Chapter 29

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Kennedy POV

After a few days we were finally able to bring Eva home. I love being a mother and Emanuel is so overprotective over her he doesn't even like when people hold her she gets even more beautiful during the day.

Everyone is around more often it's like the baby brought us close together. Santana keeps sending little things like diapers, bottles, and hair bows I'm still not trying to let her in though. I'm focused on my daughter, my relationship and my future.

I was watching tv when Eva started crying.

"I'll make the bottle baby!" Emanuel yelled from downstairs. This is why I love him.

I went in Eva's room and went to change her diaper.

"Hey mommy's baby!" I said tickling her. She started giggling showing her deep dimples.

"You so pretty!" I say in baby talk.

"She get it from her daddy!" Emanuel said in a ghetto girl voice patting his pretend weave.

I started laughing because he is crazy.

"Boy give me this bottle!" I said snatching it and tasting it.

"Can I taste your breastmilk bae Eva taking it all it her stingy ass!"

"You see how your daddy talking don't mind him!" I say cooing.

I fed her, burped her, and rocked her in the rocking chair until she fell asleep I layed her in her crib and went back in my room.

Unknown POV

Tick tock gun shot...time to break this happy family up tired of watching this sap ass shit.


"I can't do it I was in a depressed state when I agreed to this!" she sobbed.

"Do it or I kill you either way I'm getting what I want just easier!" She grabbed her gun and loaded it up that's what I thought bitches know better.

Emanuel POV

Having a baby especially a little girl makes you a better man. Meeting Kennedy was the best thing that ever happened to me but Eva has made my life. I feel like we have this bond already and she's just a baby. I've been working 10x harder to get to where I wanna be in my life and this clothing line is going to pay off.

I finally found a place in a nice area that I want the store be located and it's a nice building.

"Me and some of the boys going to meet with the shoe plug so we can be able to sell real jordans and other shoes in the shop so I might be gone for a couple of hours!" I told Kennedy.

"Okay baby as long as you're here for dinner!"

I take a quick shower put on my OBEY shirt, my levis and my yeezy foams.

I grabbed my keys and my phone..

"Aight bae!" I say kissing her and walking out.

"See ya!"

I walked in Eva's room to see her sleeping peacefully I kiss her on the forehead and walk out.

Kennedy POV

I am most definitely bored and I can't call Lilly because she has been busy working ever since she got that new job at the tattoo & piercing shop downtown.

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I hear someone knocking on the door but I didn't expect any company. I opened the door and there standing was Santana I roll my eyes.

"Can we please talk Kennedy?"she said sadly.

"Sure come in." We sat down on the couch and I gave her some lemonade.

"I know you're tired of hearing me apologize but I am sorry I just want our friendship I miss it so much and I now realize you were the only real friend I had"

"Honestly Santana I've moved on from it I appreciate the things you've been sending for Eva and glad that your sincere about your apology I forgive you but it's gone take alot more than an apology to mend this friendship!"

"I understand" she said with her head down.

We were about to hug when *BOOM* someone kicked the door open I jumped up and was about to run to Eva's room when the person dragged me down the stairs by my hair not my remy.

"Get the fuck off me bitch let me go!" I screamed and kicked.

"That's something I won't do Santana tie this bitch up and tape her mouth!" the girl said...she sounds familiar but she won't show her face scary ass.

"Santana REALLY? Bitch I let you in my house and watched you cry them fake ass crocodile tears just wait I'll fuck the both of y'all up and nobody better touch my fucking child!" At this point all I could see was red and I was ready to fuck someone up Eva started crying and my head shot up.

Santana started tying me up on the floor and the girl went up stairs I'm guessing to get Eva.

"I'm sorry Ken!" she said sobbing.

"Fuck your sorry!" I said spitting on her.

This bitch came down with my baby in her hand.

"She is gorgeous I can't wait until me and Emanuel start our family together with this precious babygirl and many more little Emanuel's and Cameron's running off" My eyes got wide as she took her ski mask off and revealed herself.

"Are you fucking serious bitch you old news he doesn't want you and put my baby down bitch you crazy! Coocoo....get your life!"

"Little do you know I've been watching y'all for the past 4 months just waiting to make my move if I can't have him nobody will anyway let's go Santana put the tape over her mouth like I told you to the first time and get the baby bag!" I start kicking and screaming but nobody could hear me Santana came down with the babybag and wrote something on paper,put it on the couch, mouthed sorry, then left.

A tear rolled down my face and all I could do was pray and wait for Emanuel to come home because the way they had these knots in I wasn't getting out.

Emanuel POV

Today was an exhausting day but productive buisness day. I'm so ready to get home to my baby and little girl and get some of that good soulfood cooking that's the only thing I look forward to now because Ken can't have sex for like 6 weeks which is bullshit.

I pull in the driveway and notice the door was cracked open.

"What the fuck?" I say to myself.

I walk in and see Kennedy tied up on the floor I run to her.

"BABY!" I yelled ripping the tape off her mouth.

"They took Eva she's gone!" she said sobbing.

"Who took Eva what the fuck happen?"

"C-c-cameron and Santana!"

Once she said that all I could see was black I was passed pissed.

She got up and walked over to the couch where this paper was.

"This must be what Santana wrote down it's an address baby! We have to go!" she yelled.

"Na bae me and the boys got this!"

"Hell to the fuck no this is MY fucking child OURS not the fucking boys I can beat both of they ass by myself now get me a fucking gun and bring your ass!" Damn I love it when she like this I went to the closet and handed her a gun we got in the car and listened to GPS this car ride was silent and awkward as fuck.

Kennedy POV

These bitches gone wish they never fucked with me and never touched my daughter I hate bitches that wanna mess up happy homes because they miseable. We pull up to this small abandoned house it doesn't look bad on the outside.

"You ready baby?"

I nodded we get to the door and I heard Eva crying.  Emanuel kicked in the door and I see Cameron trying to breastfeed my baby.

"Bitch I will put 3 fucking holes in your head so fuck with me!"I say raising my gun.

"Aw so you decided to come join the party and with my future hubby! Hey baby!" Cameron said.

"Cameron put my fucking child down!"Emanuel yelled.

"Emanuel this was suppose to be our life our daughter, we were suppose to move in together and have future goals and all you did was treat me like a sideline! It hurts but we can finally have our life together!" she says putting Eva in her carseat and as soon as she did that. I charged for that bitch I got on top of her and started beating her with the gun. Santana was screaming and I told her to shut the fuck up. I continued to hit her and this hoe was smiling.

I felt Emanuel jerk me.

"Baby calm down! Your going to kill her!" He yelled. Emanuel quickly picked up his gun and shot Cameron because she was about to shoot me.

"Bitch don't ever come near my family neither one of you I hope your dead bitch!" I screamed.

I grabbed my baby and her things and we left.








We finally got home.

"Emanuel this is the second time dealing with your groupies I'm fucking tired of this!"

"The thing is I been stop dealing with these bitches and they pop back up you and Eva are all I want fuck those hoes!" He said.

"Maybe me and Eva should go with my dad for a while just until things cool down!"

"Please don't leave Kennedy I don't know what I'd do with you two y'all are my life! What would I do without y'all? Don't leave baby!" he said begging.

"I just wanna sleep this off goodnight" I say annoyed.

I was sleep for a few hours until I started hearing banging me and Emanuel woke up.

Eva started crying so I grabbed her and we walked downstairs.


I got so scared. Emanuel opened the door.

"Emanuel Roberts?" Emanuel shook his head.

"You are arrested for the murder of Cameron Lyles you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you!"he said.

This is a mess the babies hollering I'm crying. "Please don't take him please!" I yell.

"Just let me talk to my girl!" The officer nodded.

"Baby there is a safe in the floor the code is our date and it's more than enough money for bail I'll be out soon I love you!" He kissed me and Eva and they walked off with my baby in handcuffs.

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