I sit in the corner of my room my knees pressed against my chest and my arms wrapped around them like I was hugging someone. I am so alone it's true I have the RFA but it has been a week since Rika died and I still can't get the memories that we shared out of my mind! Tears formed from my eyes and I press my head to my knees, I was a mess I haven't been going to school or going into chatrooms all I have been doing is hiding away and pretending that I am fine when in reality all I want is to be happy again. I lift my head from my knees and notice that my tears have left wet spots on my pants. I wipe my face I was hiccuping and choking because I was so sad. Ricka was the only one who understood me and now I just feel lost. I grab a pillow hoping that it might help me calm down but.... it did nothing. I then hear a knock at my door I push myself closer to the wall.
"G-GO AWAY!" My voice sounded shaky and scared "P-Please" After I said that a familiar voice echoes through my room.
Seven: "Yoosung? Are you alright you haven't been in chatrooms and-" he cuts himself off "I'm worried" My heart skips a beat Oh no why did it need to be Seven! I feel my face turn red and I bury my face in the pillow. "Yoosung?" I was shaking I didn't know what to do.
"Seven why did you come over to my house!?"
Seven: "Because i'm worried about you and you aren't picking up your phone. Can you please let me in so I can help you." I sigh and stand up with the pillow in my right hand. Why am I doing this!? I open the door and Seven's reaction was just what I expected..... worry and pitty. He must have seen the tear stains on my face and how red my eyes where. He walked in and noticed that I haven't been cleaning but it wasn't that big of a deal because I haven't been eating much anyway. "Yoosung-" I didn't let him finish his sentence before I hug him. "AHH! Y-Yoosung!?" Why did I do that! I literally just hugged the man I have a crush on! WHAT AM I DOING! As I was panicking Seven wraps his arms around me which makes my heart beat fast. "I knew you needed someone right now." I hug him tighter and bury my face into his shoulder crying.
"Thank you." He hugs me tighter back I knew Seven cared for me but I don't think even if I did share my feelings he would accept them. After a while of me hugging Seven, I let go of him and realize that he is blushing faintly I blink a few times and push it to the back of my mind. "Hey, Seven?" He looks at me his hands in his pockets. "C-Could you stay with me? Just for tonight. I know you are busy but-" He cuts me off
Seven: "Don't worry Yoosung. I can stay alright" I smile and sit down on my bed.
"I'm sorry. I probably sound like a child... asking you to stay over." I sigh and curl up again "I don't know whats wrong with me." Seven sits beside me and puts a hand on my knee
Seven: "You're not childish for asking me that. Believe it or not, I need it as much as you do." I turn over at Seven resting my cheek on the opposite knee.
"What? But you are so good at handling your emotions!" Seven smiled taking his hand off of my knee and fixing his glasses.
Seven: "Not all the time Yoosung. I am still human" He looks at my clock and realizes how late it is he looks back at me "Shouldn't you be going to bed?" I make a face
"Well I was but the thoughts of Ricka kept swarming me and it kept me up." I let my legs dangle from my bed and put my arms on my knees.
Seven: "Hmmm" I see Seven grab his computer from his bag and pull up a movie "There we can watch something until you fall asleep alright?" I look at Seven and he smiles at me I nod and we start to watch a movie.
Its 1 am and Yoosung has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I can feel my face heat up, Yoosung has always been such an amazing person towards the RFA and to everyone, he meets and it hurts me to see him sad. His arm was wrapped around my arm so I couldn't do any work that and my head was spinning. Yoosung he was so.....so perfect. I glance over at him and I can hear his faint snores, my heart races and I move some of his hair out of his face. He was really hurt by Ricka's death and I don't want to see him sad. I lean back my face hot from blushing and my heart pounding from realizing how much I love Yoosung. I take my computer close it and put it on the ground once I do the room goes dark and I am left to take care of Yoosung while he sleeps.
---- TIME SKIP ----
Yoosung opens his eyes and realizes how he had fallen asleep his face turns red and he lets go of my arm.
Yoosung: "O-OH MY GOD!! SEVEN I-I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" I cut him off
"Its okay Yoosung" I yawn "I'm just happy you got some sleep" Yoosung looks at me his face still a bit red from the embarrassment.
Yoosung: "Seven you got some sleep right?" I smile I was happy he was worried about me but he should really be worrying more about himself.
"I stayed up looking after you just in case you had a nightmare." I rub my eyes "Don't worry though I have pulled all-nighters before its nothing new for me." Yoosung sat up so I had my arm back.
Yoosung: "Well... did I have a nightmare?" I nod
"at one point you were shaking and making noises.But don't worry I managed to calm you down" I smile at Yoosung and he gives me a slight smile back. He was so cute whenever he smiled I don't know why but it always struck me in the heart whenever he laughed or whenever he was happy.
Yoosung: "Thank you Seven. Y-You really are amazing" I get up from Yoosungs bed and fix my jacket.
"Do you want me to stay longer?" I was hoping his answer would be yes because I don't want to leave him not only because he was sad because of Ricka but because I think I love him.

Together (Yoosung x Seven)
FanfictionRight after Rika's death Yoosung feels sad alone and depressed so Seven comes over to comfort him.