Time to go shopping. I peered through the shop windows. Don't mind me, just a teen doing a little window shopping. I love shopping, especially when I don't have to pay. The angel on my shoulder was telling me that what I was about to do was wrong. The devil on my other shoulder was estatic about the freedom that came with being a super villain. The freedom of taking what I wanted when I wanted was practically irresistible.
I walked into the small, overpriced boutique on the corner of the street. I was in my GA uniform to convince the owner that I had the money to buy merchandise. When the lady at the cash register laid eyes on me she smiled and skipped over.
"Is there anything I can help you with today?" she asked in a honey sweet voice.
"Yes actually, I was looking for an outfit for an upcoming charity event." I said truthfully.
My plan was to rob this place and snatch a fancy dress in the process. Then I would be able to also sneak into a charity ball and grab a few wallets from the wealthy people of Gotham. Killing two birds with one stone kinda deal, ya know?
"I think I have something that you will just love." the women said excitedly and gestures to a rack in the back of the store.
"Ah, here it is!" she exclaimed.
She proceeded to show me a white, form-fitted dress that stopped right above my knees. I couldn't deny that the dress was beautiful. It was covered in jewels that shone like stars.
"It's perfect! May I try it on?" I asked excitedly.
"Of course, sweetheart. Try room one." she said sweetly and gestured to the changing rooms.
I walked into the first fitting room and locked the door. I carefully took the delicate dress off of its rack. I slipped into the shiny dress and looked into the mirror. It was perfect! It was shiny enough so that people would notice me and it wouldn't look like I was trying to hide. After I made sure it fit perfectly, I walked out of the fitting room with the dress in hand.
"I'll take it!" I said satisfied.
"Wonderful! I'll ring it up for you." the cashier said delightfully.
I bought the dress and waved goodbye happy with my purchase. I turned into the closest alley and climbed onto the roof of the boutique. I changed into my uniform making sure no one could see me in the process. I then swung into the front door with my whip knocking the door off of its hinges. I just needed to buy the dress to figure out if it fit.
As I swung into the small shop an alarm was set off and the cashier screamed. I had roughly a minute to get in and out of their. I ripped open the cashier and shoved the money in one of my pockets as the lady sat trembling in the corner. I grabbed a few necklaces and shoved them into my pocket. I threw a few fur coats that looked valuable over my shoulder when I heard the police sirens in the distance. I grabbed a few jeweled dresses and bagged them. I busted through the back door and climbed to the roof. The clothes were bagged so that they were not ruined. I slung home before you could say "Jiminy Cricket".
"Honey, I'm home!" I said while I swung the backdoor of the Iceberg Lounge open.
It's true that Penguin locks me in a cage and punishes me when I don't do my job correctly, but it won't help me if I act angry all the time. Anger will only lead to more punishment and pain. Plus, if I am really honest with myself, I don't hate being a super villain. The police would classify me as a thrill seeker, and they wouldn't be wrong. The freedom I feel, the adrenaline running through my veins. Nothing in this world could ever replace the stuff I feel when I put on my mask, nothing at all.
"It's a true treat to see you in such high spirits." Penguin commented.
"I've never felt better uncle. I never knew I could feel this way. This.. this..." I said unable to describe it.
"Freedom? Happiness? Thrill? Adventure? I know exactly what you mean, but don't let it get to your head. Crime is a lifestyle, not a luxury." Penguin lectured.
"Ya, I know."
That's the sound of advice going in one ear and out the other. Nothing was going to bring me down now. I was daydreaming planning my heist at the charity classic. I would need a bulky yet confined purse, so that I could shove wallets in their, but not blow my cover. Maybe I would even break some hearts on the way. Who knows what I'll do. When I don't know what I'm doing things start to get dangerous. I love it.
"Get ready for bed. You still have school tomorrow." Penguin said as a truly concerned parent.
"Already on it!" I yelled from my hallway as I slammed the bathroom door shut.
I got ready for bed and all just like Penguin had asked. I stepped out of the bathroom in a set of purple pajamas and a towel wrapped around my shoulders so my hair could dry. I was wringing out my hair when my phone dinged. I strutted over to my backpack as my feet slapped on the floor. I unzipped a small pocket that revealed my notified phone. I unlocked it to see that Dick had texted me.
'My dad said I could come to the carnival!' the text read.
'I can't wait for tomorrow, we're going to have so much fun. I'll make sure of it.' I replied and threw my phone on my mattress.
I'm going to have to talk to Penguin about getting me a better suite. I'll have to wait a bit to let the whole 'Robin escaping thing' blow over. I wasn't going to run, I wasn't going to hide. Why would I want to runaway from the true me?
Jiminy Cricket you guys! 1K reads on Cygnus! Wow, just wow...
Thanks faithful readers, and please comment when you read this. I just want to see who has made it this far already.

Aves (Young Justice Fanfiction)
FanfictionFinal Book! Kayo is pulled back to crime as she betrays the Team. The ultimate plan is starting to unfold and Swan is in the middle of it all. She can't trip up this time and she needs to stay focused. Although it won't be easy with a certain bird...