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Grace Xiu

I screamed my lungs out and stumbled onto the door, trying to find the doorknob.



"Stop screaming. You'll distract the driver." Jimin shushed and tried to come to me.

He was wet and finally wrapped a towel around his waist.

But his abs were still exposed.

I stopped screaming and covered my eyes.

Ashley and Jasmine soon entered the room with their phones ready to bash into someone's face.

As soon as they saw Jimin in the towel, they screamed the way I did and backed away with a finger to him.

Namjoon and Seokjin followed behind.

Seokjin does the most dramatic, kdrama gasp and Namjoon just rubs the back of his neck with a chuckle.

"You really didn't tell them someone else was on this trip?" Jimin narrowed his eyes at Namjoon.

"You were so quiet the whole time. I forgot." Namjoon smiles mischievously.

"Namjoon!" I screamed again. "WHO'S DRIVING!?"

Everyone looked at him, then Seokjin almost breaks his knees trying to run to the wheel.

"Calm down, would ya?" Namjoon runs after Seokjin. "It can be on autopilot if we're on a straight road."

Ashley, Jasmine, Jimin, and I all looked at each other, awkwardly switching gazes from one another.

"Um, was that an ICECREAM TRUCK I HEAR?! Better check!" Jasmine rushes out of the bathroom.

"She may need help." Ashley follow after her, leaving Jimin and I.

Why do they always use that lame ice cream truck excuse?

I turned back to Jimin and he was messing with his towel.

I covered my eyes instantly. "Put on some clothing, please!"

"Ah, yeah, sorry."

I left the bathroom, still hiding my blushing cheeks.

Jimin comes out of the bathroom with a hoodie and gray sweats.

I run towards the bathroom again, shoving him out of the way.

"What's with the pushing?" He hollered, turning back to me as I ran into the bathroom.

"I need to go!"


I exit the bathroom, feeling much better, and find Jimin sitting on the couch with Ashley and Jasmine staring him down.

"You sure have guts to be on the same bus as we." Jasmine crosses her arms. "I have a bone to pick with you."

"If you're trying to have another 'talk' with Grace, it ain't gonna happen. Grace bought expensive makeup for this weekend and if you make her ruin her mascara, I WILL-"

"Hey, guys!" I come in on cue and make the threatening stop. "Hey, Jimin."

Jimin clears his throat. "Hey."

"So, how did we not hear you this entire time?" I asked and sat next to Ashley on the couch across from him.

"Yeah, we looked at the bathroom. We didn't see or hear you." Jasmine adds.


"I was on the very top bunk with the curtains closed. When I heard you guys walk past, I decided to just stay quiet and fall back to sleep." Jimin answers, quietly.

We all just nod.

"Jimin, I just want to ask why you didn't bring a date to the hottest party this year." I crossed my legs, letting out a b*tchy sigh.

Ashley and Jasmine both cock their heads at the same time.

Jimin looked straight at me with a crooked smile.

"I want to keep my options open." He smirks, leaning back on the couch.

"I hope you land another hoe. The show last year was really satisfying." I stood up and brushed my shoulder. "But still, all the best."

Before I could walk away, Jimin grabs my hand.

"I hope if we spend more time together you'll be able to forgive me." He says with soft eyes.

I furrowed my brows. "I already forgave you. I didn't throw your ass out the bus yet, did I?"

His hand immediately let go of mine and I smile to myself as I walked off.


"We're stopping to get some dinner!" Namjoon yells from the driver's seat.

"Get up, sleeping beauties!" Jimin yells too.

I awoke from my tiny middle bunk and almost smash my head on the wood above me.

"I will not get used to this." I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

"Right? I rolled and almost fell to my death." Jasmine says and pokes her head out from the very top bunk.

"At least you don't have to army crawl to get out of your bunk." Ashley grunts from beneath us.

"Girls, hurry! We're going out to eat!" Namjoon yells from the front of the bus. "The restaurant is a fancy one, so you might wanna clean up yourselves."

I stumble out of my bunk and helped Jasmine down from hers. We both kneeled down and pulled a zombie Ashley out of her ground bunk.

We waddle to the bathroom and find it closed.

"Hello!" Jasmine yelled and knocked on the door.

"Occupied!" Seokjin screamed back.

"Stop hogging the bathroom!" Ashley barks at the door.

"I've only been in here for 5 minutes! Just wait!"

"Babe!" I whined. "Please."

The door opens almost instantly and a messy haired Seokjin comes out.

"Anything for you, beautiful." He blows a kiss to me.

"Awh, what a gentlemen." I giggled and kissed him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's an angel. Get out the way." Jasmine pushes pass Seokjin and I.

"You don't have to get ready." Seokjin pushes my hair out of my face. "You look super good already."

I laughed. "Thanks, but not everyone in the restaurant is my boyfriend."

"Fair enough." He pecks my forehead and leaves to Namjoon.

As I watched him walk off, I catch Jimin looking at me with an exhausted expression. He casually turns away when we make eye contact.

I shrug it off and enter the bathroom.

I am quite a sight when I first wake up.


"How do you not want to strangle Jimin every time you see him?" Ashley asks while applying her lipstick. "I thought you hate his guts."

"I could never forget what he did to you." Jasmine brushes my hair with her fingers. "He was a d**k."

"I know that. I just hate being mad all the time. Of course I don't love him, I just don't really care for him anymore." I answered, sighing. "I just....don't care anymore."

"You're so mature." Ashley laughs.

We finish prepping ourselves and we exit the bathroom.

We change into some basic clothing and meet the boys outside.

"Hello, gorgeous." Seokjin snakes his hands around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"Hello, handsome." I copied.

"Let's go eat. I'm starving." Ashley separates us and pushes forward.

"I miss my wife." Namjoon sighs and walks forward.

"I miss....." Jimin stops.

He looks at all of us and notices us watching him, intently.

"I miss my mom." He coughs and walks ahead of us.

I smiled at him, but shook my head to focus back on Seokjin, my boyfriend.

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