Ch.4 Clubs n Classes

680 11 5

Y/N = Your name
L/N = Your last name
F/C = Favourite colour
N/N = Nickname (Important for the texts)
F/T = Favourite Toy

(If I need to, I'll add on..Anyways enjoy the story!)

Warning: This chapter may be long and be basically from the actual episodes

"So what was it like being home schooled Y/N?". We were waiting outside the gym when Travis asked this question.

"It was pretty lonely.."

"I would of loved to of been homeschooled, you wouldn't have to talk to people"

"But it does seem a little sad...because you have to play games by yourself.."

Travis nodded "I can see what you mean now..."

Note: Travis is now a wip (work in progress not an actual wip 😂), I don't know whether to make him flirting to Y/N or not...It will be a bit all over the place...soz

"I did have a friend, just not in real life"

"What do you mean?"

"He was a online friend, we message each other a lot and we've been friends for a while now. He's really cool"

"That's cool, glad you're not totally alone"

"Sooo what about you?"

"I have one friend who goes to this school..he's a sophomore and he's pretty cool, he dated two girls at once!".

"How is dating two people cool? He sounds like a player". Who would do that?

We wondered when they were going to let us inside the gym, we had been waiting outside for a while now and by the looks of it people were getting restless.

"Alright class, were going into the gym now, you can go explore around and mingle with the older classmates".

He opened the door and we all flooded into the room. I took a quick look around the room to see what clubs I should go to first...when I saw something...

"Travis!!!!!!!!!!" I sqweeled

"Huh? Y/N what's wrong?!"


"Omg gurl seriously?"

"Yassss gurl, let's go now!"

We turned towards the anime stand and started walking towards it, when suddenly there was a shout "Watch out!!!"

"Gah!!" Travis was knocked out by....a ball?

"Travis!!?!" I bent down to Travis who was now on the ground. Oh no.. He looks dead! But he's not..I don't think.

"hahaha" I heard from the distance, I looked up to see a girl running towards me.

~~~Prepare for a lot of dialogue inspired by Aph's episode~~~~

~~~Prepare for a lot of dialogue inspired by Aph's episode~~~~

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