Rain. There was nothing wrong with rain since it brought life to plants and so many other beautiful things in the world. The only problem is that it got annoying. Could there never be any good weather when you went outside? Will it always just be rain? The weather would be fine if you were walking alone, with your thoughts. But when you wanted to hang out with Saltyshima and Yamaguchi the cupcake, the odds were never in your favour.
You stood there, under a tree, trying not to get drenched in the pouring rain. Yeah tree wasn't the best of shelter but it was better than just standing out on the open. You COULD wait at the school but one of the teachers had been sending you dirty looks for sticking around outside the school too long.
You waited, annoyed as other students pranced and frolicked with their umbrellas. Of course you had forgotten your umbrella. This wouldn't be a usual day unless you forgot your umbrella like an idiot.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were supposed to be meeting you soon. Yamaguchi texted you earlier to say that him and Tsukishima were almost at your location.
You just listened to the sound of the rain hitting the leaves of the tree. You inhaled then exhaled deeply with your eyes closed. It was very relaxing. Just because you hated the rain sometimes, doesn't make it any less relaxing. Rain would occasionally drop from any leaves above you on the tree and slightly wet your face. It started falling at a certain pace. You were so bored that you started tapping your foot to the rhythm of the rain falling upon your beautiful and expressionless face. This lasted for a while until, it just stopped. You opened one eye to see that there was now an umbrella over your head.
You then looked at the hand holding the umbrella and turned around to face it's owner. Tsukishima stood before you with Yamaguchi behind him, yawning. Tsukishima smirked at you like he always did. "You could have waited at the school for us but for some reason, you thought it was a good idea to stand under a tree in the rain?" He asked you almost laughing. "Seriously you could have waited in the school." He said again. "A REAL gentleman wouldn't make a girl wait." You came back with.
Tsukishima furrowed his brow at this. Yamaguchi just smiled happily. You couldn't help but smile back at him. "Well, a gentleman WOULD put an umbrella over a helpless girl's head." Tsukishima condescended. That's when you noticed that both the boys were drenched.
"You guys are soaked!!" Your exclaimed. They both looked at each other. "Why didn't you just use the umbrella? You have it right in your hand." You asked. Tsukishima looked kind of dumbfounded. Yamaguchi just giggled a little bit. "Ooooh! You were waiting for ME. You guys are so thoughtful!" You said happily and hugged both of them, not caring whether they were wet or not. Yamaguchi returned the hug as Tsukishima continued to hold the umbrella over you and looked away. "Let's just get going." He mumbled and waited for you to release him which you didn't do for a while.
After a while, you did end up letting them out of your embrace. Yamaguchi's cheeks were lightly pink and Tsukishima looked like he'd just gotten a bunch of stress lifted from him. "Let's go!" You almost shouted and grabbed ahold of the umbrella. Tsukishima was still holding it and didn't seem to mind that you held it along with him. Thankfully, the three of you fit under the umbrella together.
"Where are we going?" Asked Yamaguchi. "Hmmmm. It's Friday. Let's hang out at my place." You suggested. Tsukishima nodded as Yamaguchi took out his phone to text someone.
The three of you were watching a movie on your couch. Tsukishima payed little attention to what you were watching and instead was trying to fix a part of his glasses. Yamaguchi was paying close attention and seemed very interested in the film until his phone buzzed.
This spooked you and Tsukishima as it came out of nowhere. "Oh is that your mom? Does she want you to come back earlier?" You asked. "Tell her I said hi." Tsukishima muttered. "No it's not my mom." Stated Yamaguchi.
"It's a girl." He then said which caught both you and Tsukishima off guard. "...A girl... Is texting you?" Tsukishima puzzled. You couldn't help but feel a bit envious and started thinking horrible things about this girl. "So. How long have you known her?" You asked with a slight pout and a hint of disapproval in your tone. Tsukishima glanced at you with a smirk, sensing that you were annoyed that some girl was texting Yams.
"I don't know her at all. She just messaged me from Facebook." Yamaguchi sounded kind of puzzled. "WHO THE FU-" you were cut off by Tsukishima laughing. You looked up at him. "What the hell's so funny?" You asked almost offended. "L/N, are you seriously jealous of some random girl on Facebook?" He laughed, tauntingly. "NO! I probably don't even know her!" You stammered. Tsukishima just laughed in return, clearly trying to piss you off.
"You don't know her? I don't either and it says she goes to our school." Yamaguchi said sounding puzzled. "Tsukii, do you know her?" He asked and directed the phone to Tsukishima who just finished laughing and put his glasses on. "Yamada Haruka. I don't know any Yamadas." Tsukishima answered. "Me neither." You added.
"Weird." Muttered Yamaguchi.Then, his eyes widened. "Is everything okay?" You asked. "It was just Hinata, Kageyama and their friend. Apparently they tried to catfish me." He said with a faint laugh. "Those two morons really have nothing better to do than hang out at their crush's house and bother their teammates." Tsukishima scolded them both indirectly. You just giggled since he was doing almost the same thing right now.
"Hmm. I got chip dust on my hands. I'm going to go wash them." Yamaguchi said and got up. "Just lick off the chip dust! It's tasty!" You urged. "Gross." Tsukishima muttered. "Shut up." You pouted.
There was a silence.
"So what's wrong with your glasses?" You asked the salty giant. "Nothing now. I just dropped them the other day and had to get one of the lenses replaced. I was just making sure it worked fine." He explained the situation. You could feel one of your eyebrows rise. "I thought you weren't clumsy." You said. He slightly scowled. "I'm not." He reassured you.
You decided it would be a great moment to tease him. You crept closer to him while still on the couch. "Then why'd you drop your glasses?" You smirked. You wondered if he'd get fuzzy over something as stupid as this. "I just did." He returned with now a very faint shade of pink on his cheeks. Great! My plan worked! You thought to yourself. For some reason, teasing this guy really pleased you.
You got so close to him this time that when you spoke, he could feel the air from you hitting his neck. You knew Tsukishima really loved his personal space so he was going to get even more annoyed. "Are you suuuuuuuure?" You asked this time intruding into his personal bubble. His cheeks deepened in pink."Hey. Stay in your space." He was about to push you back softly like he usually did but you had already prepared. When he was about to push you by the chest, you grabbed his hand and wrapped it around your waist, this made him lose balance and he almost fell over, making him grab you tightly in reflex. He was obviously flustered at this. You just laughed. "You're cute." You said, thinking you only thought it. "What?" He asked, leaning in closer to you. "What?" You asked, just realizing what you had said. Tsukishima was about to say something else and that's when Yamaguchi made his return.
"Sorry it took so long. You were out of soap so I-" he stopped and looked at the scene before him. "AH! SORRY!" He apologized and turned around quickly. You and Tsukishima paused for a moment then looked at each other for a split second before pushing each other away. "Eh! Nothing!" You shouted and put your hands up in the air as if you were at gun point.
Tsukishima yawned. "She fell." He said, as if that explained anything. You glared at him. Your scowl told him that what he said made things worse.
"Oh. Okay then." Yamaguchi turned around and his sweet, playful appearance returned to his face. Tsukishima yawned again. What the ever loving fuck is happening?
You thought to yourself.This story was suggested by a reader! Please keep in mind that I usually take suggestions into consideration!! Thank you!!

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Haikyuu!! X Reader (Fem) 18+
أدب الهواةThe male Haikyuu characters have different stories involving YOUR love story! CAUTION!! This may include mature content. You've been advised.