chapter 1 the baby in the river

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A peaceful night was a rare thing in new york until the sound of motorcycle came riding pass the people getting out of the way and the one riding was none other than Hun leader of the purple dragons, Hun smirked evilly when he saw the apartment they were heading '' surround the apartment, make sure she doesn't escape '' he said the purple dragons agreed and continue riding towards the apartment.


Meanwhile in the apartment a woman was looking out the window and saw the purple dragons coming to her apartment, she close the curtains and walks towards a crib and look down and picks up a baby that was barley a day old, the baby started to stir and whimper so the woman shushed it and gently rocks it to sleep, once the baby calmed down and went back to sleep the woman puts a silver necklace with two diamonds and one white diamond in the center and the word ohana on it around the baby neck

and gently place the baby in a basket and place a kiss on the baby head covered the baby with a blanket and place a note on the babys chest and put the lid on the basket when she heard someone banging on the door, she opens a window and grabs the ...

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and gently place the baby in a basket and place a kiss on the baby head covered the baby with a blanket and place a note on the babys chest and put the lid on the basket when she heard someone banging on the door, she opens a window and grabs the basket with the baby in it and climbs down the fire escape just when Hun broke down the door and saw the living room was empty, he went to the baby room and saw a baby cradle, he push the curtains away and saw it was empty too '' it looks like she misunderstood the deal, search everywhere in new york for her, i want that baby alive '' Hun growled and the purple dragon gang spread out to find the woman and her baby, one of them saw something and thought it was a cat and pulled out his gun and shot at it to scare it off the man smirked and continued driving but little did he know is that he shot the woman with the baby and was slowly dying she limps down to a nearby manhole cover and lifted up and went down the latter with the basket, once she was on the ground she fell on her knees she knew he wasn't going to make it she sees a river and back at the basket with the baby in she opens the lid and see the baby was crying softly and she sing to the baby one last time

???: Hush now my baby,
be still and don't cry
sleep as your rocked by the stream,
sleep and remember my last lullaby
so i'll be with you when you dream

when she finished she saw the baby asleep kiss the babys forehead one last time and closed the lid with tears falling from her eyes she place the basket in the river and watch it drift away and with the last bit of he strength she prayed/sing

???: River,oh river
flow gently for me
such preciouse cargo you bare
do you know somewhere she can live free
river deliver her there

and she was gone hoping that her baby was going to be safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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