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Chapter 1

The stairs had been plaguing me for years. Every night I would dream of them. Never ending steps that took me nowhere. Some nights I’d wake up sweating because someone followed me. Someone that didn’t belong in my dreams. 

I don’t know what triggered the dreams. I just knew that even when I was awake, I could see that staircase. 

“Jenna, are you paying attention?” a nasally voice asked.

I jumped. “Yes. Sorry. What were you saying?”

Mr. Stanger glared at me. “I take that as a no. I need your test. I assume you’re done?”

I looked down at the blank page and paled. “Um, no. Could I just have a couple more minutes?”

A few of the students snickered. Great. Something else for them to laugh at me for. I ignored them and kept my eyes on Mr. Stanger, pleading for a little mercy.

He grumbled. “Class dismissed. Don’t forget to read over the summer. Yes, school may be out, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to allow your brains a chance to forget everything. Next year is your senior year. You’ll need all the help you can get. Jenna, come and see me.”

I used to be the teacher’s favorite student. Somewhere along the way I forgot to care and he didn’t like that. I picked up my blank paper and trudged up to the front of the class.

“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t finish the test. I didn’t sleep well last night.” Or any other night for that matter.

He sighed. “How much did you get done?”

I glanced at the paper in my hand. The dirt in my nails distracted me. I would need to clean them before I got home. Julie would be angry if she saw anything that could embarrass her. Never mind that she was the reason for the dirt in the first place.

“Jenna? How much?” Mr. Stanger urged.

I handed him the paper, figuring it would answer the question for me. My heart thumped in my throat. Dreams of college were long gone after Julie had spent everything Dad had saved up for me, but I’d hoped for scholarships. It didn’t look like that would happen either.

“This is blank. You didn’t do anything?” The disappointment was evident on his face.

“No. I must have dozed off.” I clenched my fist, willing the tears to remain unshed.

“You fell asleep.” He sighed. “Jenna, if I give you another chance after school, would you at least try to do the test?”

I felt another something I hadn’t felt for a long time. Hope. “You’ll give me another chance?”

“You have a D in the class. At the beginning of the year, you were acing every test and assignment I threw at you. Yes, I’ll give you another chance. No telling anyone, though. I need to keep up my unpleasant demeanor.” He turned to his desk and scribbled a note. “Get to your next class. And Jenna? How about you stay awake?” 

“Thank you, Mr. Stanger.” I smiled.

I did my best to pay attention for the rest of school. The other kids made it rather difficult as they snickered and made faces at me—always when the teacher wasn’t looking. I’d heard the rumors flying around about why I’d stopped caring. Nothing came close to the truth.

There was no way they could know what was happening at home. What plagued my dreams.

When the final bell rang, everyone cheered and ran for the doors. Summer vacation had started. I made my way back to English, where Mr. Stanger was waiting for me. He silently handed me the test.

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