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Wonho POV

"Wonho hyung, I need you to do me a favor. Can you take Hyungwon-ah to the hospital today? I'm worried this is the 7th day he's been throwing up and he's starting to eat weird things. Last night I found him eating mango and peanut butter." Kihyun said, walking into my room.

"What's so weird about that?" That actually sounds pretty good, maybe I'll try it later.

"It's weird because he was eating it in a bowl filled with beef broth. I'm serious hyung, get him to the hospital now before I find a way to make you need a hospital." With that, Kihyun left. I sighed and got up. No use making eomma Kihyunnie mad at me.

"Hyungwon-ah, wake up. Let's go to the hospital." I called, gently shaking the boy. He groaned and mumbled what I believe were the words 'fuck off'. "I won't ask again Hyungwon-ah, get up." He turned over and glared at me.

"Fine, but you owe me ice cream." Hyungwon climbed down from his bed and shuffled out the door. I chuckled. He was still in his flannel pajama's. I took a pair of skinny jeans and a giant olive green sweater out of his drawers before following him.

When I got to the bathroom he was leaning against the door with his eyes closed. "Come on, let's get you dressed." I helped him step into the jeans and helped him lift off his shirt. I froze. "Hyungwon-ah, is it just me or... is your tummy getting a little.... bigger?" He stared at me in shock.

"Hyung..... what are you saying?" His voice trembled. Oh fuck, I forgot. He was really self conscious about his looks.

"Nothing! Hyungwon this is good! It means your eating good, and that makes me so proud of you!" I quickly drew him into a tight hug, letting out a relieved sigh as he slowly hugged back. I missed this, being able to hug him whenever I wanted. Reluctantly, we pulled away. "Come on Wonnie, let's get you to the hospital."

"Yes hyung."

-Time Skip- (A/N I am so sorry for all the time skips, but I feel like it helps get the story going a lot smoother.)

"Chae Hyungwon?" I stood up with Hyungwon as the nurse called his name. We followed her to the exam room and I had to force myself not to snap at her. She was totally unprofessional!

"So, Hyungwon-ah, what are you here for?" Where is the respect? She is older than him! It should be Mr. Chae! Aish this nurse. Hyungwon was a blushing mess beside me. He never liked hospitals, the female nurses always made him flustered with their cooing and babying. 

"I um, I have been throwing up lately, and um, I'm like experiencing mood swings. Um, I think that's it..." He trailed off and looked at me. I nodded and rubbed his back. The nurse pursed her lips and nodded, writing things down.

"Mkay, I'll give this to the doctor. Just sit tight. The doctor will be here in about 10 minutes." With that she stood up and walked out the door. Silence fell and I took a book from the stack by the door. I took one look at the cover and put it back. I'm not reading 50 Shades of Grey.

"Hyung?" My head snapped up to look at Hyungwon. He was pale and sweating slightly. I stood up and crouched in front of him.

"What's wrong Wonnie?" He gazed at me before bolting out the door, a hand clamped over his mouth. Oh no. I rushed out to follow him. I saw his tall figure entering the bathroom and hurried after him. I pushed open the door and my heart broke. He never made it to the toilet. He was on his hands and knees, crying. I gently helped him up and led him to the sink. His shirt had a stain on it and his hoodie was in the car. I sighed and pulled it off, and turned on the water, cupping my hands and gently washing off his face.

"I-I'm sorry hyung. I thought I could make it. It was  an accident I swear." His voice still trembled a bit and I gave him a reassuring smile. I pulled off  my own hoodie and handed it to him. He blushed and tugged it on. I smiled as it landed mid-thigh and gave him sweater paws.

"Come on, the doctor should be in the room by now." He nodded, and with a steady hand on his back, I led him back to the room. Sure enough, there was a doctor there. He was tall and had wrinkles around his eyes. The sides of his hair were graying and he had a nice smile.

"Ah, there you are, I was starting to think you had left. Hello Mr. Chae, my name is Dr. Park. Now it says here that you have been experiencing mood swings and excessive vomiting? How long has this been going on for?"

"Um, it started about a week ago, I just woke up and had the urge to throw up. The mood swings started maybe three days ago." Dr. Park nodded. It was silent until he spoke again.

"Well, I don't have a definitive reason for why this is happening. It could be stress, it could be psychological, it could even be a simple unconscious act. To know more I'd need to run some tests. If I may, can you take a urine tests and allow me to run some blood tests?" Hyungwon stiffened but nodded. I rested my hand on his knee and squeezed lightly.

An hour later and Dr. Park finished the blood tests. "Ok, so Mr. Chae, we are just waiting on the urine test to come back. It'll take up to 5 days for it to be complete so for now I recommend lots of rest. I trust your friend here will take care of you." He stood up and held his hand out for us to shake.

The ride to the dorm was silent, Hyungwon fell asleep and was leaning against the window. I was on the phone with Shownu and Kihyun-ah, giving them an update on what had happened. Suddenly, Hyungwon started whimpering in his sleep.

"No, hyung- stop.... I can't..... no! DON'T LEAVE ME!" He screamed, bolting upright. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were pale, tears making their way down his cheeks.

"Hyungwon-ah, shhh it's ok. I'm here." I comforted, rubbing his back.

"Please, hyung. Please don't leave me."

"I won't Wonnie."

"Promise hyung?"

"I promise."

And I will always keep my promise.

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