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Everyone got eventually hysterical when our professor started to roll the names of the students for the internship and their corresponding company. As for me, I can't find the time to put my whole attention to what the professor is saying because of Brayt, my creepy suitor.

"Come on, Jessica. I really love you and I think I can't focus on the internship if you won't say yes to me. I might fail it." He pleaded with matching puppy eyes that annoyed me even more. I rolled my eyes.

"Applying the guilt trip? D'ya thinks that'll work? I'll never say yes to you Brayt, because the only man I'll marry is Jiro Wang. Him and him only. If it is not him then I'll not marry. Do you get that?" He put on a fake pout face and walked away. I sigh in relief and put my whole attention to what was going on.

Some get the chance to be in very famous companies. We have been scattered carefully, some on Macau, others on Australia and some others are on Taiwan.

As it is my turn, the class stirred with anticipation. Why? Because I was told that the company I'm going to is the biggest in Asia. And why me? Because I'm the top in the class.

"Jessica Pajares. Chuang Hua Livestock." Murmurings suddenly filled the warm air. I held no expression in my face because maybe, I didn't have any knowledge of whatever livestock that is.

My best friend looked at me smirking.

"What?" I asked innocently. She just smirked some more as the girls behind me grew their whispering into shouting. I snapped my head at their direction and shoot a deadly glare at them. They eventually zip their lips.

The bell rung just as the professor finished calling out the rolls. Still the glares and stares are there. This is annoying.

Lindsay tugged along as I bounced along the corridor to get to my locker.

"She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know." She sing-sang as our footstep's cladding along the corridor's cold floor. She stop walking as soon as she notice me stops. She turned to look at me. "What's the matter?"

"Stop chanting." I stated carefully with much authority. She rolled her eyes and walked towards me. She lean in and stop a few inches away from my face, our noses touching. I arched a brow as she proceeded to grin.

"What the hell, Lindsay?" I breathe out.

"Try to Google Chuang Hua Livestock. See you tomorrow!" She ran down the corridor and finally, I was alone. Well, that was weird.

By the time I reached my house, I was so exhausted. I am not thinking any other things but to slam myself in bed. Though I can barely open my eyes, I found some time to visit my lovable laptop. I change into my comfortable pj's and opened my laptop. I was about to turn it off when I remembered what Linday said. I went to google and started to search about Chuang Hua.

The same usual crap, the biggest company in Asia for terms of exporting the blah .. blah .. blah .. I was about to passed out when a pop-up window showed on my screen. Groaning in annoyance, I lead my mouse pointer to the X button when in shimmering design, I caught a headline.


That headline eventually woke my inside beings. JIRO WANG???? The hottest singer and actor in Taiwan? No wonder the girls in my class keep staring at me.  I bolted upright from my bed and slap myself mentally. Good job! Good job!. I mean, ever since, I've had this biggest crush on Jiro and I always dreamt one day that he would notice me. I'm not really sure if he would ever notice me but the hell with it, I'm going to work under him and I'm an intern, that means he would always right beside me! WAAAAAAAHHH! This is going to be amazing!


And like that, I couldn't sleep anymore.

"I think that's all." Lindsay collapses on my bed. I sat beside her as I feel the softness of the covers. She looked up to me, eyeing me from my face down to my legs.

"What? Could you stop eye-raping me??" I smirk while laying my back.

"I am not eye-raping you. I'm just so insecure with your perfect body. I mean, wow. Big boobs and butt, 24 sized waist? What else?" She said between sigh.

I chuckled. I could still remember the days of my youth when I'm still a hundred pound 16 year old girl. All I want to do those days is just to lose weight, not because I'm bullied or anything like that but because I want to be a normal kid. Not that I consider obesity as an abnormal thing, it’s just so… taboo.

"I can't believe we are doing this." She rolled over and face me. "You are a lucky bitch. Having Jiro as your boss, that is one hell of luck."

I could sense the sarcasm in her voice so I rolled over at the side to face her smirking face. "I don't care. I don't even consider myself lucky because of that. I mean, come on, Jiro is still a human being." And of course, it's a very big joke. I tried so hard to keep a calm, "I don't care" face.

Lindsay rolled her eyes as she got on her heels and stormed out the room. As long as I could, I'll never show them how excited I am for the internship. On the plane,  I stayed quiet and so do Lindsay. The whisperings still there and it really annoys me. One by one we are drop off in our designated place. As for me, I'm the last one on the trip because our professor wants to ensure that I reached the country Taiwan unharmed. I rolled my eyes, I am not that important to our school, am I?

I blew a soft wind before easing out from the plane. Mr. Bwirh, our professor, escorted me to the building and God, it is huge! I looked over to Mr. Bwirh and he smiled at me assuring. I nodded and sigh as we entered the building.

We reached the 26th floor and were welcome by a pretty red-haired Chinese girl.

"Good morning, sir. Mr. Wang is inside, waiting for you. Please, follow me." She stated in a too-conversational Chinese English tone.

We trailed off after her and watch as she open a large, glass double-door. We found a 6'8 man in a very expensive suit, spiked hair. I nearly fainted when he turned around and sent me to heaven when he smiled. Mr. Bwirh came towards.

"Mr. Wang, nice to meet you." He said after a handshake. I am still standing at the door like a complete idiot when Mr. Bwirh motions me to step forward. I slapped myself mentally as I walked towards Jiro.

"This is Jessica." Jiro smiled once more and offered his hand. I look at it wide-eyed and swallowed a lump in my throat. Good thing, I didn't faint during the handshake, the bad thing? I'm shaking.

After some handful instructions, Mr. Bwirh left me alone with this perfect creature.

"I know you're nervous. Don't be. I don't eat human." His chuckle is the sexiest thing I will ever hear in my entire life. I laugh nervously and accepted the wine he offered. I regain my thoughts and told my brain to function well.

The internet's definition of Jiro is far worse than what he really is. Internet's been saying that Jiro is a womanizer, a player and that hundreds of his sex scandals had been ravaging the net' and yeah, I've tried to find his so called sex scandals but to no avail, I didn't find anything so therefore, it is false. In real life, he's sweet and funny but he told me that he is very strict when it comes to work.

"You will not have any specific position because I want you to learn or to involve yourself with every field of this work. Mr. Bwirh said you are the best student they got, show me. Start tomorrow." And with that, he shooed me away. Not bad for a long-awaited meeting with your perfect fantasy.

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