Chapter 23

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When Mum and I got home, I forgot about taking off my helmet and goggles and just ran straight to Mum and Dad's room, where Mum said he would be. I tried to open the door, but it would only open ever so slightly. "Dad, why can't I open this door!?" I whined, pushing harder. I heard dad chuckle and say, "Because of the spell you cast on it, remember?." I turned to see him behind me rather than inside and blushed. "Here, take your helmet off. You'll have hat hair." He smiled, unclipping my helmet as Mum came running up the stairs. "Sorry, I hadn't even stopped the engine and she ran!" She told Dad, out of breath. Giving dad an innocent smile, I turned to Mum. "Help me open the door please?" I asked. Mum giggled and shook her head. "Why?" I whined. Mum sighed as Dad replied, "Because you're the only one that knows the reversal spell." 

"Oh yeah. Hold on."

I thought for a second before turning to the door. "I didn't mean for this to be cursed, clear it, change it, make it reversed!" I muttered, flicking my hand at the door. It swung open and I jumped in fright. "I wasn't expecting that!" Mum smiled, walking in. I started humming along to the song that had those words in and ended up singing the full song. (Laziness is my superpower! Sorry for the age difference!)

When I finished, Mum sat down and covered my eyes. "Really, you can see but I can't? Rude!" I said in annoyance. Mum just laughed and replied, "Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if you saw the moment your father got back in here, would it? You have to wait a bit longer." I groaned and sat there with my arms crossed, waiting as she kept her hands at my eyes. After a while, I heard the door open and close. "Ok, open them!" dad smiled. I opened my eyes and gasped in shock and excitement at what he was holding. "Is this so we can do what Esmay and Daniel did last year? Omg, thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed, hugging them both before looking at the Halloween costume properly.  

"I know her! She's from that movie you let me watch last year! What's it called? Oh, Suicide Squad!" I exclaimed, looking at the Harley Quinn costume. It was the best outfit in the movie if you ask me, aside from Deadshot and the Enchantress. "Yeah, it is. But you have to promise to be good until the end of the month, or you can't go trick or treating. Promise?" dad asked. I nodded my head excitedly and kept staring at the costume. It was an exact copy, even with her baseball bat and a kit to do the makeup. "Wait, what about her hair? I can't dye my hair two different colours just for a night, can I?" I asked when I realized this problem. Mum seemed to remember this too, and she ended up texting Dizzie to see if she could do it on the day of Halloween. "She said yes, but she also said to be good. Or she'll dye your hair green." Mum told me. I yelped in fear and exclaimed, "eww, no! I hate green!" 


Joseph's POV

I'm grounded. For standing up to Kono. For defending Charlotte. For basically saving her life! It's not my fault I hate him. I just care for my girlfriend too much and hate what he did to her. Sighing, I played around with my ice powers and made the glass frost over. "Joseph, are you ok?" I heard Ellie say from her side of the massive bedroom. For some reason, Mum and Dad make us share a room, rather than have separate ones. I think it's got something to do with Aunt Anna's isolation from Mum when they were kids. That or they just want to torture the heck out of me when El has her friends come round for a sleepover or something. I lifted my head and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just annoyed that I'm grounded." She sighed and put her homework down on the bed. "You punched a nine-year-old boy, Jo! Do you think you're going to be let off easy?" She snapped. I hate it when she gets like this. Her power's get out of hand when she gets mad because she can't control them properly. Hence the reason she wears gloves 24/7 like Mum used to. "El, calm down! I knew I wouldn't be let off easy for hitting him, I just didn't expect it to be this bad." I told her, sitting up on the bed.

El calmed down slightly and the frost near her bed disappeared. Thank Olaf it did! "Hey, want to go see Olaf, Marshmallow and the Snowglies?" I asked her, taking her mind off the conversation we just had. She picked her homework up and sighed, "I wish I could, Jo. But I have all this to do, and most of it is due in two days from now. And then I have to go with Mum to Evie's to get a new dress for the dance. Don't forget about that, by the way. It's in two months, and you still haven't prepared." I scoffed and brushed it aside. "Ok then. I guess I'll see you later then. Oh, and the answer's B." I replied, pointing to her question before running off. My jumper was still on my bed, but that didn't matter. The cold doesn't bother me anyway. As I walked down the halls of the castle, I thought about what to do over the weekend without a phone or any tech. There was no way I could talk to Clara, so I couldn't even arrange to meet her. Sighing, I started singing under my breath as I walked, to help me concentrate. It always works.

"I thought that I've been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life

Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on"

I reached the winter forest that Olaf, Marshmallow and the Snowglies live in and smiled as I continued walking. The cold hit at my bare arms, trying to make me cold. But all it did was actually warm me up. "Joseph! Hey, buddy!" Olaf exclaimed when I reached the ice house that Mum had made for him and the others. I smiled as I hugged the snowman, "Hey, Uncle O. How you been?" I was attacked by the Snowglies and fell back into the snow, laughing. "I'm good. But I heard from Marshmallow that you got into a fight with some Native American boy. Who was it and why? Oh, guys, leave him alone!" Olaf exclaimed at the Snowglies. They jumped off of me and went back inside to whatever it was they were doing. "Yeah, I did. It was Kono Rolfe. You remember him, right? Well, I saw him with Charlotte and overreacted. I guess I'm still mad at him for what happened to Clara." I told the snowman as I shut the door behind me. 

Olaf sighed and we went into the living room and sat down. "Yes, I remember Kono. He's dangerous, that boy. Aside from that, how are the girls? Ellie hasn't been here for ages, and Alanna has been too busy with school and her new baby brother." He replied. We ended up having a long conversation about the girls and our parents. I told him about Charlotte and how she's going trick or treating for the first time this year. "It was really hard to find a costume that she would like, but in the end, Mal suggested Harley Quinn from the movie Suicide Squad and we all agreed." After two and a half hours, I left and ran back home, making snow animals as I went out of pure boredom. Mum sighed at me and told me off for leaving when I got back, but I just ignored her and went to my room. Ellie had left a note saying that Alanna and her had gone instead of Mum and that she'd be back by five at the latest. That's two hours away! Ugh, more boredom!

Kono's POV

She can't know. I can't let Charlotte find out yet. It would ruin everything. And even if I have to keep her away from that school for the next three years, so be it. There is no way I'm letting some stuck-up ice boy ruin my plans. I will have Charlotte on my side, no matter what.

Hey! Hope you liked this chapter. Cya in the next one, bai!
X Caitlin X

Charlotte's Costume:

Charlotte's Costume:

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