The fifth attempt

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A/N: WARNING THIS FEATURES AND IMPLYS DEATH, I DON'T KNOW HOW IT EVEN TOUCHES THE HEART random story line, ask if you want to know more or something... I would say T rated for this

They stand

And with a sigh

Lead the way out the door

On their tongues a lie

Hoof beats

A gun by each side

With a click and a clatter

Onwards they ride

Darkest nights

Lights guide the way

Follow the stars

'till the break of day

Dismount from saddle

Feet hit the ground

They March to the door

And begin to pound

The house owner, well he does not make it

The widow's heart stops too

For the worst bit

The bodies are disposed in a pit

So ends the first night,

The secondary night was distressing

A repeat of the night of last

Though one died, shot though the head

One of the five men passed

Thus ends the Second night

The third night was easy,

They killed the adults and children too

Still unknown what they came for

But deadly as poisonous Rue

Therefore ends the third night

The forth night lasted

Put up a bit of a fight

Another was dead

The men losing their might

The forth had ended and the fifth had began

The fifth night was an attempt to be subtle

To be quiet and unheard

But one of them tripped

And the milk began to curd

Raised voices were heard across castle

The men tried to run

But they were caught

As began the rising of Sun

Thrown in the dungeons on Monday

Appeared in court at noon

Sentenced to death

To hang by their necks

In the light of the midsummer moon

A/N Well that escalated quickly, basic backstory - Assassins who are trying to take down a kingdom, set back in the 1500 or when ever, your pick... So yeah... Please review and I ship Sabriel now, (Supernatural (You know, Sam/Gabriel ship)) Sabriel is cool, and I'm gonna update the Fandom Cafe soon, promise.

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