Lily was back at home in her light blue house. The roof was white. The walls were light blue. It had a beautiful blue porch swing and a brown door with a peep hole.
When she walked in she saw something unexpected. Her house was torn, everything everywhere. She called her mom and her grandma by their names.
"Grandma" (Rosanna Nieva).
There was no answer."Mom" (lilac Nieva)
No answer again.Then she got a call from police.....
Her grandma had to be taken to the hospital. Apparently she was there on the floor and my mom called the cops and she was taken to the hospital. The doctors say that she had a stroke, if my mom would have waited 1 more minute she would have died.Lily called Mateo and Mateo rushed over as fast as he could. They stayed about 5 hours till the doctors came out to update them.
"So your grandma is doing fine and you can visit her but things might change so pay attention" the doctor said " I am Lillian Harper and I will be the doctor taking care of your grandma.
"Thank you so much I will call if needed" said lily.
1 hour after Mateo and lily were out in a bench talking.
"I just can't lose her she is everything to me"( starts sobbing) said lily.
"I know but she will be alright I promise" whispered Mateo.
"A couple weeks till our anniversary, are you exited" lily said.
" yes so much my pumpkin pie"exclaimed Mateo.
The next day her grandma was released from the hospital and went back home. Lily spent weeks taking after her. Lily made a chicken noodle soup with lots of veggies for her grandma.
"I don't understand why I need to eat healthy I am going to be fine" barked Rosanna.
"Because the reason you had a stroke is because you aren't eating healthy and I don't want that to happen. Especially since I am having my 5 year anniversary remember"lily replied.
"Oh yes I will take care of myself I promise" Rosanna vowed.
A couple days to the anniversary
"I miss you and love you" exclaimed Mateo."I miss and love you too"agreed lily.

Moonlight madness
RomanceThis girl feel in love at really young age she thought she would love him forever and he would love her forever but everything changed...