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I had a few hours before my flight. As I signed the papers the things I had to agree to where.... things that hadn't crossed my mind, such as what I'd want after my death that is if I died, what would happen to my belongings just... things I weren't sure how to answer. It was hard to sign some of them. My vaccination appointment was soon however so I couldn't think about all the questions I just had to sign them and be on my way.
I marched through the buildings to the hospital district. I passed the office on the way dropping off my papers on the desk and leaving. I sat silently in the waiting couches trying to listen out for my name amongst the voices and, keyboard clicking and telephone calls. A tall man with short orange hair appeared out from one of the rooms, followed by a kid who left the waiting room. He glanced around examining the people closely until his eyes lay upon me. He smiled with his eyes before calling my surname.
"Brooks?" He asked but already knew I was his patient. I shot up and walked after him into the room. A long chair sat in the middle of the room. It looked cold and hard. I sat on the edge watching him prepare many needles and tissues.
"You can relax miss Brooks, you only be here for a few minutes, hopefully no pain" he smiled gesturing me to lay down.
I did slowly watching him carefully. One after the after my blood was concentrated with various strange liquids. 
"What might you be doing that involves so many shots?" He smirked glancing up at me.
"I uh.. can't actually share any information" I said awkwardly. He only nodded.
"Well I wish you luck" he smiled with his lips.
Finally he wiped away the blood and slid on a nude band aid. I lifted myself up not feeling any different. I pulled down my shirt sleeve to cover the band aid but he quickly slipped his hand over.
"It's probably best not to wear any tight clothing over it, you can remove the band aid later" he said, though of course I already knew this, I'd gotten a shot before. I guess he's just doing his job, so I just nodded.,
"Thanks" I said not looking at him as I left the room.
"Anytime Miss Brooks" he replied.
Quickly I got back to my room and grabbed a small pack. Planning what to bring was always hard, we had to bring a maximum of 20 items all critical for survival so nothing like lipstick or books more like flash light, weapons, amo, food, water all the essentials.
I sat quietly for a while just staring at the bag until there was a knock at my door. Julia's face peeped through.
"Hey you" she giggled coming in "looks like you've been busy" she said sarcastically at my empty bag. I smiled eventually breaking into a chuckled.
"So I heard your going on some amazing mission! Some ninja spy stuff aye?" She asked
"Pretty good guess, where'd you hear that?" I asked
"I got assigned the same mission" he said
"What? We're going together? That's awesome!" I said excitedly
"No, I mean they asked me and I turned it down" she sighed with her arms folded leaning against the wall.
"Oh... why'd you turn it down?" From what Cathy told me, I'm not going anywhere that place" she shivered
"Cathy?..." I frowned and stared down at the ground thinking.
"Yeah she was also asked the same mission" she added. I looked back up at her confused
"Why would they ask a Silver to do a Golds work?" I asked.
"Because none of the Golds agreed" she said simply but I was still confused.
"What's so bad? What did Cathy tell you?" I questioned
"Look, I'm not the one with all the questions, all Cathy said was that those are not people, they do sick things, they don't just sell illegal weapons and blah blah blah, whatever the General told you is bogus, if he really told you what they where doing in there you wouldn't have agreed" she shrugged
"Is he that desperate to ask a Silver?" Something was so wrong
"Ivy you know me, I'd do anything! I'd probably go skinny dipping in a pool of piranhas for free but this is suicide" he said wide eyed.
"And skinny dipping in a pool of piranhas isn't?" I smirked
"Okay that was a stretch but seriously you don't have to do this" she said
"Then who will, who has he got to ask, 9 year olds?" I joked but Julia was being serious
"Okay look just go tell him you want out, simple" she instructed
"Julia I can't, I've already given my papers in, I'm leaving in a few hours" I said. We both sighed heavily.
"If you die out there... I am going to kill you" I said holding back a smile
"Julia I promise I will come back" I looked her dead in the eyes
"You'd better be in one piece" she pointed a finger and reading an eyebrow.
"Goodnight Julia" I smiled as she slipped off shutting my door.
I sighed again, this time frustrated at the sight of my empty bag and terrible packing skills.
I darted around my room for the next hour and a bit checking off a list of items in my head.

5.Protein bars
6.Flash light
11.small first aid kit
12.lock pick
13. Head lamp

I knew I needed room, not sure what for but I didn't want to much stuff weighing me down. I zipped it up and put on some new clothes.
Black pants, black shirt, black socks, black boots, black navy jacket and a black beanie. I lay on my bed without my heavy boots and jacket. Right now sleep was important, I had to keep my focus, clear my mind. My eyelids dropped over my eyes as I slowly fell asleep.
Hours had passed without my waking up, I must have been tired. It was only minutes before my flight left that I jerked awake. My phone was buzzing, a call from an unknown number. Quickly I answered and immediately some was yelling over on the other end. It was difficult to hear them as the background noise was also loud but all I heard was late, mission, helicopter, late and hurry. I ran to the bathroom and then shoved my boots on and jacket and grabbed my pack before bursting out of my room and down the empty hallways. As I nearer the airport a young woman waited for me.
"Hand please" she took my hand without even checking my band or any identification, she put a dark metal band and then flashed a small red light over it.
"This is your tracker, do not take it off, it will do its thing, we will be watching you at all times, good luck" she said blankly before opening the doors. I ran across to the helicopter and jumped on, strapping myself in. An officer sat across from me yelling but I couldn't hear a damn word he was saying. It was only after we left the ground could I begin to make out words. He was trying to say when I enter the field to try not to kill anyone and that if I was seen I was pretty much done for and they couldn't help me. I was handed a small bulky camera and portable charger. This was to collect evidence. Any other officers beside me searched my bag to make sure I had all the essentials. He seemed to pause before pulling out the pistol. He looked at me with it in his hands.
"This is your last resort" he said and I nodded. He returned my gun as I slumped back in my seat. I looked down at the lights of ATLAS not knowing when I would return, or if I'd return.
I don't think this was a good idea.

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