(4003 words)
~Thursday 17th of July 2002~
6:30 am, Everyone was dead silent, either a sleep or out hunting. After the incident yesterday with the feline I started to feel more angry at the stupidest things. I sighed and looked down at my damp paws lazily, I thought about Drake. The pup by the tree when I first went off out of sight, I never met him that next day.. I was cooped up in the den when my father didn't trust me outside, he's loosing faith in me, why? I'm clearly mature and strong, everything he's wanted. I guess he's more interested in Apollo teaching him how to become a leader once my fathers time is up. Ugh why can't I be the leader, I was born first surely they should change the rules... I'm stronger then my brother and I'm hella loyal, he's nothing. He's weak and a coward.
I heard paw pads from a distance, I didn't turn around but my ears pinned in the direction of the sounds. I heard my fathers voice as he sat down next to me and inhaled the cold morning air. "Why are you up?" He asked me concerned. I looked at him and sighed. "Couldn't sleep Father.." my head began to dip downwards to my paws, starting to feel the exhaustion. "A strong female like you needs to rest." He tried to make the mood better, I shook my head and squinted my eyes. "A true leader doesn't sleep." I hinted at my father, even though i knew I probably made things worse. "Kiara you know-" I stood up and started to speak over him. "Yes I know Father, females can't rule. Your the king and you can change the rules! You know I'm stronger then Apollo father, you know he's weak.. I don't understand why you shut me out from things you know I'm better at.." I looked away flattening my ears. "If you think females can't rule, have no say, no hunting, no nothing! Then this pack isn't for me Father..." I looked at him again as tears Well up in my emerald eyes. My fathers head went down and closed his eyes tightly. "Gah.. you act so much like your mother." He whined and placed a paw onto his muzzle. "Then why didn't you listen to her.. Momma speaks To me father.." my voice suddenly went soft as my throat started to build a knot. He shook his head. "Your imagination. She's gone Kiara I watched her die because-" Again I'd cut into his venting. "I know! I know father it was my fault. I killed momma. I know I'm different and the energy from me took mommas life away. I know!" Tears began to fall and cause my face fur to go damp, I whispered and turned away sprinting off and into the forest. "Kiara, please don't run away from your problems!" My father sat there and watched me run off into the distance. As if he thought I'd come back. I leaped over a log and bolted down a hill, bouncing through the tall grass as I ran, Tears where continuing to stream down my perfectly shaped face.
After a while I stopped running and walked slowly through the woods, my packs scent was gone so I knew I was further away then planned. I left paw prints in the mud beneath me as I felt the breeze brush against my fur. My thirst was starting to grow, I panted heavily until I saw a small lake. A smirk grew across my face as I padded over there. My paws then splashed into the lake, I lowered my head and extended my tongue to touch the refreshing water. I paused once I heard movements on the other side of the lake. I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Who's there?" I growled threateningly, Fear isn't what I'd call it but I felt intimidated. Another unknown growl left the bushes until a grey looking wolf appeared showing his self. He grinned mischievously. "Aggressive one aren't ya?" He teased as he swung his tail around, his dark eyes focused on me. "Indeed.." I stared at him back as I began to turn around and walk off. He rose an eyebrow at my sudden remark of leaving. "Where ya going?" He asked curiously as he watched me walk along the side of the lake. "None of your business stranger." I rolled my emerald coloured eyes as I swung my tail around. "Aye that's rude, You know I once met a wolf with eyes like those when I was young." He also walked along the side of the river opposite me. I looked at him and stopped. "I'm the only one with Green eyes dude, I've never met you in my life." I narrowed my eyes lazily. "What's ya name love?" He walked along the lake side watching my structure. I listened to his voice as I walked forward sighing. "Kiara Raveneye. Daughter of King Krypton." I felt like such an idiot explaining my royal background, I rolled my eyes as I blabbed on. "Kiara?" He stopped for a second and paused. "I do know you, It's me Drake!" His voice changed to a more excited one. "That rouge pup?" I tilted my head slightly as my heart paced fast. "Yeah.. the one you said you'd see the next day and didn't show up.. you know I got attacked that day.." we began walking on opposite sides again. I flattened my ears slightly. "I got..-" he cut me off and looked down. "I know.. I guessed seeing as the day I met you they where coming after you." He nodded not really caring about the situation anymore. "I'm sorry.." I looked over at him, he sort of shook his fur and ignored me for a while. For a couple of minutes it was silent, just both of us walking along the opposite sides, I noticed a rock stepping stone thing in the middle of the lake, as if it was away to cross. Drake looked up ahead and noticed it too, he smirked and looked at me once we reached the rock passing thing. I looked at him curiously as he jumped onto one of the rocks and made his way to me. I sat down and waited for him to reach me. After stepping off the last rock his face was extremely close to mine, he pushed his nose against my own being like any other Male I've met. I squinted my eyes and growled pulling back and head butting him. He yelped and fell backwards and onto his back. I looked away and shook my head. "All the same." I got up and walked away, unsure of where I'd walk to. I didn't know where I was actually going, I had technically left the pack so I don't know what I was classed as. Drake jumped up and started catching up behind me. "Where are you actually going? Why ain't you with your pack. Your a bit far." He giggled stupidly as he then started to walk beside me. "My pack doesn't give certain ranks to females. My father won't allow a Queen, and he won't allow females to have a role in anything." I growled to myself as I thought about it. Drake huffed and frowned looking at me. "Well that's unfair." He shook his head as it was getting to him slightly. I rolled my eyes. "Exactly why I left." I left out the part where I argued with my father about killing my momma. It pained me once I thought about it. "Y-you could always go to the rouge camp with me?" He tilted his head and stopped walking. "There's no rules, were just a team. There's no leader no nothing, but I guess if they find out your a princess they may kill you. Unless you prove your strength. I'll have your back." He smiled cheekily. I looked at him thinking about the idea even though it weren't a bad one. I sighed as I didn't really have a choice I had no where to go. I smiled back sighing again. "Sure Drake.. sure." Drake howled in excitement and nudged me in the direction of the rouge camp.
~ The Rouge Camp ~

Wolf Queen
Werewolf"Will I ever rule?" My paws where sinking into the ground beneath me whilst I followed my father. His huge looking ears perked listening carefully at my question. "You? No love." He rolled his eyes thinking I was messing around, either way thinking...