Hate thy neighbor

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The music got louder after I went banging on my neighbors door. It was Thursday for God's sake and I had work the next day. I couldn't sleep all night. This is going to be a problem. I need to find a way to deal with this without making my xenophobic neighbor even more angry.

Following day, I went to office like a zombie. Mr. Cooper who met me in the elevator was shocked to see me walking half sleeping, he asked "What happened to you Amira?"

"Mr.Cooper, if you have a gun, can I borrow it to shoot my next door neighbor?" I asked him wishfully. I am sure murdering that jerk next door is an honorable thing that will grant me the highest place in heaven.

"I would, if I had" he smiled sympathetically. I am never a violent or a cruel person. Why, I hardly lose my temper. But I am preparing myself to be an angry person because I am sure that jerk is going to make my life difficult.

Marry was very sympathetic. I cant move apartments as yet as I have no money. Contract is for 1 year and breach of contract has monitory penalties. I am stuck.

However, time passed by.

It's 6 months since I met my neighbor. I didn't hear a single noise except for some very disturbing sounds from ladies and occasionally for the man like every day. I know someone is making out almost everyday, but the ladies noise is different each day like she has a Borderline Personality Disorder and has 7 ways of screaming in a week. Sometimes, I smile to myself. What do I know about sex or love?Well, nothing.

My life went peacefully. I furnished my apartment. I am huge plant lover. So I made the house in to an indoor garden. My friends at work love it. I know it looks god and relaxing. I keep everything clean, neat and tidy. Not a peck of dust nor dirt. And I am starting to like my new life.

I speak to my mother every now and then. And she takes great pain in explaining in details what a disappointment I am. She keeps saying I will die an unmarried maiden and my life will be lonely. Well, I don't know about the maiden part, but it has sure been lonely since my dad died. So, that is something I cant disagree.

I met my step sisters many times when I go to do my grocery shopping. I know I am silly for approaching them every time I see them just to get a cutting remark. I grew up with those two girls. So, yes. I care for them deeply though they are just like their father and my mother. Shallow and cruel.

One Saturday me and girls at office went out for dinner. It's nice. I made some new friends in the building as well. My social life is evolving and I feel good about it. After dinner, all my friends wanted to go clubbing. Well, i don't do clubbing sadly. So i decided to come home. When I stepped out of the elevator, what I saw is one sight I am sure I will ever likely to forget. The guy next door is making out with a girl right in front of my door.

He had pinned this woman to my door, and sucking be breast while she was moaning. Astagfirullah.

When I stood still , frozen in the same spot, the guy lift his head from the woman's breast and looked at me like he might rip me off for disturbing. The girl hurried to take her blouse off from the floor to cover.

I felt humiliation, disgust and anger all at the same time.

"Your bloody apartment is next door. Next time when you decide to screw someone, kindly do it in your door" I told him furious.

"And who the hell are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?" He asked me equally or more furious. Seriously? I mean really? He was bloody making out with a girl in front of my apartment and he wants to know who I am to tell him off?

"I am the one paying rent to this apartment. So get the hell out, you jerk" I braked at him.

I saw his blue eyes turn dark, and I know I look positively angry the same way. I grabbed my keys, and before I step in, I told his play thing " He makes out with anything with legs. And you will be replaced tomorrow" and shut the door on both of them, giving a final look at the guy.

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