Chapter 11*

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Mext morning

I was making breakfast for the boys and Moonstar for when she woke .Shes been asleep for 2 days now.And Summerwind did not even move he stood by her side since she fainted .He kept mumbling something about responsibilities and that he let her down and he promised to be there for her and he wasnt.
Thunderwing had to go to school because he was not immortal and he did not have a life time to go to school.

💜💙Moonstar 💙💜
I was in the best dream ever whell more like a flachback of my childhood .And I kept seeing pictures of my parents.And some sort of birds the birds of night and day fire and Ice.Lulaby and Blaze.
I did not know how long I was asleep because I had no idea of time in my dream.
Lulaby the bird of the night and ice. Kept talking to me she explained that she was past on from generation to generation to the ruler of the night she said that she was my pet now and if I needed her I could just whistle for her and she would come.
Next weak
After she fanished explaineing I woke up.And just thought it was a dream.

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While I was with morning star I fell asleep and dreamed of a bird of day and fire.He said that he was my mothers and now mine.And that I should whistle if I needed him.Then I woke and thought it was a dream.

When I woke I saw Moonstar was slowly waking up

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When I woke I saw Moonstar was slowly waking up.So I called my aunt and cousin.They quickly came into the room.And then Moonstars eyes fluttered open and she asked what happened

💜💙Moonstar 💜💙
They told me that I fainted and was asleep for 1 weak one week I asked.Yes they told me that Summerwind wouldnt even leave my side once he even ate by my side.Aunt Twilight said that we would start my magic lessons emediately.And in the meentime I sgould wear this antimagic ring around my horn so I would not be able to loose control at school.

Next morning.

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