Chapter 2

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I woke up around 7 o’clock to get ready for school.I only had one good friend at school.Her name was Mikaela.Mikaela was just like me,but her parents were still alive.Everyone at school keeps making fun of me everyday because I'm the depressed one.They always called me the “orphan” or “loner”.Being in 8Th grade was tough. I never showed anyone my doll at school. I creep people out.

      “Hey Marceline,I never asked,What happened to your head?” asked Mikaela

      “Um,i fell and hit my head on a brick wall.”

      “How did you slip?”

      “I spilt water.”I said quickly and skipped home.

            As soon as i got home,I searched for it,but couldn’t find it.

      “Now where did I put you?” I whispered quietly to myself.

             I searched everywhere,but finally found her on the top shelf of my closet.She was right next to another black box.I reached for her and the box anxiously and put it on  my bed.I opened the box and saw an Mikaela and Jasper doll.(Jasper is this guy that i really like,but he barely even notices me.) I gripped the dolls carefully and tried not to hurt the dolls because if it was like my doll..I could kill them.

      “Where are these dolls coming from?..Are there more?” i asked to myself.

             I put them back into the box carefully and hid them in my closet.My butler had just finished dinner.I haven’t eaten at the dinner table ever since my mom and dad died.I ran downstairs,served my food,and went back upstairs to eat.

      “Marceline?” questioned my butler and maid.

      “Yes?” I replied.

      “Since you are turning 15 years old next week,what would you like to have as a present?”asked my maid.

      “For my parents to be alive...” I murmured

      “You know we can’t do that.”

      “All I want is a cake..maybe candles..”

      “OK.Would you like to invite anyone?”

      “No,well just Mikaela.”

      “OK.” They replied and walked away

              When they left,I grabbed my sketchpad and started to draw the dolls.I had fallen asleep while sketching.The next morning,I went to the library to check out a book on Voodoo and Black Magic.As I quickly ran through the aisle,something had caught my eye.Right next to a Voodoo book was my doll.

       “Hm,how did you get here?”i asked quietly.

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