The first thing Ardiel noticed was that there was no Tim Horton's or Starbucks, no Mcdonalds or Wendy's, just a kitchen with a service counter in front of it and a plethora of cafeteria tables/seats.
"Wait, how do you get product out here?"
"Produce? Most of it is made right here. Any vegetable you can think of is grown out in the gardens. We have wheat fields for flour. As a matter of fact, the earth elementals actually spend a lot of time out there. Their energies help the plants grow healthy. As for meats, we have some local farmers at Pond Inlet that we invest in. We've essentially hire them to come and live on the grounds, raising the produce and breeding them. We try to be as efficient as possible."
"Seriously? That's amazing! It'll be so nice to be able to eat some local produce instead of the mass produced crap everybody eats now. So do the farmers know what this school is?"
"Yes, and they've sworn to secrecy. They have no reason to betray us, they stay fed and warm and their families taken care of. It's a win-win situation. We don't have a whole lot available right now as the school year doesn't start for a bit, but what do you like?"
"Pasta, I absolutely love pasta."
"Well would spaghetti do?"
"Yeah for sure, thank you!"
It took a little while, and Illya prepared it herself, but Ardiel found it to be absolutely delicious.
"Wow, this is really good. And that's coming from a cook."
"Ah, you're a cook?"
"Yep, I love it. You can probably guess my favourite dishes to make." Ardiel smiled.
As they conversed, Ardiel found herself becoming more and more comfortable around Illya. She thought it felt right being there, and she was beginning to look forward to attending the school, even if it was relatively terrifying. She had so many questions but didn't know where to start. Her thirst for knowledge left her feeling completely overwhelmed by this new aspect of controlling the elements.
"If you can master one element, does that mean you can be equally skilled at the rest of them? Are there people who only know one or two elements and can't do others?" She started to let the relentless barrage of questions seep out.
"Yes, you can be equally skilled at the rest of them, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. You are a natural with the lightning element, but perhaps you will find water or earth more difficult and frustrating, and you'll have to put in more work to become well trained in them. Yes, some people can only do one element, and others can only do a couple. Most people, however, find they can practice them all."
"Okay, what would happen if you hit me with one of those bolts you used?"
"I can tell you're bubbling with curiosity, but I can't answer all your questions right now. There is much for you to learn, and I'm glad you have interest, but it takes time. To answer that question in proper detail would take a long time, but in essence, if you see it coming you can attempt to absorb it. You'll either succeed or be over-powered and explode."
"Yes, explode. If you don't see it coming and it simply strikes you, it will deliver a forceful blow equal to the amount of energy put into it. This isn't a game to play with and you can be hurt, you will be taught safe ways to practice, train and spar."
"Oh, we get to spar? Sort of like MMA?"
"In the sense that you'll be fighting each other, yes. There will be preset rules and regulations in place for safety, and you won't be allowed to hurt the other person. But sparring is an effective way to learn to control your energy." Illya took a deep breath, "There is a lot you need to learn before you get there, Ardiel. Enough questions for now, dear, let's carry on with our tour."

The Lost Element
FantasyA woman goes to what she thinks is a normal college, and finds out she has more power than she thought she could ever have. After learning who she truly is, she attempts to rescue a long lost relative. When this turns sour, she needs to fight a bat...