Chapter 5

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It had been a few hours since I'd ran from him. I don't know why I did, I guess I just felt the need to, but now as I'm sitting on a bench in the middle of nowhere, I realized that running wasn't such a great idea. I was so happy, with his company, with him. It was all so lovely, and even a few hours later I missed him. I missed the contact with someone else. I took out my phone from my rucksack, to see I had 8 messages, 5 missed calls and 2 voice mails. I checked the voice messages, one from Luke, one from Isaac, then I checked the missed calls, all from them from Luke who seemed incredibly angry at me. Isaac had sent me one message saying "Hey" and another saying he was worried about me. I guess I should call him. I rang the number and sat patiently as it rang.


"Where are you?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm sorry for going like I did.."

"Just tell me where you are." I quickly scanned the streets, looking for a name, and told him. I felt so guilty, that I thought maybe he did need to know where I was, even though it was my decision to run away.

"I don't think it's too far, I just need time alone."

"Don't move. I'm going to get you. I don't trust you to be on your own."

"I'm fi-" Then he cut the call before I could even finish. Why was he so worried? I'd been on my own before. I was old enough to look after myself. I'm 16, nearly 17, I don't need to be looked after. I mean, it is nice having him here, and he's so lovely, kind and caring, but I don't need to be babied.

I sat on the bench and waited for him, looking around to see where I'd ran too. It was quiet, there were houses pretty much everywhere but nobody was out of their house. I sat back against the bench before a car pulled up in front of me, where the road was. It was a silver audi, and in the drivers side was Isaac.

"Get in the car." He demanded and I did as I was told. I grabbed my bags and brought them with me, throwing them into the boot of the car before getting into the passenger side. I looked over at him and he didn't look happy in the slightest.

"Why did you come find me? I'm capable of looking after myself." I said, before looking out the front window, as he drove keeping an eye on the road.

"I wanted to. I know you could probably look after yourself but round here.. It's not the safest place to be out at night on your own." I nodded, understanding that he probably was right. We drove in silence till we got back to his apartment, where he parked round the back of the building. "No more running away?" He asked, and I looked at him, chewing my lip.

"I'll try." He smiled softly, getting out of the car and I followed suit. I walked over to the boot and took my bags out, and walked with him, as I followed him up to his place. I walked in and sat down on the couch. There was something really bothering me, and I had to ask. "Who's the guy that's kissing your cheek on the side of your fridge?" He looked at me.

"My ex boyfriend." So he was gay. Well that's a relief. I honestly believed he was straight, but since I saw that picture I started to doubt it.

"Oh, what happened between you guys?" He looked down, then sat down on the couch beside me, crossing his legs as he faced me.

"Long story." He mumbled, and I could tell from his facial expression that this was an uncomfortable topic for him to talk about, and I wasn't going to force him to talk about anything he didn't want to.

"I have time, but if you don't want to talk about it, then I completely understand." I smiled softly, taking his hand gently, as I turned my body to face his. He nodded, looking down at my hands.

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