Chapter 2

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So they both entered the house. But Lauren is still hugging tight on Camila.

"Hey want some water" Camila offer to Lauren. "Y-yeah..thank y-you.."
"Okay just wait there" When Camila is about to get some water Lauren grab her wrist. Camila turned to face Lauren..and she accidentally stares on the emerald green eyes of Lauren.  It was like she want to stare at those eyes FOREVER.

"Shit" Camila whisper to herself.
"Thank you for being here for me."Lauren break the silence.
"No problem Lo, Like I said I will be always here for you."  Camila response.

"Will you let go of my hand so I can get you a water or you will just hold my hand forever" Camila teasingly said.
"Yeah, I can hold them forever if you want" Lauren told her. "Your so beautiful Lauren" Camila says that without thinking it. "Thanks Camz" Lauren was already blushing. She is still holding Camila's hand. "U-um I..ah..your welcome" Camila was shock she didn't even know why it just come out of her mouth but she admit it Lauren is really beautiful.

"So are you okay now" Camila asked Lauren in a low tone. "Yeah, I think so..thanks for you" Lauren said that with a smile on her face. And still holding camila's hand. Lauren noticed this and laughed on herself. " Yeah, Your not kidding me when you said that you can hold my hand forever" Camila was laughing.

Lauren let go of Camila's hand and let her get some water. But when a sounds of thunder hit her ears. A dropped of glass is the second noice that she heard.
"OMG! Camila!" Lauren nervously shouted. She already know that Camila hates thunder. It's like thunder is one of Camila's nightmare. She hurry ran up to Camila who is picking up a broken piece of glasses.

"Camila, don't pick that you might hurt yourself." Lauren is a little bit sad to see her best friend like this.
"S-soryy..Lauren I-im j-just..S-stupid.."
Camila said that with a tear falling already.
Lauren grap Camila to help her stand.
"Camila..." Camila was avoiding eye contact. "Camila look at me" Lauren lift her chin for Camila to look at her.
"Don't say that stuff on you, cuz your not. Your not stupid, Your the most intelligent human I ever met..and your so beautiful Camz..your so special..and there still a lot of positive things that I can tell like I can't even count them anymore." Lauren carefully pronounced every word meaningfully for Camila to adopt it with wholeheartedly.
"Thanks Lo"

Lauren was moving closer to Camila's face like there lips is just inches far. When Lauren just kiss her in her cheek.
Camila felt her body heated so fast and her heart is beating so fast too. Very fast.
"I love you Camz..You will always be my best friend."
"I love you to Lo." Camila is a little bit sad when she heard the word best friend like she don't know why she is sad like there is no point to be sad cuz it's true, their are just bestfriends.


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