Fourty-four: Blue Fire

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Ant's POV:

I still wasn't over the fact that I was mortal. I was one of them now. It's wasn't helping that the sorcerer was coming in and questioning about what happened and why I lost my powers. I didn't remember what happened after we fuzed, it all happened so fast. The door to the room opened to reveal the sorcerer, but it wasn't the one with the purple aura, this one had none. A bad taste rose in my mouth as soon as I saw her.

"We need to talk Ant," Ender said, voice stern but soft. I sat up further in my bed, just glaring at her. She let out a sigh of frustration and brought a hand up to rub at her temple.

"I know you hate me. We've been over this."

"Then stop mothering me."

She opened her mouth but closed it again, looking towards the door. Not a moment later the other sorcerer walked in, seeming startled that she was in there. I looked away when he looked my direction, still not willing to cooperate.

"Seto, has he spoken to you?"

"No... and... why are you here?"

"I wanted to ask him if he had any clue on what the Gods are planning. This prophecy has already failed and the signs of it aren't true." Ender threw her hands into the air, clearly frustrated. Seto looked at her confused, but hearing this got my attention.

"The signs are true," I said, getting their attention. "Red and brown were to rejoin but break. Green and gold are supposed to bond to break purple. The orange was going to be taken by a blue and black. Both dark blue and gold were to disappear. The only thing missing is the light blue being attacked and taken back to space."

Seto looked puzzled but over my explanation had a look of realization.

"Bajan and Jerome joined us again but both broke by your hands. Sky and Deadlox got together and then I left. Kip left with Ballistic but came back... Ssun and Sky vanished when the Gods came... and," he paused, "Mu hasn't been back to space so this is the next sign. I have to warn Deadlox!"

Seto left the room quickly after that, leaving me and Ender alone. She glanced over at me before sitting at the edge of the bed, pulling something from her pocket. She then showed me three rings, each glowing different colors.

"Back when I was first created with my two friends, I didn't have an aura."

Ender's POV- In the Past:

A blue fire glowed bright in a bowl, lighting the area around it. I stood between my friends, staring into the flames. Obsidian, our blood mage, warned us this would be dangerous, but the gods couldn't help with this. A pure soul. One that would be mine.

"Maybe I should have this one? I don't think Ender is ready-" CC began to speak but I jabbed his stomach with my elbow, making him wheeze. Obsidian shot us a glare before handing me a knife, glowing just faintly. I took a step closer and felt the heat of the flame, making my nerves run higher. I ran the blade across my palm, hissing when it began to sting. As if there was a breeze the blue flames jumped towards me, enveloping my hand.

A searing pain burst through me, vision blacking out. I heard my friends screaming my name. As quick as it came it left, returning my vision. The flame was gone, the cut healed but showing a faint blue line. I looked up, not realizing that I collapsed. CC and Obsidian both went to help me stand up, but both jumped back.

"You're burning," CC commented.

"Course she is. A blue flame just got sucked into her," Obsidian snapped, hitting the back of CC's head.

"Guys shut up or I'll hit you both." I went to fake hit them but a blue flame burst from my palm, getting both of them to shriek. I pulled my hand back quickly, seeing the blue scar deepen and spread out along the veins.

"No way," CC breathed out quietly, "Ender knows magic."

"Well duh. Seriously CC you're dumber than a cow."

"Shut up Obsidian."

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