"As we expected."

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Chapter 10

"Tessa, if you're feeling down because of us traveling abroad a lot I've thought of taking a holiday to chill and spend some time together, I haven't talked to your mom about it yet but i don't think she will say no." He had a small smile on his face, I can see sadness in his green eyes, I didn't think he would say that, the last time we spend a holiday together was form nearly two years..I mean I'd love to but I don't think it's going to be the same again.

"You don't have to if you don't want...I'm okay." I replied quitely.

"I..I don't want our family to fall apart because of anything. We definitely love you and care about you, even if we don't say it a lot but we will always be on your side...I'll see if we could go somewhere in winter break..umm and if something is bothering you I'm always here to listen." I hugged him, this was so sweet, he don't open up to me and say such things to me... since they started having this much of business trips things changed to worse and we particularly fell apart, so it was nice to hear some sweet words from my Dad.

"I love you Dad."

"I love you more sweetheart." He kissed my forehead and we stayed like this for some second before I start.

"Cole is back." I just spilled it out not sure if I could tell him or not. Everyone knew for sure about my old relationship with Cole and so did my parents. They also knew what he did to me and wasn't pleased with it. He backed away to look at me and tensed a little.

"Ah that's why..Did he hurt you, just tell me if he had done anything?" He asked quickly. I don't know why he cares he won't be here in few days..but anyway he is my father.

"No no it's fine I just..umm....I don't feel good about it." I replied honestly, I ignore Cole and all but just knowing that he is in the same building as me makes me uncomfortable. He nodded slowly before replying.

"You can go through this Tessa, probably he came back to beg you for another chance just don't let him get on you, show him how strong my daughter is and if you want I can gladly teach him a lesson for life for messing with my daughter." He pushed my shoulder with his playfully, cheering me up. I laughed softly.

"Don't worry about me dad I'll handle it." I winked at him, a smile filled my face, I was happy to open up to dad and feel him caring for me, I missed it. He raised his hand for a high five.

"That's my girl." I chuckled lightly.

My mom approached us, she looked happy to see me and dad chatting and laughing together, like the old days.

"Oh Amanda ," he said catching my mom's attention.

"I was thinking of a chilling holiday together in the winter break." My mothers' hazel eyes glowed with excitement but it turned down shortly.

"Umm yeah sounds good." She was more like talking to her self than to us. My father nodded and we stayed silent for some time, I was exhausted from my previous practice so I decided to go have some rest. I excused and went up to change into my comfy pj and slept deeply for an hour to do my assignments, I have heard of a party tomorrow night but I wasn't that interested I wasn't at a parting mood to be honest.

I went to school early today, it felt weird to have breakfast with my family, we talked about different things,it felt good.. it felt normal.

"Yo what's up" Chloe approached me while I was taking my textbooks from the locker preparing for the first period. Vanessa and Emma were just behind. I greeted them and we started walking to our classrooms. Basically they were walking me to my classroom they are still with the 'protection' thing ,Van was with me in the class, the day was boring, unfortunately Cole was there but we were avoiding each other, good hope it always bs like this. Ivan, Mason and Jax sat with us in the lunch break they were talking about tonight's party but I wasn't interested in going so I stayed silent, enjoying my lunch. No one had mentioned Cole's insedent since then, I didn't either.

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