Eminem adopts you

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You sat in your room at the children's home and look out the window quietly as you listened to your little walkman

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You sat in your room at the children's home and look out the window quietly as you listened to your little walkman. When you were just a baby, you had been put in a small basket with only a blanket around you, a small note saying: "Help me, my name is (Y/F/N)" and the walkman laying next to you. 

Originally, the walkman you had was the type that used cassettes, but since those were so hard to come by these days, your caretaker, Miss. Lisa Schwartz, had bought you an upgraded one that used CD's. 

So now you sat at your usual spot by the window of your room that you shared with two other kids, Macy, who had huge gums; so huge that when she smiled, half the gums in her mouth were visible. Not only that, she seemed to overproduce salvia, so much that whenever she had her mouth open and  was breathing, bubbles of salvia would be created. You weren't trying to be mean, but you avoided telling her jokes because of those reasons. 

The other one was Max, full name Maxine, but she hated being called that. If you even came close to saying it, she would be so mad that she'll beat you up. You had once heard of someone saying her full name and they said she knocked the front row of teeth out, today that kid is known as Lisb-Lisbeth. She couldn't talk properly anymore. 

A big, black SUV drove up on the sidewalk in front of the big house just then. You frown and take off your headphones and pause The Marshall Mathers LP cd on your walkman. That's an expensive car... And you knew quite a few things about cars.

You keep looking out the window as you saw the door open on the driver side and a guy stepped out of the car, he was wearing a hood over his head as he closed the door and locked the car before making his way around the hood of the car and into the building. Another guy to not adopt you... You think to yourself and lean against the windowpane quietly as you sat in the window. 

You were 7 years old and you knew nothing else than the inside of this place, never been adopted or even looked twice upon by possible people that could adopt you. Never. So you figured this wouldn't be any different as you heard all the kids silence and get told to go to their rooms by the headmasters deep voice. After a little while, Max and Macy walks into the room and lay in their beds, you just keep sitting in the window pane. Just looking out at the streets of Detroit outside and listening to the song "Marshall Mathers".

You heard that your caretaker was showing the man around, as you heard her voice in the staircase talking about all the kids. 

Marshall walked into the children's home quietly with the hood over his head, he might have adopted his niece and Kim's "love" child with another man, but shit. He'd never thought he'd actually think of genuinely adopting a kid. Which was weird to him, he loved kids and was a great father. So the thought of going to a children's home to adopt a child that actually needs a parent was oddly enough something that hadn't struck him. 

"Hello sir. Welcome to Sunflower Children's Home." A male's voice greets him, he stops by the front desk and takes off the hoodie, exposing his trimmed, brown hair and blue eyes. "Oh, Eminem I see?" He chuckles, Marshall lets out a chuckle as well. 

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"Yeah, am I too bad of a role model to be considered for adopting a kid?" He asks, in a way he was joking, but he was also serious. You never knew what type of people you had around you before talking to them.

"No, I know you're a good father to your... three daughters?" He asks, Marshall nods thankful. 

"I try to be at least."

"Your efforts pay off, Hailie and Lanie seems like great girls, at least of what I had heard of them. Whitney however, I don't know too much about. How old is she?" 

"15. I try to keep her as far away from the media as possible" 

"Ah, I see. Anyways, this is Miss Schwartz." He points to a blonde women that smiles at Marshall to greet him, he jut nods and reach his hand out. 

"Marshall." He says.

"Lisa." She says back. "I'm gonna show you around, Mr. Marshall. Any type of age in particular you're looking for? Maybe somewhere around Whitney?" She asks as she leads Marshall up the stairs. 

"Sure, but it really doesn't matter honestly. Just a kid that needs someone, I guess." He nods. 

"A lot of kids here needs someone, but..." She smiles a little and walks towards your room and opens the door. "I have one in mind." She says, you were listening to the song on too much of a volume to be able to tell they had gotten in the room, Macy and Max gets up. 

"My name is Macy." She says politely and smiles her salvia-gum-smile with some bubbles popping at the corners of her mouth. Max rolls her eyes as she had her arms crossed. 

"Max." She says simply, Marshall gives the two girls a gentle smile and walks to Macy. 

"Hi Macy." He crouches down in front of her, she sucks in some salvia and swallows hard as she looked at him and close her mouth fast. "No, don't do that. Smile again." He chuckles gently and Macy frowns a little. "Let me guess, others has teased you about your smile?" She nods slowly. "You wanna know a secret?" He says low, she nods quickly again and Marshall whispers in her ear. "When I was your age, people teased me too about my smile as well. They got to me so bad that I almost never smiled big again, but." He pokes her nose as he leans back and she giggles a little with her lips sealed still. "Once I got older, I realized that nobody can tell me what to do. And you shouldn't either. If you think something is funny, smile. Cause the smile I saw, was beautiful." He smiles a little cheeky smile. 

"You're smiling." She smiles a little. 

"I can do this too." He makes a grimace and she giggles properly with a big smile then, he chuckles and looks at Max. "Max, right?" She nods with her arms crossed. "Tell me, what's your favorite thing to do?" 

"I dunno." She shrugs. 

"Hmm... Videogames?" He suggests, she nods a little, but her eyes said otherwise. He gets up and crouch down in front of her and leans to her ear and whispers something nobody could hear, he leans back and looks at her as she nods a little while nibbling her lower lip. "Action figures then." He nods and winks at her as she smiles a little. "Do whatever you wanna do and don't let nobody tell you that you can't? Okay?" She nods, he then looks towards you. 

You still sat with your headphones on and looking out the window quietly, and Marshall gets up and walks to you and looks at the walkman in your hands. Hearing the low beat he had once made, made him chuckle a little and that caught your attention. You quickly pause it and take off your headphones and look at him with big eyes. 

"Eh, h-hi." You say quickly in a mumble and cleanse your throat and look at your hands as you twirl the headphone-wire around your fingers. 

"Hi, I'm Marshall, but I  think you know that already." He chuckles a little, you bite your lip quietly and just nod a little. Lisa had told you that it wasn't polite to not answer when someone asked you a question. "Are you shy?" You nod slowly. "Can I... Ask you something, just between you and me?" You nod a little again, he smiles gently. "Would you be okay if you came home with me?" You get big eyes as you just look at him with big eyes, unable to think and process what he had just said.

"You want... me?" You ask with an uncertainty ringing in your voice. 

"Yeah. You remind me of Hailie. And Whitney is gonna love you." You look at him as tears slowly starts forming, causing him to frown. "Hey what's---" You cut him off by throwing your arms around him and sobbing into his neck, he looks up at Lisa as she sniffled a little herself. 

"She's been here since she was put outside in a small basket as a baby, she's 7 and has given up on anyone wanting to adopt her..." She says with a small sob, Marshall gently smiles as he puts his arms around you and for the first time in your life... You felt safety and warmth, the warmth of being wanted and appreciated... 

He gently strokes over your back soothingly and you just sob even more, someone cares about you... He cares about you...

"D-does this m-mean I can call you... d-daddy?" You say in-between sobs and whimpers as you shut your eyes tight, trying to stop the tears.

"Of course, you can call me whatever you want to, baby..." He says soothingly with a slight shaky voice, Lisa sniffled a little more when she saw the tears were even starting to form in Marshall's, blue eyes. 

"T-then I l-love you, daddy." You whimper and squeeze him tight, not wanting him to leave you. 

"I l-love you too honey." He says gently with a smile and stroke over your back as you start sobbing even more. 

Someone loves me...


This shit got way more emotional than planned, fuck. AAAGH! Leave suggestions on something that just CAN'T be sad! 😭 😂 

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