Chapter 3

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As soon as the words left my mouth a sense of interest spread around the room. “I’m just going to be making bacon sandwiches so it’s not that interesting,” I say and look back into the kitchen, “also I’m going to be playing some music from my phone so just ignore me.” I do finger guns and walk back into the kitchen. I click shuffle on my phone and Death Of A Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco began playing. I grin at the sound and move to heat up a pan, grabbing the bacon that I had previously bought from Woolies. “Do I look lonely? I see the shadows on my face,” I sing along with Brendon Uries heavenly voice as I wait for the pan to heat up. I continue to sing along quietly until the first chorus where I completely forget about the men in the living room and sing along loudly. “THE DEATH OF A BACHELOR WOAH OH OH LETTING THE WATER FALL,” I use the spatula in my hand as I throw some bacon into the pan. I continue singing until the song is over and I turn my music off before I hear clapping behind me. “You have a lovely voice,” I hear someone say and whip around to see Alex, John, Laf, Herc and Philip at the door. I make a noise of surprise and feel my face heat up, I drop eye contact and kick the floor gently with my foot, “I’m sorry I forgot you guys were here…”

“It is okay mon ami,” Lafayette says, “your voice is very nice to listen to.”

“Yeah (y/n)! Also that smells amazing,” John walks over to where the pan is. Some of the fat from the bacon pops and it lands on my arm. I flinch back and rub my arm, “ow motherfucker! I’ll kill you and everyone you love,” I hiss at the cooking food in front of me.

 Hercules laughs, “oh my God it’s so great that women aren’t supressed anymore. Now we get this greatness,” he gestures to me with his hand. I smile at them and open a drawer, grabbing out a tray and putting it next to the pan, I then spread some paper towels across the tray and pick up the bacon with some tongs, dropping it onto the tray, “bam. Bacon.” I see Philip reach over to grab some of the bacon and slap his hand away, “don’t touch. Wait and I’ll call you when it’s done.” The boys nod and sit at the counter, watching intently.

Ten minutes later, I have 12 bacon sandwiches ready to eat. “Foods ready!” I yell out, “come into the dining room!” I carry out the sandwiches on one big plate and put it in the middle of the table before grabbing one for myself. Slowly, everyone files into the room, the table is big enough to just fit all 12 of us. Good thing Mum and Dad had all of those dinners, I think bitterly and take a bite. I sit at one of the ends of the table and then next to me on the left is Philip, then Alexander, John, Hercules and Lafayette. On the opposite end to me is Washington and on his left is Samuel, King George, Thomas, James and Burr. They each take one of the sandwiches and begin to eat them. “This is a very nice lunch Miss (y/n),” Washington smiles at me from the opposite end of the table.

“Thank you George,” I smile back, “you don’t need to call me ‘Miss’ though. My name is perfectly fine.”

“Yes, this lunch is adequate,” King George says and receives some glares from around the room. I laugh gently and continue eating. “So you eat stuff like this every day?” John asks me.

“Yeah but usually when people come over I try to make some better food, there’s just too many of you,” I explain apologetically.

“Its okay,” Philip says gently and puts a hand on my shoulder, “we didn’t expect you to make a whole feast.” I smile at him and continue eating.

Once I finish my sandwich, I lean back in my chair. “Oh! You wanted to see some of my art didn’t you?” I ask Philip who had finished his food a minute before me. He nods and stands up

“We wanna see too!” John exclaims and everyone nods along.

After the rest of the men had finished their lunch, they all stood and I lead them to my art rom. “Excuse the mess,” I say, “I don’t really clean this room that much.” I open the door and walk in, the room is roughly the size of a bedroom. I have my desk against the wall with my PC turned on. There is paper and drawing supplies spread around everywhere. “This is a watercolour painting I’ve been working on,” I show them a piece of a mermaid stuck in a fish-tank that I had been working on for someone in Canada. “My preferred medium is graphite and charcoal though,” I explain.

“This is so cool! Can you draw us?!” Lafayette asks excitedly. I cough nervously and look around, “Yeah, I’ll get on that later.”

10 minutes of looking through some of my sketchbooks later, I am able to convince the boys to leave my art room. When we pass my bedroom I suddenly remember something I forgot to do, “oh shit! I forgot to feed John!” I shout and run into my room.

“Um, (y/n) I did have lunch. Your made it remember?” I hear Laurens say and I shake my head.

“No, John is my pet turtle,” I clarify and Johns eyes light up.

“You have a turtle!? Can I see?” he asks excitedly and I nod. I bring him into my room where there is a small tank on my desk. John, my turtle is inside. Laurens runs up and looks at my pet through the tank, “oh my God he’s so cute! Hey little guy.” I smile as Alex walks in as well and kneels next to Laurens, also looking at my turtle. I feed him and give him a little pat on the head before I walk into the living room.

Everyone else is trying to fit onto the one couch and lounge chair I have. I go into the storage room and bring out some big pillows I have and put them in front of the couch. “Okay so four can fit on the couch, two on the chair, and then everyone else can sit on these,” I say and everyone nods. “Sammy and I get the chair!” King George exclaims and drags Samuel to the lounge chair. I smile at the two and see that Philip has taken one of the spots on the couch. “Oooh! Guys do you wanna watch a horror movie?” I ask, a mischievous tone to my voice.

“Movie?” Thomas questions in confusion.Ohhhhhhhhh right, I think, I don’t even think cameras were invented when these guys where around. “It’s like a moving picture. Technology,” I briefly explain and turn on my TV. Hercules gets a smirk on his face and calls out, “Laurens! Hamilton! Stop making out in the poor girls room! We’re gonna watch something!” After a minute or two, Alex and John walk out with red faces. I laugh and move over on the couch, “you guys can sit between me and Philip.” They nod and sit down, Laurens on my side and Alex on Philips. The others spread out on the cushions. I grab my TV controller and select Netflix. I scroll down the list and shift my position so that my legs are resting across both Johns and Alexanders. They give me a weird look and I shrug, “it’s more comfortable this way. Philip you should do it too.” Philip nods and moves so that his legs rest on top of mine, I move so that our legs alternate which is on top and on bottom and then look back at the TV. “Aww that’s cute,” I hear someone whisper and turn slightly red before picking the movie that I think would be best to show them, “You guys are gonna love this, it’s called The Babadook.” I smile and click play, this is going to be fun.

(A/N: Two chapters in one day?!? Wow! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The next one will be coming maybe next weekend sometime. Anyways, remember to Vote, Comment, Share and do all of that fun stuff.
~Ash xx)

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