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Question: Kids or no kids

Today was a day I was dreading, I would have to get up in front of meaningful people and explain why my mother will be loved missed and remembered.

I walked into the small funeral home my hand laced tightly around Josh's. Everyone was already here, Josh took a seat next to my sister. I walked up to the podium and looked out to see who had attended, A few if my mom's friends, Gerard and Lindsey, and some of my outer family. I smiled when I saw Gerard because he loved my mom, she always gave him fresh danish pastries whenever she made them.

I cleared my throat took a deep breath and began speaking

"Thank you all for coming, today we gather here to celebrate the life of my mother (M/F/N).
She was the best mom my sister and I could ask for
No matter what we did she always loved us
She had this aura.... it was lively
She was so fun to be around if you were sad she could say the most random thing and make you laugh.
She did everything in her power to help people and always welcomed in new people, my friends included no matter how much trouble we got into.
Elizabeth you should have seen the pride in her eyes when you gave birth, she was so proud of you.
Our mother had this elegance anytime she went with her friends she looked lovely and then she would make you feel like the most important person in the room.
It breaks my heart knowing my mother didn't get to live to see the places she wanted she had such a beautiful life ahead of her and I know with no doubt in my mind or heart that she will be missed. If you're watching mom we love you.

I finished the eulogy and placed a red rose on my mom's coffin door as Gerard got up to play piano. Earlier that week I asked if Gerard could play cancer since my mother died from said thing. I sat down next to Josh and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Good job baby. You're staying strong I'm proud." Josh whispers in my ear, I lean further into him as the song starts playing. "I have to stay strong, for everyone."  I felt Josh shake his head, "That's not true honey, you have a support system now." Josh comforts me as the song finishes and it felt nice.

Gee walks from the piano bench and hugs me.  "Thank you Gerard." I say quietly to where only he could have heard.  "Anytime sugar I'm always gonna have your back." Gerard whispers back and then goes to sit with his wife.

The time comes for the pallbearers to carry the coffin to the hearse. Those people being my sister and I, my step-dad, Josh, Mikey and Gerard.  (Cue Helena vibes) We all rose in unison and grabbed a part of the encasement. It was really really heavy. We all somehow managed to get it into the vehicle and by then I had let a few tears slip out.

"It'll be okay baby, she is at peace now." Josh said behind me "This isn't how marriages are supposed to begin." I say trying to lighten the heavy and dark mood. Josh chuckles and kisses my cheek. "Tell me about it." I grab his hand and hear his stomach growl. "Hungry?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Yeah sad things make me want Chinese food." He says quite seriously, okay wasn't expecting that. "Well okay then guess that's where we are heading." Gerard, Lyn-Z, Mikey, and Kristen all walk up behind us and pull us into a group hug. "Thanks guys, this means more than you know." I say trying to worm my way out of the hug.

"Anytime only lets not get together for a funeral how bout an outing of some sort?" Kristen says I nod thinking it would be fun. "Well Josh and I are going to a Chinese Buffet, do you want to come along?" Mikey, a typically soft spoken person, chimes in. "Sounds nice we would love to join you."  I smile and we all head to our separate vehicles.

At restaurant

We all finally sat down with our plates, all very silent. "Feels like time is moving at half speed." Gerard says taking a bite of orange chicken. We all nod and start eating, making small talk on certain subjects. Those being: Photography, comic books and of course great music.

"So (Y/N) I know it's super sudden but the boys and I have a few local shows that we want you to come take a few shots at. Is that okay?" Gerard asks sheepishly, I chuckle a bit when his wife smacks his hand. "Gerard! Have manners." Lyn says sternly almost like a mother scolding her child. Gerard rolls his eyes he's still got sass, "Please?" Gee begs I laugh and nod. "Yeah I will, I mean you guys are my favorite band." I say jokingly at the end and Josh coughs.

"What's up babe?" I ask playing along. "I'm ashamed what would Tyler say." Josh fakes hurt and I laugh, "You're a dork, but you are my dork." I say hugging him, getting 'awes' from the rest of the table. The waiter comes by and we all decide to split the bill even though it was only like twenty eight dollars.

"Well guys lunch was nice thank you again, one of you send me the dates, times and the location and I will be there." The Ways' and I all exchange hugs same goes for Josh. "Will do, love you guys." The brothers say in perfect unison kinda freaking me out. "Love you too, stay safe kiddos."  They will always be kids even when they are eighty. "Ready Josh?" I ask walking to the passenger side of the car. "Yeah lets go home baby."

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