6. Almost At Deaths Door..

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But When I was going home.. I felt a strange feeling in my body.. It made me feel weak.. So I went home fast i ran and I ran! When I got there I had told the High Council What happened to me. They had no idea about what was going on. I told them It may have been the beast that I scared away? They All thought that I was crazy. So then I ran into my new study and i searched for the image of this beast. “I found it!” I shouted. The name of this beast i fought was named Thesaurus He was known as the “Beast of Poison.” And I read about him And I learned that a werewolfs weakness is the Poison of Thesaurus. It was the worst weakness ever.

 As i was running towards the High Council’s room I felt like I was dying. So I used my speed training that the high council had taught me. I went almost 300 mph! I got there in no time. I told them what i had learned. And they looked at each other and laughed .. So i took off running I went to my mom. I told her i was going out looking for the beast that had attacked me and she just said okay good luck..

 Good thing I was taught how to track people because I found Thesaurus. I asked him for the antidote. He looked at me and laughed. “Boy, You think it’ll be that easy?” He shouted. I said “I thought that it was gonna be like this!” So I got into my fighting stance. And He got into his. I ran towards him in a spite of rage. I jumped clawed his back He fell to the ground. He looks like hes still weak from the fight before. I shouted “This is your last chance! Give me the antidote and I shall spare your life!” He said “no.” So I gave him another before I change into my ultimate form and end his life fight here right now. 

I had to change into my ultimate form and brutally kill him. Killing him was the easy part. But on the other hand finding the antidote was the hard part.. I search and i searched until.. Until I found the book of antidotes. i thought to myself “oh crap i have to create the antidote.” So I ran back to the Den with the book and I showed the High Council the book.. They looked at each other and discussed how to make the antidote. Looks like they’re finally going to help me. 

The next day I felt worse. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even talk.. My mom said that I was going to die unless the High Council hurries up and makes the medicine to cure me. It was day after day I was getting worse and worse. It felt like the High Council Members didn’t care that their Alpha was dying. They Really didn’t. So my mom went to them and forced them to make the medicine to cure my illness. She told me it took a lot of convincing to get them to do it but they did. It was a quick and easy process that i could’ve done in my sleep. So I took the medicine and as the days went on I felt myself getting better and better. I felt stronger than ever too.

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