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"Amelia you have about 2 seconds to get your ass down before I whoop your tiny ass." Leslie Cooper my sister from another mom. We've been best friends basically ever since we popped out of our mothers' vajayjays. 

"I can't find my lucky pen have you seen it lee?" I yelled. 

"Is that the ugly one with the weird eye-popping alien on it?" 

"HEY! not ugly but yes that one," I yelled while getting down on my knees to look under my bed.

"check behind the nightable, I swear if  I have to take my shoes off to help you find it, I will break your lucky pen, you know how hard it is to put them back on." Quickly I ran to check behind my nightable and saw that giant bug eyes. Grabbing it I ran down the stairs. There I saw Leslie tapping her foot against the floor. "Finally, what would even do without me?" 

Smiling I replied "be dead in an alley somewhere" 

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it was our first day of senior year in high school. Leslie parked her car in the farthest parking space she could find, "why do you do this every time, there were so many empty spaces les." 

"Yeah there were but how are we gonna get our daily exercise if I park at the front?" She questioned. 

"Please as if you need any exercise, look at you." I motioned while pointing my finger at her. Laughing smugly she waved me off. Damn smug little bitch  I thought she knows it. Just as I was about to tell her off, three knocks came down on Leslie's window. 

"Hey, baby!" Grace, Leslie's girlfriend shouted. Smiling like an idiot Leslie opened her door and literally dove for Grace. See they had a pretty rough start to their relationship. Grace was basically straight at the start, but Leslie being the hot bitch with on fleek everything made Grace Willis, the straight as a pole, uptight, smart as hell girl fall for her. I don't know how but it somehow happened. Getting out of the car I made my way around giving Grace a quick hug.

"Hey Grace," I said pulling away.

"Hey Lia, did Leslie rush you again?" Grace questioned.

Looking at her questioningly I asked her how she knew that. She simply pointed to my hair. Pushing Leslie out of the way I checked the rearview mirror, of course, I had forgotten to straighten half my hair. "Leslie Cooper this is what happens when you rush me, why didn't you tell me."

Shrugging she simply said, "girl I thought you were trying to start a new trend." Glaring at her I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail. So much for making a good first impression on my teachers. Looking down at my phone, I quickly said goodbye and made my way to my new class. Finding a seat in English was kind of tough as class was about to start in a minute. Looking around I slid into the seat behind golden boy Jacob Demarien. Turning around he smiled at me, smiling back awkwardly I whispered hi. 

"Hey Amelia, I wanted to ask you something real quick," he said. its the first day of school what could he possibly want to ask. I thought to myself.

Nodding I gave him a questioning look. 

Clearing his throat he began to say "Actually I just wanted-"

"Alright good morning everyone," the teacher said as he walked in. Maybe later, I mouthed to Jacob. He simply nodded and turned around. 

After class, Jacob got surrounded by his friends, and I had to get to my next class so I simply walked off. I'll ask him later. The rest of the day passed by fairly quickly, and by the time I was making my way to Leslie's car, I heard heavy footsteps behind me. Looking back I saw Jacob running towards me, he stopped in front of me, slightly breathing faster than regular.

"Hey, whats up?" I asked him

Scratching the back of his head awkwardly he cleared his throat. Again. "Amelia I've been meaning to ask you this but um would you want to go out with me sometime?" 

I stood in my spot staring at him dumbfounded. "Um, Amelia? you home?"He asked jokingly.

"I uh yeah-"

okay great, I'll come pick you up Friday at 6 okay?" Without waiting for a response he ran but not without doing a weird high five with himself. 

"I wasn't even saying yes to his date offer I was answering his are you home question," I said aloud. Still, in a trance, I got in Leslie's car. 

"Hey Lia, whats up? Leslie questioned.

"I um well just got asked out by Jacob Demarien, on the first day" 

"what the hell, how did he do it? was it romantic?" she questioned. After filling in Les she smiled to herself. "Finally my baby's going on a date, we're gonna get you in that sexy dress, and do your hair-" Zoning her out I smiled thinking about my date with the golden boy, that wasn't supposed to happen but somehow I found myself liking the thought of more and more. 

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