Pov Shane
"Young master, young lord its time to wake up" "were up, were up" "ugh i dont like waking up this early" said shane inside my head oh almost forgot u see shane and i arent exactly the normal kind of child were half human and half demon, well my brother is a demon and im human so its half half. Then i replaid "aww come on bro lets get cleaned up and go downstairs for breaks " fine" hehe i love my brother his so nice and caring and his protective of ne but sometimes i think that his over protective of me but that what i love about him..After we took a shower and put our uniform in we eat breakfast and wemt to school...
Time skip by the lazy author"Thanks Mark for the rise" "your welcome young lord" i said to the driver. My brother and i didnt notice the crowd starting at us of i forgot again since my brother is a demon he can change to human and out of my body.."hey bro?" "hmm" "why are they staring at us like that?" "i dont exactly know myself but stay close to me and ill protect you ok?" "ok" after aboit a minute later they all started screaming asking us question "omg are u guys the new kids" "the looks so hot" "omg look at the little girl beside him shes so cute" one of the guys said " holy shit man shes cute as hell i want her" anther guy said after hearing that my brother was avout to go demon on them but i stoped him " calm down bro" he sign but he hold me by the thigh and i hang on to him. Aftee we lost the fangirls and fanboys we went to the office " i tell you these fans are crazy" i giggle abit 'shit why is my sister so damm cute?!' We knocked on the door and walked in.."Oh i two must be the new students" said the principal "yes and were hear for our schedule" "ah yes here you go since u too cant let go of eavh other i thought that i should put too in yhe same classes if thats alright with you two?" " ots alrihht thanks alot mr.primcipal" he smiled at us and we went to our classroom.Im actually glad thaf me and my sister are in the same classes cause i dont want anyone touching her or hurting her...."Oh you 2 must be the new transfer students, welcome to falcon school. alright everyone shut up and sit down theres two new studebts that wabrs to introduce them selfs, go ahead and introduce yourslefs" "Hello im katty demonica,i love my brothwr, i like the color red,amd i hate fake friends" "The names shane demonica,i love my sister,i also like the color red and i haye people who hurts my sister" they all started to fangirl/fanboy over us " shut it and rise ur hands if y have questions.i picked one girl "are u singel?" "yes" and ny sister choose anotger girl " do u guys have a bf/gf?" we both said "no" one guy said "can i keep her?" i saw my sister shiver from that so i step up to answer for her " shes not some kind of property that u can keep and touch so easly so dont u dare" i said with a glare and that made everyone shiver and i just lead my sister to a sit and nat next to her amd the out went by......
well, our first day of school wasnt that bad i mean shane was protective of and keot an eye on me the whole day *sign* why are there so many creepy guys and gurls that always ho over yo my brother i mean his cute and handsome....wait what am i saying his your brother for satans sake!! why am i feeling like this, what is this feeling i never had this feeling before, ill just sleep it and think about it some other times....