Will was laying on an old mattress, comfortably on his back. He watched her curiously, as she kept her knees to her chest and avoided his eyes. He could tell that something was bothering her. But only she knew the truth: she was afraid. She hadn't been in the tree house since she was younger, and didn't like the memory that was hovering over her mind. She swallowed hard. She remembered the scratches that she mentally etched in to wood of the ceiling and walls. She also remembered the loud screams that she made begging for someone. Anyone to save her.
"Bailey...." A distorted voice replied
She shut her eyes tightly, and jerked when a hand tapped her shoulder.
"Bailey? Are you okay?" Will asked
"N-No." She didn't meet his eyes. "Why can't you s-stay in a spare room? We got a lot of 'em."
He sighed. "You know that's not what I meant. What's the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost."
She changed the subject. "I-It's really cold old out--you should be inside, somewhere warm."
"Bee, I actually like the cold."
"D-Doesn't matter. As our guest, I can't just let you freeze out here!"
"So....you really do care about me."
She finally looked into his eyes. "I never said that I didn't."
He chuckled and leaned closer. "Alright, I'll go one condition: you lay down with me."
"W-What?" She stood to her feet and started to pace. "Lay down? W-With you?"
"Yes. But, no funny business. I just want to hold you, Bailey."
She stopped. "Well, I guess I could." She sat down next to him and leaned into his arms. Together, they rested comfortably on the mattress. He could feel her body trembling, and her breath pant faster. Will held her tightly to his chest, and waited to hear her hum like she usually always did. But this time was different. She didn't hum or even speak.
"Promise me something."
"N-No, I don't make those."
"Make an exception for me."
"I know that something's goin' on with you. Something bad. So promise me this--that you'll tell me what it is when you're ready."
"O-Okay. Can we talk about something else now?"
"Sure." He moved to look in her eyes. "Like what?"
"Uhhh, your parents? What are they like?"
"My mom's practically addicted to gardening. There's noting she can't grow. She likes your name, and really wants to meet you."
"Y-You told her about me? What exactly did you say!?"
He rubbed her back. "Relax, Bee. I only told her your name, and about your personality."
"A-And your dad? What's he like?"
"Busy. He's an EMT so he's rarely home. But, he always makes time for his family. My parents are great, but my mom can be REALLY embarrassing."
"Aren't all parents like that?"
"Maybe, but I think mine are a very special case."
She chuckled. "But you love them anyway, right?"
"Of course. Don't you still love Abi, no matter what she's done?"

(TSF 5 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Pharos #5
Science Fiction"Rex, explain yourself!" Abbie expressed "Sorry, Miss Forrest. But I don't take orders from you anymore. None of us do, so you're of no further use to us. The truth is, that you've been too easy on the Talbot family and their neonate pet. Maybe, it'...