And there is so much to fucking live for kid. The feeling of warm sand between your toes and the smell of freshly baked cookies. The sound of your dog's feet as she runs to meet you at the door and the taste of ice cold water on a hot summers day. Driving down the highway with your best friends singing at the top of your lungs and falling asleep in your lovers arms. Watching the sun set from the top of tall apartment buildings and the way the world feels clean after a thunderstorm. New books and old movies and that cafe you go to when you want to escape. Roses and oversized sweaters and clean sheets and long baths and pizza. Goddamn pizza. Leaves slowly falling mid autumn. Christmas, you know family time where you bake cookies and laugh. Laughing.
You see the world wants you to think that life is simply school, work, money and so forth but there are so many things to fall in love with. Your first kiss. Your first partner. Graduating college. Your first job. Money. Tattoos. I could continue the list forever.
But instead I was to ask; who made you feel like there was nothing left to live for? Who broke you so badly that you are sat here today wondering why you're still here. You're still here because life is fucking beautiful and tragic, and dammit there are bad days, bad week, bad months, bad years, but that's not all there is. The little flickers of hope blossom in everywhere.
You've got to stop stressing kiddo, not everything has to perfect, one day, you're going to hear a really good song and remember why you stayed. You'll stress over an exam and your roommate will come with ice cream and you cry and laugh all at once on the kitchen floor, you'll fail the exam but you would've learned so much more about the people you're around. Your mother will grow old and although this is going to sadden you, you'll survive, you'll teach her what living is. One day you'll have a kid, and perhaps one day (god forbid) they'll wonder why they're still living and you can tell them all of the wonders in life. The things we take for granted.
Death is the only thing promised in life and it sucks, but why try to welcome it.
You're going to get a good job. You'll move out. Meet new people. Perhaps you'll even find God again, and if you don't that's fine, you don't need god to save you.
Kid, there's new ice cream, good movies and hope.
There is just so much to fucking live for kid.

Words to mend the broken soul
PoetryPoetry based off of my life experiences and my voyage through recovery & relapse