because it contains many water, I love water. Why? Because water is my life! I'm a little mermaid barbie, I'm dying without water. Hm, on the second thought every living thing is dying without water. Hahahaha~

"Papa, is the best papa in the world. I'll ask the guiness book of record owner to give you a certify. What do you think?" I sat beside my papa.

"You sure are humorist barbie. Would you mind if papa ask Johan to accompany you and your friend? Papa still worried." Said papa to me.

"Let Johan take his vacation, don't burden him doing his job on weekend. Don't be such a cruel boss, Mr. Hills." I shake my head while saying that also pouting my cheek.

"Ah, barbie. OK, how came I lose to your cute face?" Papa shake his head avoiding my gaze.

"How am I supposed to know? Papa you're funny!" I'm laughing together with papa.

It's already 6:30 p.m. Maggie's late, well I can't force her to come earlier. I understand she's not an on time person. I don't really like it but, she's my best friend I might reconsider that a bit.

After a long time waiting Maggie inside my house the gate is opening. I told Kevin (the head guard of my house) that I will open the door my self. I rush to the door don't care Samantha (my personal nanny) following me from behind, she worry to much I would fall. Whatever, I don't care.

I open the door with all my hearts, but wait(?). Where is Maggie? Whose black Porsche is that? Is it Maggie's brand new car? At least she can tell me about it! Damn Maggie, you're so awesome.

I walk elegantly to the car, playing hard-to-get because she made me wait to long. It's 7:05 p.m. I'm a bit annoyed, normal right?

"What made you so long Magg? It's already-- huh?" It's not Maggie? Who is this person? I don't know him.

I'm afraid! Totally freaked out to find someone I don't know appearing in front of me. Especially this all black man, the only white part of him is skin and teeth. Should I run? Or scream?

But, wait a minute. This guy also surprised to see me, maybe he don't know me too? It is also possible that this man is papa's guest. I space in my deep thought for 2 minute, I decided not to scream out loud.

"I'm sorry, I thought you're my friend Maggie. Who are you? Are you papa's guest?" I ask him very carefully.

"Yes?" He gave me unsure reply, still looking at me like a ghost outside his car.

"It's okay, I'm not going to eat you sir. Wait a minute, meet my personal assistance Samantha. She will accompany you inside. Right Sam?" I call Samantha that hide behind pillars (she understand that I don't like being followed)

"Um, yes. Please come this way." Samantha caught hiding by me, she's smiling awkwardly toward me as she accompanied this man into the house.

Geezz, where is Maggie anyway? I tried to call her but her phone is turn off. Waiting for her decrease my fatigue, I'm worried as hell you know?!

I decided to get inside, I throw my self on the sofa. I began remembering again my previous memories, in case I might find some clues Maggie whereabout.

Let's see...

(1)We promise to go to the latest sweets shop, because we were cupcake maniac. Ehm, maybe not us it's me only. And.. Zonk! What else? I have zero options to think.

"I got it!" Sun shining from nowhere through my mind.

I remember now!

(2)Maggie dragged me to that store because she want to buy something for her BF.
(3)Today is their 2 year anniversary, hm I see.
(4)She got late and can not pick me up so she went there by herself.
(5)Got what she wants.
(6)And meet her BF.
(7)Left me here pouting annoyed because no cupcake for tonight.

That's my conclusion, might be wrong? Nah, I'm sure 99,9% that I am right.

"Sweety, you scare me." Said papa accross me suddenly.

"You're here? Since when?" Am I daydreaming again?

"Before you sit down, we're here already." Papa explained looking at my right side.

"We?" I turn to look what's there. Oh crap!

Did I scare him too? I'm sorry. How am I supposed to say that? I'm to embarrassed to bluttered that sorry sentence. Stop looking at me like that sir! I'm not a ghost nor a monster.

"You're sulking? Happy? Or what?" He ask me confused as he frowned his eyebrows.

"I don't know neither." I look at him smiling. Well, He's so damn handsome and kinda sexy(?). So he's the all black man inside that black Porsche. Not bad.

"Barbie, let papa introduce you. He is Victor, papa's business friend." Papa introduce us.

"Nice to meet you again, sir Victor." I tried to be nice to him.

"Me too, Barbie?" Is he mocking me? Or praising me? His expression is too flat! How can I read it? Ugh.

"Buahahaha! It's not her name. She's Berlyn Hills my daughter, 24 years cute isn't she?" Papa LOL you made me blush.

"Hm, nice to meet you too miss Hills." Well at least he showed his manner.

"Please call me Berlyn." I said.

"Can I? We're not even close." He excused himself. Nah, he just don't want to call my first name. I admit Hills way more easier than Berlyn.

"Call me whatever you like. I don't mind." I smile.

"Okay, Barbie." He smirked at me.

Goddamit! I can't hold this anymore. Too handsome, sexy, and hot. Whatta bad boy he is, I like it!


So ? What do you guys think about them?

Bye2 at the next chap!
*tight hug*

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