A/N : Well, I'm not a native english speaker, I know there's alot of grammar and spelling mistakes and so, I really wish if you could warn me if you came across any, so I could change them, I understand how a mistake can ruin the reading mood and I don't wish for it to be ruined.
Warning: lots of weird writing and stuff like that, why do I even write when I'm bad at it?,
Hope you enjoy~
Chapter Twenty-One
Texting.Hattori raised an amused eyebrow as he watched his friend smiling while texting -well, he was sure as hell, that the person his friend was texting wasn't Mouri-san, he knew her contact name on the other's phone (Yes, he might have stalked him a little! But, can you blame him? It's for his own safety okay!) And, he was sure as hell, that he isn't that Kaito guy, becausw well, Shinichi blocked that rapist -he wouldn't be trying to make friends with a rapist, right? He knew his friend enjoyed throwing himself in danger, but he also knew that it isn't that kind of danger -unless, the detective has some fantasy that involved living happily ever after with a criminal (The irony!) which was something Hattori thought isn't much Kudou-likely, that's why he tried —tried hard, sneaking over his shoulder.
"What're you trying to do?"
Hattori backed away, taking in the question for a couple of seconds. Think of an excuse, think of an excuse, he kept telling himself, then took a deep breath, and started. "I was doing my job— which involves gathering information."
Shinichi blinked at him a couple of times, "And what part of your job that involves gathering information by looking at my messages?"
"The part that says that you've been smiling at your phone for god knows how long, it was getting creepy." Heiji shrugged -expecting his friend to tell him the whole reason behind his smiling, well, isn't that what best-friends do?
"I- I have been smiling?" He asked —or commented, but it came out more like a question, in Hattori's opinion, scratching the side of his face. "Sorry, for creeping you out, —it's not that creepy, but I'm sorry, anyways."
"It is! Just imagine sitting in the same room with a person who's grinning like some maiden in love at his phone —his phone, not even at a real person, or a picture of your crush, I could have excused you if that was the cause." He explained dramatically, acting like it's the weirdest thing he'd ever seen, and the most cringy thing he witnessed. "However, I'd be surprised if you had a secret crush, that you didn't tell me about, no offense given, but judging by the amount of social interaction existing in your life, it would be so unlikely and if it's likely —it would be so surprising." He added as an afterthought, feeling entirely proud with the senseless deduction he just made.
"Sometimes, I question myself why I force myself to adapt to your madness." Was Shinichi's comment to his best friend's dumbness. "For a detective who is used to seeing people getting slathered with only a pin clipper, how is it so cringy to see me in love? I'm not saying I am but, I need to make that statement clear."
"You and nee-chan are no longer a thing, so how can you be in love? It's so unlikely like I said, before."
"You can I can be romantically involved with other people, why is that so unlikely? Am I that dense? Or do you think that I'm a loser or something?"
"Uh," Feeling that he could possibly lose his friend if he answered one of those questions, he tried to laugh —for no reason, and change the subject. "We're in a creepy place, remember! The task in our hands and so!"
Just as he was about to reply, they heard the door being opened— oh, back to our task! Like what Hattori said.
They'd been staying in this house for a solid two hours, finished having dinner with the family, the dinner wasn't that creepy (to their surprise) however, they were left alone for a couple of minutes since the mother decided to prepare some tea.
Shinichi looked at the lady entering the room, and he knew that he felt something oddly familiar about her, like he'd seen her before, or met her somewhere —or actually knows her, which might prove Hattori's point on the fact that this family might be a criminal syndicate or something along with these lines, which wouldn't be surprising for the detective, actually he would be more surprised, if they aren't some thieves who were seeking their revenge after being brutally thrown in prison to rot for their deeds.
Speaking of thieves, Shinichi mused, while thinking, he did guess that the person who was texting him was Kuroba —maybe, that explained the reason why he was smiling like Hattori said, well, the stranger claimed to be a very skillful magician and a huge KID fan, he also mentioned that he was turned down by the person he liked —and also said that he told that person mean things. The stranger (Can he call him a stranger now?) literally admitted that the name of the guy he confessed to, was Kudou Shinichi.
It's either a very weird coincidence, or he's really Kaito and is either playing some dumb prank on the detective from the very beginning or is really sad and was just searching for somebody to talk it out with.
Well, he never said that he hated Kuroba, he just thought that they wouldn't work out— considering how they are both on the different side of everything literally —except their gender, they were supposed to be rivals, enemies, hell they are even in different parts in Tokyo. They wouldn't work out, and Kaito needed to get this fact through his thick head, they are just too different to date, they say opposite attracts but but not that opposite. Besides, he didn't think that anybody would support their relationship —not because, he cared about what people think, he never cared about others' opinions before, but he wouldn't be happy if he had to keep his crush as a secret, and he was sure that Kaito didn't like the idea as well.
"Tea or coffee?" The lady asked, giving them a peaceful smile, as she put the tray she's been holding on the coffee table before them.
The lady nodded at their choices, and started pouring them what they wanted, before proceeding to pour something for himself. Both Hattori and Shinichi gave eachother a glance, then started drinking.
It was good, Shinichi noted, too good actually, this coffee felt so familiar, he couldn't put his fingers on where he'd drunk it before.
The lady sat before them, as she took a sip of her juice, watching them swallow the whole drink, she smiled again, when she noticed how dizzy the two of the them were getting. "That was way easier than we thought." She commented, as the two detectives fell into a deep slumber.
Shit, Shinichi knew it, he tried to keep himself awake, but failed, stupid move.
Kaito felt weird, he was kind of happy after telling everything to that guy he enjoyed texting, but it still felt weird, since it was never a common thing for anybody to just pour their heart out to some stranger they don't know, but he needed to tell somebody about the whole thing and well, Aoko wasn't an option. She hates Shinichi's guts, and she didn't even didn't get to know him.
Trickster6y: Sherlock-chan!!!
Trickster6y: Finished dinner yet?
Trickster6y: Answer meeeeee
Then he waited a couple of moments, well, he might be still eating.
Trickster6y : Notice me pls
Trickster6y : ILY
Trickster6y : Why U No Appreciate meh love?
Trickster6y : Pleaaaaase!
Well, maybe still eating.
Besides, he's got the address, he would always go there if something felt off.
End of the chapter.
I updated, since I suddenly have alot of ideas and inspiration and stuff so I wanted to write them down before I forget any.
Well, hope you like it (:
Tell me your opinions and remember I really do like all your comments they litterally make my day so tell me what you think (:
Ja-ne~ ❤