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This was heavily inspired by a post I found on Pinterest (originally on Tumblr) which I'll put a link to. I basically took the same concept and just added more dialogue and stuff so yeah.

This is just my take on the idea! Credit to the original creator!

Kara heard her phone buzz and, thinking it might be Alex asking her to come to the DEO, quickly picked it up. When she realised it was a text from Lena, however, a smile spread across her face.

LL: Are you free for lunch?

Kara: Yeah 😄

LL: Come downstairs, I've ordered takeout.

Kara's smile grew a little when she remembered that Lena was doing a photoshoot today for the cover of CatCo magazine.

It was only ten minutes or so before her lunch break officially began, but Kara went down a few minutes earlier. Besides, James probably wouldn't say anything about it anyway. He'd assume it was something to do with Supergirl.

Lena looked absolutely stunning, to say the least. Her hair looked perfectly wild having been teased and manipulated and probably sprayed with half a gallon of hair spray to stay that way. Hey eye shadow was smoky and accentuated her green eyes, making them brighter and even more striking than usual. Contour made her cheekbones impossibly more prominent. Her signature red lips had remained, and she no doubt would not have had to have argued with the stylists about that. She was wearing a black, sleeveless top with a deep v-line, one which dived between her breasts and must've reached further than the bottom of her ribcage, and it was tucked into form-hugging black pants. On her feet were heels with leather straps working their way up her ankle. She was dressed to kill, and Kara wondered how the editors would choose a single photograph from the shoot. Surely they'd all look incredible.

She was currently sat in one of the stereo-typical foldable chairs which are commonly seen on movie sets for directors and other people to sit in, and a group of people surrounded her, touching up her hair and make-up.

"Kara!" Lena called as her expression changed from 'Miss. Luthor, multi-billionaire CEO of L-Corp who could kill a man with her eyes' to 'Lena, the woman who flooded Kara's office with flowers because she's a little ray of sunshine who deserves appreciation and just happens to be right in front of her right now and oh god her heart is speeding up because Kara's so darn cute'.

She waved the make-up crew away, somehow politely, and got up out of the chair, walking towards a small table. Kara, who had frozen in place with her mouth slightly gaping, noticed the Noonan's boxes on the table.

"H-Hi Lena." Kara responded, mouth dry for reasons unbeknownst to herself but which she blamed on the Noonan's.

"I hope you like potstickers." Lena said, retrieving the boxes and laughing when she looked up to see Kara's face. Her lips, though her jaw almost hit the floor, had curled up at the corners, and her eyes lit up so brilliantly Lena may have looked into the photographer's flash for the gazillionth time today.

"Potstickers!" Kara exclaimed, hurriedly making her way over to Lena and the food.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." Lena chuckled softly and handed a box to the blonde. She eagerly took it and opened it straight away, inhaling deeply with her eyes closed when the scent hit her.

"Yes. Definitely yes." Kara looked up at Lena again for the first time since she'd noticed the food, and Lena felt a smirk tug on her lips. Never had she seen Kara look at her like this, like she was the greatest thing ever to exist. Sure, she had seen it from other business people when she'd managed to strike deals otherwise thought impossible, but it wasn't the same. She realised how Kara looking at her like this made her feel, like she was wanted. She also realised that she wanted Kara to look at her like that more often. And what made it all the more perfect was that it wasn't because she was a Luthor, or because she was a billionaire CEO, or that her company had made technical advances unlike any other company could; it was because of potstickers.

"Lena?" Kara asked, waving her hand sheepishly in front of the brunette's face.

"Hmm?" Lena responded, still half in a daze.

"I think I, uh, lost you there." Kara said with a slight laugh.

"Oh, sorry." Lena replied, searching her brain for an excuse. She couldn't tell Kara she was too busy thinking about how much she loved her to actually listen to her, and so she settled with, "I was just... thinking about something for work."

"That's ok. I was just asking if you wanted to sit so we can eat." Kara smiled politely, and Lena noticed her cheeks looked a little pink.

"Yes, of course." Lena nodded, trying to root herself in reality, and gestured towards the sofa beside them.

The pair took a seat and Kara immediately dug in. Lena watched for a while before doing the same. All the time, Kara let out little moans of delight from time to time, making Lena's cheeks grow warm.

"So," Kara began, covering her mouth with her hand as she chewed on the fifth potsticker.

"So...?" Lena repeated, waiting for Kara to continue.

"How's the shoot coming along?"

Lena grimaced before responding, "Daniel keeps telling me to 'Give us your most powerful seductive  look, darling. You want the reader intimidated and  sexually confused.'" Lena says in her best impression of the photographer, then adds with a groan, "Apparently it's not as easy as it sounds."

Kara almost spits out her food at the statement, and bends over, clutching at her stomach as she tries not to laugh.

"What?" Lena asked also trying to not laugh but at the blonde's strained smile.

"I thought making people 'intimidated and sexually confused' was kinda your thing." Kara says, then her eyes go wide as she realises she said it out loud.

"Is it now?" Lena asked in a  jokily flirtatious tone, but she didn't realise she'd meant it wholly.

"I- I mean, um..." Kara looked down, fixed her glasses, and stuffed her face with another potsticker so she wouldn't have to continue that stuttering mess of a whatever-that-was.

The girls continued eating in silence, Kara too scared to talk again and Lena too scared that talking would cause another awkward situation like that. Unfortunately, Kara couldn't help but continue making those noises, which should really be illegal, while she ate. They were much quieter now, but that only made Lena's blush grow, and her heart to flutter a little as her mind, despite many silent protests, wandered to something else that could cause her 'friend' to sound like that. She thanked the heavens that telepathy was impossible.

Lo and behold, Lena had no problem getting the shot that the photographer wanted when they had finished eating. She'd convinced Kara to stay for the rest of the shoot and, after retrieving some files and her laptop from upstairs, the blonde sat in the chair Lena had previously been in working away busily. Occasionally, she would look up and see Lena looking right back at her every time with the most alluring eyes in the universe. She wondered if she was looking at her through the whole shoot, but eventually deemed it a coincidence.

"Yes, that's great Lena!"


"Hold that, yes right there."

and simply


were just a few of the things the photography said for the remainder of the session. The makeup and hair crew had similar reactions in the change of attitude in Lena as well, but they muttered them quietly amongst themselves.

"Well, I don't know what kind of pep-talk your friend over there gave you during the lunch break but you did amazingly, Miss Luthor." Daniel gushed after the photoshoot was brought to a close.

"Thank you, Daniel." Lena replied with a kind smile as she looked around for Kara only to find her digging around in the Noonan's boxes for any leftover potstickers.

It was then and there that Lena decided to add potstickers to the list of otherwise highly expensive and fancy delicacies at her gala.

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