"They said I was nothing but a troublemaker never up to no good.
You were the perfect all American girl, wouldn't touch me even if you could."
Never do you expect to find love. Especially when you aren't supposed to be around this person...
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Sin's POV "Late enough," her dad says from lady's door frame. "At least I'm taking her home. Most of the time, I don't even bring the girl to my place." His eyes harden. "You do realize just how much I hate you right. How much I believe that you are terrible for my daughter." I taken my hand away from her hair for a second, back she blindly searches for my hand again, once finding it, placing it back to her hair. Damn I love her. "Listen, I'm well aware of all the wrong I've done, a-and maybe I will end up hurting her. I have never pressured her into anything, Will has. I actually love her. I have never layed a hand on her in a way she doesn't want, both you and Will have done that one. She's only yelling at me to not stop when I'm touching her." Before I even know it his fist is flying at my face. I don't stumble back or anything. Just smirk a little although it hurt a little. "I deserved that." ××××××× Lady's POV I can hear my heart beat in my ears as I walk down the hallway to health class. For some reason, people, mostly girls, have been giving me weird, disgusted looks since first period. I'm trying to ignore it, but my anxiety is getting the best of me. I sit down in my seat and take out of my notebook. The girls behind me whisper my name in their conversation. I can't help but listen in. "I don't know either. She has the body of a ten year old boy," one of them says. "Yeah. Carmello will soon see what she is and leave," the other says. My heart starts beating concerning my fast. I raise my hand. Sin comes in with Max and sits down, kissing my temple. "Yes, Miss.Rodgers." "I need to get some air," I say, holding my chest. He gestures for me to leave, pointing at Sin for him to follow in case I end up falling. Once outside, I take deep breaths. He rests his hand on my back. "Still sick?" He asks. I nod, my cheeks heating up at the memory of what happened last night. "Do you know why people keep giving me weird looks?" I ask. His jaw clenches. "Sin, if you know something about this, please just tell me." "I heard from Dylan and he said in the boys locker room that you slept with him last night and sent a picture," he says, holding his phone out to me. Get you a men who isn't afraid to let you hold his phone when unlocked. The picture looks extremely convincing, but I clearly remember this night. He had forced himself in me. Looking close enough, you can see I'm crying instead of laughing. "Why didn't you tell me when-" "Cause I thought Timber or Kay would tell you. Plus, I didn't think it mattered since I know you were with me all night last night," he says. I look back at the picture. "I don't care that you messed around with him once and took some stupid pict-" I give his phone back to him, glaring. "You've got to be kidding me, Sin," I say. ××××××× Sin's POV I don't know what I said wrong, but the look on her face tells me I did or said something. "What?" I ask. "Nothing," she says, walking down the steps. I'm about to follow after her, but think against it. Knowing full well that sometimes being alone helps. ××××××× Lady's POV The door closes loudly behind me when I get home. I literally ran the whole way back here, fighting back tears; and now I can't hold them anymore. My back slides down until I'm sitting on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. The sound of heels hitting the tile, reminds me my mom is here. I try wiping my tears away, but she's here before I can. She let's out a quiet gasp. Taking my hand, she pulls me up and leads me over to the couch. "Did you and Sin break up or something?" She asks. I shake my head. My phone goes off. Turning it on and opening the message, the picture pops up from an unknown number. My mom gasps again, this time loudly. "He's sending around private photos of you!?" "No, mom. He wouldn't do that," I cry, running my fingers through my hair. "Will is. Remember when I told you about him forcing himself on me that night, this is it. He must have kept some of the pictures. He's telling everything I slept with him last night." She squeezes my hand. "I'm so sorry baby. Is there anything you want me or your dad to do? I could go down to the school and-" "No thank you. I'm just gonna lay down," I say. As soon as I stand, someone's knocks in the front door. My mom goes to answering it, inviting whoever it is in. Sin walks in, giving my Mon the kindest smile he can without looking too nice. I look down at him from the stairs. "Can we talk?" He asks. I nod and continue on my way. He follows me into my room and closes the door. "I don't like when your upset with me and I don't know why." "Do you really not get it?" I ask. He shakes his head. "You said that you didn't care that messed around with him and took some pictures." "I still don't get it. Please tell me." "I never messed with him or willingly took those pictures. He forced himself on me, took some pictures when I was trying to get up, and now is doing this. I'm just hurt you think I would do that," I say. He runs his hand down my arm and takes my hand. "I'm sorry, I was just going from what it looks like. I should have known better of you. Forgive me?" I nod and lay down. He sits down on the edge next to me, holding my bee. "I think you could use his company right now." I smile, taking it and holding it tightly. "I love you." "I love you. Get some sleep. I'll see you later." ×××××××× Two hours later Sin's POV My doctor comes back in, looking at his clipboard. "So before I get into anything, I need to know a few things about your families medical history if you know anything at all." I nod at him to continue. "Does anyone have a problem with producing reproductively?" "All I know about that is that, is that my parents had a very hard time conceiving my youngest sister who is sixteen now. My dad said it was because of him, but never said why exactly." He writes everything down. "Any aunts or uncles of it?" I shake my head. "Okay. Does anyone in your family have a history of any type of Cancer?" My knees start to bounce. "My mom had leukemia three years ago," I say. "She's still alive and went through chemo. She said her dad, my grandpa had it as well." He nods. "Well, I don't exactly know how to tell you this in a casual way. But looking at your blood tests and other tests, you have leukemia," he tells me. Suddenly, the room seems extremely small and I can hardly breath. "And looking at your sperm, it's effecting that as well. Say you were to try and have a kid, it would nearly impossible." I pinch the tip of my nose. "Thank you, Sir." ××××××× Twoweekslater: "Will please tell me why you've been so...weird?" She asks, sitting down next to me in Health. I shrug, currently hating myself for doing this to her. "Okay then." I tap my fingers on the desk annoyingly. She's my girlfriend and I'm acting like how we were before, but I don't want her getting hurt with this. "Just know I love you, Lady. No matter what." She searches my eyes. "What's wrong?" "I don't want to say. I promise I didn't cheat or anything like that. I just...I'm not ready to tell you." She looks back at the board. We both agreed on no secret holding; she's been good on her part, but I'm about to fail. "Come by my place at nine. I'll explain." ×××××× And that's exactly what I did. I told her everything the doctor told me two weeks ago, and somehow she's still sitting down on my couch with me. I wipe her shed tears. "Do you think you'll be okay?" I ask. "I-I don't know yet. I've been getting tired really easily this week, nervous," I admit. She squeezes my hand. "I love you and don't want this to be the end of our story. We're supposed to be the best live story this town as ever seen." She places her hand over my heart, looking me in the eyes. "And we will be as long as you try and hold on. We'll follow through with that promise." I stand up and go to the table, grabbing the small red box. "I promise you," I say, crying a little. She gets up and wipes my tears away. "I-I don't know if it's too soon, but I know you're it for me. Promise you'll marry me." My eyes search her's as she nods. "I promise." Smiling, I open the box and place the small ring on her ring finger. Cupping her face in my hands, I kiss her passionately. "We're crazy, you know that?" "All the best people are." ××××××
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Lady's POV I look myself up and down in the full length mirror leaning against the wall next to the bed. I was planning on wearing this last week, but he had been so emotionally distant, I didn't want to sleep with him in a sexual way. "Shehasthebodyofatenyearoldboy." "Carmello will soon see what she is and leave." "Idon't knowwhywouldeverlookin the mirror, and think forasecondthatyourpretty." "Youwouldbeprettyifyouhadabetterbody. Itkindifthrowseverythingoff." All these remarks coming back to me, makes me want to crawl out of my skin and leave. I reach behind me and try taking the bra off, now feeling uncomfortable and awkward in the outfit. I look like a child who's trying to be sexy. "Do you know where the comb is?" Sin asks from the bathroom. "No," I reply. The sound of the door unlocking makes me jump. "Wait a sec-" "Fucking hell," he says under his breath, but loud enough to hear. Tears fill my eyes as I automatically, by instinct, think he doesn't like it. "What's wrong, love?"' "I just don't feel like you like this and that I look like a child. I was going to change, but you came in and now-" He places his hand on my waist, keeping a small distance. "There is no way I could ever not like you in this, or any lingerie, or anything at all. Your beautiful and whatever anyone else things doesn't matter." I sit down on the edge of the bed. "Your not disappointed in anyway?" I ask shyly. He tilts my chin up. "No. As cliche as it sounds, you're perfect," he says. Smiling, I let him bend down and kiss me. Slowly, I stand up, my fingers holding onto the waistband of his jeans. His hands slip into my hair as he lays me down, getting on me in a straddling position that's comfortable for me. "I mean, I love when you're normal, but this- what you're wearing- is really doing things to me. I'm not sure I even want to take it off you." A blush makes it's way. "Kiss me." He does just that, slowly, but hard and loving. His lips travel to my neck, jaw, ear, and the tops of my breasts. My hips raise against his as I moan. I now realize, I've never made him moan during anything sexual. Mature!!! He squeezes my breasts, his tongue flicking over the sensitive skin on my collarbones. I run my hands down his back, holding onto him. I turn us over and tug down his jeans and boxers, throwing them somewhere. Feeling him against me almost makes me want him this second. Teasingly, I lightly graze it with my fingertips, leaning down and kissing the deep care on the crook of his neck. He clenches the sheets as I continue what I'm doing with my hand. I move down his body, taking a deep breath before taking him in my mouth. Since I can't take it all, I use my hand as well. "Lady," he says. I look up at him innocently. A sexy growl comes from his throat as he grips a handful of my hair. I keep doing what I'm doing until he finishes. "Fuck," he moans loudly. "You moaned." "Don't get used to it," he replies, turning me over and nearly ripping off my bra and dragging down my underwear. As soon as his hot mouth makes contacts with my breast I'm in pure bliss. "Say my name." "S-Ah, don't stop." He bites down a little. "Say my name, baby girl." "Please Sin." With that he pushing into me in one hard thrust. matureover!!!
"I don't want you ever thinking badly about yourself again. Your beautiful," he says, his lips brushing against mine as he talks. "I can't promise that, but you make me a promise." "What?" "You'll let me in. You won't block me off from your feelings again. It hurt." He brushes my hair out if my face. "I promise." THEYUSEPROTECTIONEVERYTIME! IDON'TFEELLIKEWRITTINGALLTHAT. AN: Anotherlongerchapter for youguys. PleasegocheckoutmytwonewstoriesDirtyLittleSecret, andTheRide. Also, goinmyrpInstagramforthisstory (userandinfoisonmyconversations board). Also, I'mstillnotsureaboutstartingasequence. Anyways, commentandshare! Stayalive |-/ -Vaeh PS: Here'swhatherpromiseringlookslike::