*Cries* I finished a first draft to the final chapter. I'm not ready to finish this fanfic. At all. It's a huge part of my life.
Here's another chapter. Enjoy, you guys. You're all absolutely awesome.
Lots o' love,
Chapter 48 ~ Misty Cooper
Ian now held me in his arms, kissing me passionately. I was overcome, overwhelmed with emotions. It had to be some crazy dream, some hallucination- Ian didn't love me, I'd learnt that. But all I could do now was embrace the moment. I kissed back with all the emotion of the past six months. I kissed back with the love I seemed to lose. I kissed back with all the heartbreak. I fell away, knowing that I should be feeling reluctant to this, but I couldn't. I loved Ian. Having him hold me again made me feel human, as if this was all some nasty nightmare, and that we could return to how it was before.
'But Ian,' I gasped, coming back to reality, remembering the previous night again, and wondering why Ian currently embraced me in his arms, on the floor. He'd kissed someone else. Why would he be doing this if he didn't love me? It was sensitive topic which made me want to curl up into a ball, but it was something I had to address. 'You- '
'Misty, you have to understand...'
'So Jay was...'
'Jay! He was with, and- Misty, are you okay?'
'I...don't know,' I said, and my eyes welled up with tears, the emotion of the past day finally catching up with me. I held my head, feeling sensitive bruised skin. 'Lily hit me...and then I don't remember anything. Lily knocked me out.'
Ian stared straight into my eyes, but they were wide with shock.
'Jay was there, and he tried to rape me again-'
'He what?' Ian exclaimed, tears falling from his eyes at an alarming rate.
'And then I pinned him down and he said that...' I desperately tried to remember the events before my unconsciousness. 'He was with Lily...dating her,' I finished. 'And he wanted revenge for you guys- kissing...' The word still hurt me, as did the memory of Ian holding Lily in his arms.
'Misty, she kissed me, I promise that, she...she didn't do just that, either,' Ian said quickly, tears still rolling down his cheeks. 'I just can't believe I finally found you-'
'We'll make this work Ian, we'll make it all work out...Ian, I'm so sorry- I was just so angry. I thought you didn't love me.'
'Misty, that's anything but true,' Ian whispered, making me feel almost secure again. He held me close again, letting my head rest on his shoulder.
'I thought what all the haters said was true, and then-' I continued.
'Those haters- they aren't real,' Ian proclaimed.
I jolted upright. 'What are you saying?'
'Misty- Lily owned all the hater accounts. Every single one.' He pulled a white rectangle out his pocket- an iPhone, with a plastic peach case. Not Ian's. To me, he showed the phone's notifications. 'This is Lily's phone,' he told me.
'Look Misty.' Ian pointed at a notification. 'The one that said she was Anthony's cousin.' I squinted my eyes, trying to focus on the tweet- it was something dumb, directed to the @smoshlottie account. One of the worst. Anger flooded over me. It was her. Lily had told everyone that she was completely innocent, made everyone believe her. She spread the lies.

Do you love me? ~ Smosh Fanfiction
FanfictionMisty Cooper is different to other girls. She likes gaming, comedy and anime. She has recently moved to Sacramento, in need of money, independence and most importantly friends. All she has is her tortoise, Drift, and the stuff in her suitcase. Mist...