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             Its been a week since the dinner everything was running smoothly except for the fact that Levi has been so cold towards Pinely and I've been siding with him because she's been sort of a bitch.

I tied my hair up in a bun and threw on a casual outfit. Levi was picking me up.

I walked down stairs and looked around for my mom. I then realized that she wasn't here anymore. She left to go on another trip. I don't know what I expected, she never stays around for too long.

Sighing, I close my eyes for a second. Once I compose myself I grab my jacket and leave my house. Levi's car was parked outside of my house.

I watched as his head bobbed up and down listening to music that played. A small smile lingered on my face as I watched him.

He looked so peaceful. It was cute.

I walked up to the car tapping on the glass. His green eyes ( at this point I don't remember what color eyes I said he had. Remind me if you guys know. ) widen as he unlocked the door. " How long were you standing there?" He asks.

"Long enough to know you like one direction." I tease.

Levi's eyes widen and then narrow in a split second." I was not listening to one direction and you know it."

I shrug." Oh okay."

"You don't believe me. Believe me Hadley." His hand clasp mine." Say it."

My heart starts to hammer in my chest. But I felt my evil side come out." Your in love with one direction" I grin at him

A smirk of mischief settled on his lips. He reached over and started tickling my sides. My eyes widen and I burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter." Stop it!" I yell through giggles.

"Then say it." He tone was playful but his hand kept on tickling me.

I shake my head being very stubborn." N-no!" I laugh. I couldn't take it any more." You weren't listening to one direction!" I give up but he kept on tickling my sides.

"And?" He coaxed on.

"What more is there to say!" I giggle even louder. Tears were going to my eyes, not because I was sad or hurt but because he was still tickling me.

Levi's grins at me." That Levi, is most dexy guy on the planet and that I belong to him." He recites as of he was thinking about his for a while now.

My cheeks redden." I can't say that!" 

"And why not?"

I pout , he was slowly stopping." Because that's embarrassing. I can't say that." I whisper.

Levi break out into a full blown smile. He stops a tickling me but wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head on the crook of my neck." Fuck Hadley why are you so cute? "

I try to ignore the heat rushing to my cheeks. I sent him a pathetic shrug and turn my head to the window." We should get going. We're going to be late." I say softly.

Levi looks at me for second, deep in thought. I squirmed under his gaze holding breath. I finally let out a breath when he started the car and began to drive us to school.

I couldn't overlook what was forming between the two of us. When ever I was with him and only him it felt like something I've never felt before. It's an absurd thought but I couldn't li- no, I like Ace.

I do.

I think.

To be absolutely honest I don't understand the relationship Levi and I share. We've kissed but that doesn't mean he likes me like that. I could just mean that I'm just a another girl he wants to mess around with.

I need to convince myself something because my mind is going crazy with all these unanswered questions.


"Gracey! You still coming over?" Ace calls to me, I sat with Pinley as he and Levi strolled over. I could hear her groan underneath her breath.

Pinely rolled her eyes." God, they can't just leave us alone for a second."

I nugde her with my elbow." Hey, that's not nice."

She huffs." And I should care why? That's exactly why I  said it."

Narrowing ny eyes I look at her. She was biting her looking down at her not book with a promient frown on her face." Okay, I'm kind of getting sick of your bitter attitude. What is wrong?" I set my pencil down.

"Getting sick of it? Then go and hoe around with two guys at the same time. I bet you won't get sick of that." She spits.

My eyes widen, I was obviously hurt hybrid what she said. She could see that too because of the reaction she had after the words left her mouth."Had-"

"No, I get it. That's what you think of me. Then I get guess we can't be friends. Because friends don't put down other friends. I know that much." I say coldly looking over to Ace and Levi who stood infront of my desk.

Pinley grabs my hand immediately. I noticed that Levi tensed up attached the gesture." No. She can't just abandon me for them!" She screeched.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't act like a bitch all the damn time!" My anger was starting to get the best of me.

Pinely gasps." I never act like that toward you-!"

I cut her off." Yeah only them, but there my friends too so I don't appreciate you saying shit about them. If you did hate them so much then why can't I not hang with you." I question her further but she didn't seem to have the answers.

Pinely's face starts to get flustered but doesn't say anything. Levi steps up and says." I think you should tell her." His tone is hard, they share a look.

"I have nothing to tell." She spits.

He crosses his arms over his chest." I think you do."

I look at her with my eyebrows furrowed." What is he talking about about?" I say.

Panick flashes across her face making me instantly feel horrible." I-I cant." I gets up and runs out the room leaving me stunned.

"What just happened?" I ask them, desperate for answers.

Ace shrugged, he seemed as clueless as I was. Levi sighs." If she's not gong to tell you, I am. She's in love with you Hadley. She's jealous of Ace and I. That's why she acts like she hates us and is so protective of you." He explains to me

Everything in music brain starts to click together. Oh my god, it makes so much sense. It must have been absolute torture for her to see me with Ace. I'm a terrible friend for not realizing.


That's what we were. She's wants something more than that, but I'm straight. I need to talk to her asap before she hates me.

I get out my seat and rush after her out the room. I look around and looked for the nearest restroom. She was most likely in there.

I was right. She held the counter tightly and tears streamed down her face." Pine."

"Stop. Don't call me that. You know, don't you." She's says in the instant.

I nod." Yes. Levi told me. Pinely you should have told me-"

She cuts me off." And have you reject me, not a fucking chance. This was never supposed to happen- I mean, I thought it has was straight. But when I actually saw you, I knew that that was out the window."

I gulo, I've never been in his type of situation." You should have told me. If this friendship is going to stay whole then it has to be based on trust. I hate liars, I really do. Pinely I don't want to lose our friendship because of this. I love you but not like that."

Pinely wiped her tears." I knew it. I knew that you wouldn't. I thought I could keep it from you but it got harder day by day."

I walk up to her and hug her." Promise me that no more secrets will be between us." I say.

She hesitates for a moment." ...Ok."


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