Thinking: all day long you thinking about them, no matter how much you try. The name appears up in your mind. You try to forget but his the only think you care about. You cant concentrate on school work or any other activities your involved in.My school work is really failing on me but Im not going to allow it to put my confidence down. I am a confident person after all.
You encounter the ying&yang:This is when you both communicate in such a way you have never spoke with anyone. You may talk for hours and hours without realising that time had been passing by but yet you enjoy every moment. Things can become awkward but in such an exciting manner. You know exactly what the other is thinking. Sometimes you even complete each others sentences with out realising. This happens to me offenly without realising whats actually happening. You know each other better than you could ever imagine.
You both have alot in common, not the appearance but it has to do with the same life goals and what you want to achieve in a lifetime. Sometimes you both love eating the same food or even listen to the same music. I was so shocked to find out that we had so many things in common without not knowing.
I wish it could be so easy to finally tell him how I truly feel about him and that its driving me crazy but like I would ever do that.My favourite and the scariest is the one where, its like looking at a mirror face to face. When you see each other it like looking at your own soul starring into your other half. When this occurs its as if you have known him all your life. Like you have seen him before but you can't remember. Its not you that needs to remember bur rather the soul that needs to figure out.
Every time he touches you its like the first time for you. Whether its a simple brush on the hand or a hug. You feel like your about to explode. There times when you tend to forget that your in public and end up in one long big bears hug all the time. He always gives me bear hugs and teases me all the time. Im never annoyed, in fact I enjoy every moment with him but the sad time will come when we separate from each other but we never separate spiritually. You cant run away from your twin flame. What sucks the most is that the feelings or the way they feel will never disappear. Well I want mine too.My twin soul or flame came at the wrong time. His my best friend's ex boyfriend and im not sure I would be a good friend if I tried getting involved with him. Debischiso!!! (Korean for crazy)
I have no idea how to deal with this. Maybe this is all in head but the signs wont stop popping up.There once was this time when I texted a guy and told him that I liked him. I was so nervous at first but I managed to do it. Guess what his reply was."Turned out he was gay!"
What on earth, I was completely crushed to the core. Only than I realised I never liked him, it was just a simple crush.Do you guys think I should tell him how I feel or should I keep it to myself?
I need to know what you all think, cause im so confused. I know that in our life time we will separate and join again after years or decades.
Should I propose my love for him. Im only 18, how could I simply know what love is?

RomanceThere is a time when we cant accept that there is someone out there connected to our souls. They say he or she is the half of our flesh and heart. Denial is the best test, the symptoms you go through and the pain of running away and try to avoid the...