Chapter 1

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-3rd Pov-

             Fleamont's chest shook as he struggled to breath. Looking around him weakly, he saw the 'concerned' faces of his 'family'. Turning his head to the corner weakly, he saw the oldest of the Potter twins, Hadrian James Potter. The Submissive one. Fleamont foresaw what would happen to the world when James married Lily.

           Fleamont hated the little Mudblood bitch from the moment they were first introduced to each other. He could see his precious son changing before his very eyes. It took a while, but the little outsider slowly began to change James. He no longer Celebrated traditional holidays. He now Celebrated the Muggle world holidays. He didn't pay tribute to the dead anymore on Samhain.

                Fleamont took precautions when James announced Lily's first pregnancy. When little Hadrian was born, Fleamont made him heir to the Potter Lordship. Fleamont also took certain precautions to make sure Lily, James and Charlus couldn't bully him into giving up being lord. Fleamont arranged an Absolute Contract with Lord Chastain.

                Lord Chastain is a 32 year old Powerful and influential Lord. When Fleamont discovered that Lord Chastain was looking for a husband, he jumped at the chance. He and Lord Chastain arranged an Absolute Contract between Lord Chastain and Hadrian.

      An Absolute Contract is the Oldest Bonding Contract to Ever exist. It is also unbreakable. It basically gives Lord Chastain ownership of the bearer, Hadrian. He will have control over every part of Hadrian's life, even who can touch him. No one can even shake Hadrian's hand without Lord Chastain's permission. Hadrian will also be marked as under an Absolute Contract by either a collar or Bracelet that will be crafted by his dominant, and remain on his body for the rest of his life. The contract activates the moment Hadrian Is informed that it exists.

              'Hadrian may not be happy when he learns of it's existence, but it was better than the alternative.' With that last thought, Fleamont Potter took his last breath, and Hadrian Potter vanished with a flash of bright light.

-Gringotts Wizarding Bank-

                 Hadrian blinked rapidly, allowing his eyes to adjust. "Ah, Heir Potter. I take it that with your arrival that Lord Fleamont has left this world?" A voice spoke. When Hadrian's eyes finally adjusted, he was met with the sight of a Goblin sitting in front of him behind a desk. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, why am I here?" Hadrian asked, adorably confused.

              "Lord Fleamont Potter placed an untraceable portkey on you when you were eleven. Upon his death, it would transport you here, to Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Where you'd receive your inheritance by blood test. I am Snarlwig, and I shall be performing the inheritance test today." Snarlwig spoke, taking out an ornate looking dagger and an enhanced piece of Parchment.

                  It was as if Hadrian knew what to do. Taking the Dagger, he made a small cut upon his palm and let 4 drops fall onto the parchment. The parchment began glowing a blinding White before the light disappeared. Hadrian picked up the Parchment and began reading what was on it.

Hadrian James Potter
Contracts: Dual Absolute Contract with Lord Chastain as the Dominant and Theodore Knott and Hadrian Potter as the Bearers

Heir to:

The most Ancient and Noble house of Gryffindor

The most Ancient and Noble house of  Peverell

The most Ancient and Noble house of Potter

            "Absolute Contract?" Harry asked quietly. Snarlwig explained what an Absolute Contract was and what it entailed for Harry. "Lord Fleamont did not like what your father was becoming. So he took precautions to ensure that the Potter Family and you, would be well taken care of after his demise."

             "In accordance with the Contracts rules and stipulations, you, Theodore Knott and Lord Chastain must me married within 2 years of finding out about the Contract. You and Mr. Knott must be pregnant shortly after the marriage. There is nothing to Worry about, since The Late Lord Fleamont put a clause into the Contract stating that Lord Chastain must Court you both to gain your love. He shall care for you both." Snarlwig stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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