As it was known by everyone so There was no much reaction.
Suddenly SMITHA's phone got a ring, its other than SiddharthSMITHA: Excuse me...
She went out........ helo sid
SIDDARTH: smitha what's going on there? does mottu good married to that girl?
SMITHA: She explained everything to him..
SIDDARTH: Hooo...... my God
SMITHA: sid I think this girl suits to our family, what so you think?
SIDDHARTH: yaaaa even i think the same... but Was their decision?
SMITHA: i think her family was ok with it. Ok sid i'll call you after speaking to them.
She disconnected the call and went insideSMITHA : sir..
SATHYA : He turn to her side
SMITHA : sir.. may i know your decision?
SATHYA: Silence...... hmmmm ok
SMITHA: thank u sir..... i'll inform about it to our family. Shall we decided about the marriage date as soon as possible?PRITHA AND JEVEEN were shocked by hearing that.
SATHYA : this much earlier? but She didn't completed here studies...
SMITHA : So what sir Ji.. she also can study after marriage...
SATHYA : yaaaa... but.... (he saw pritha's face )
PRITHA: she rotates her eyes and pleaded him not to accept
SATHIYA: he said ok.... for that
With a minute she made a call to their family pandit ji for to discuss about jeveen's marriage
He said that after 5th day from now was very good day for marriage and before that you can keep sangeeth and mahendi, and she agree everything and she informed about it to Pune.
And she went inside
SMITHA: sir ji, our pandit ji said that after 5th day from today was very good for marriage... what id your opinion?
SATHYA: yaaa... ok but We don't have time for marriage preparation ............
SMITHA :you no need to worry about it i'll take care of it.
We will start our work from now
Everyone went for breakfast because of they are south Indian they prepared idli, dosa and veda for breakfast.
But They liked it very much.
NISHANTH: wowww... aunty jii this was awesome... you also teach my wife about this preparation....
MAHESWARI: she smile... and said this all cooked by ammu not me....
NISHANTH: Ammu.!!!!! Who's that? is that ur another daughter?
MAHESWARI: no.. that was pritha's Nick name..
SMITHA: Hooo....... that's so Cute.... you know even jeeven's nick name also motu.....
MAHESWARI: Hoooo.. motu.. hmm but Why? i mean motu means fat, bubbly right? But He has not seems like that..
SMITHA: haaan jii. You r right actually he to fat and bubble while at his childhood.. thatsy
.... to be continue...

A Changed Change
RomanceA story of a girl, who is doing her masters in M. B. A and have a great dreams about life. A simple girl but Over healthy(Fat) and who is foodi. But She loves it how she is and also she love everyone how they are she don't like others to change f...