Julian Tries to Keep Everything Together

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Julian wasn't sure how much time had passed since the meeting. Days at least, but for all he knew it could've been weeks, months, years. He felt like he had aged six decades since that day. They were back in the LA Insitute, home for the Blackthorns, but right now it didn't feel like it. He wasn't sure if this was better or worse, being home was familiar, but being back without Livvy, that was torture. Her presence was everywhere, every room seemed to be filled with a piece of her waiting for her to return and Julian could barely stand it. He wanted to hide all her things, partly so he didn't have to look at them and be reminded, but he couldn't bring himself to touch them. Her shoes were still scattered through the house, a pair by the front hall, some in the kitchen, more in the training room. Clothes and various items left casually around common areas. It hurt worse than any physical pain he ever felt.

No one had come to take over the institute yet, according to Emma the decision had been postponed, but it was only a matter of time. Each day he was waiting for the rest of the ground to crumble underneath him. He already felt like he was sinking in quicksand, he didn't know how much longer he could go on like this. Emma put her hand on his shoulder, squeezing slightly. He hadn't even realized she was behind him, though that's how it had been in the aftermath of Livvy's death. Emma shadowing him, sympathy and grief pouring off her, her concern like a living thing at his back.

He couldn't remember how he had reacted in the Hall. His mind had blacked out, overcome with pain, grief, and his lack of control. This was something he couldn't fix. He remembered hands on him trying to separate him from Livvy's body. The blood-soaked in his clothes, matting them to his skin. Blood on his hands, smeared across his face and in his hair in desperation. He faintly remembered screaming, but after that things got fuzzy. The next image he had was Ty being carried out of the Hall, seemingly unconscious.

At that moment he thought he had lost them both and the pain knocked him flat, sagging in Emma's grip, the other Shadowhunter's having released him, as his body was headed toward the floor. Emma whispering or yelling, he couldn't be sure, that Tiberius was alright in his ear. He remembered seeing Kit, Helen, and Mark's stunned, tear-streaked faces through the crowd then blackness. The next thing he remembered was being in a small bathroom, likely somewhere in the Gard. Mark's tear-stained face filling his vision, helping him undress. Clothes were sticking to him with dried blood, the blood of his baby. Barely making it to the toilet to throw up, shaking so hard he could scarcely support himself. Mark holding him up as he retched long after his stomach had emptied.

Next thing he knew, Ty was screaming in his arms, wanting to go home. His real home in Los Angeles and Julian swore he would make it happen. He would've burned down the entire world if it had soothed even a fraction of his brother's pain. They had gotten to come home, but so far it hadn't been kind to them.

Now, Julian stood in the kitchen, mechanically making grilled cheese sandwiches that no one was going to eat. Hardly anyone had been eating, including Julian, though he continued to make food and shove it in front of siblings in an attempt to persuade them to at least try to eat. An earth-shattering scream of pain broke the silence, causing him to jump and burn the side of his hand on the stove. He swore, instinctually putting the burn to his mouth, and took off a sprint down the hall. He knew that sound, Tiberius. Ty had been in a constant state of meltdown since his sister's death, every sound or touch or sensation setting him over the edge. He hadn't been able to hold anything down, not even water, and Julian felt as though he was in a constant state of panic over him. Words only erupted from like they were pulled from deep within his chest, coming out in these raw and primal screams. The sound came again, but this time Julian could hear his name, and it felt like someone had reached into his chest and was slowly scratching and tearing away at his beating heart.

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He burst into the library, almost knocking Kit over, who seemed to be in the process of coming to get him as he relaxed fractionally upon seeing Julian. Mark was in the room, standing over Ty, looking lost as to whether to touch him or not. Julian fell to his knees next to his brother and pulled him in tight. Ty was rocking and shaking in his arms, making it hard to keep him close, but Julian was used to Ty's movements from when he was just a small child, overwhelmed by the world, and had gotten skilled at matching them. Ty screamed Julian's name again, the word raw and painful sounding.


Ty had his headphones on and his hands pressed against them, trying to block out a sound that didn't exist. Julian desperately wished he had headphones as well, he felt like slamming his palms against his ears and curling up in the corner. His younger brother's screams seemed to tear holes in his brain, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could stand it. The strength of Ty's grief was so intense that it felt as it alone could crush him. But he couldn't do that, so he held the boy tight against him, telling him over and over again that he was here, all the while knowing Ty was inconsolable. It was just something that would have to pass, usually when Ty's body succumbed to exhaustion. Julian glanced around the room; Mark looked ready to be sick or pass out, so he quickly sent him out of the room to check on Tavvy. Ty's grief echoed through the institute like a magnetic bomb, setting off anything in its path, and the younger kids needed shielding from it as much as the older ones. Not that there was much reprieve for Julian, but he couldn't see any other way.

Helen excused herself by saying she'd check on Dru, though Julian hadn't even noticed her when he came in. Kit was the next to leave, unable to withstand the heaviness in the room. Emma sunk to the ground near the door, Julian briefly glanced at her and noticed her holding her ears. Ty was starting to hyperventilate against him, and Julian was trying to get Ty's attention, but the boy was doubled over on the floor, half on top of Julian's lap. Ty was still yelling between breaths, sometimes an incoherent scream, a sound of pure grief and rage and confusion, and sometimes words. Julian couldn't decide which hurt worse. "JULIAN, HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?"

The words came out of Ty in a loud rush between shallow breaths. Julian stopped breathing, swore his heart had stopped beating.


Julian vision started to tunnel, his arms loosening around Ty who was shaking and rocking so hard that his head accidentally collided with Julian's chin. The blow was hard enough to cause Julian to stagger backward, biting down hard on his tongue and lower lip, causing blood to flood his mouth and nearly choke him. His arms flew from around Ty to catch himself before he slammed into the floor. He could feel rather than hear Emma coming toward him, and waved her off without looking. The physical pain helped him concentrate, and he shut every other part of his mind down until he was just Big Brother/Dad Julian. The one who had control and could fix anything.

He spits blood onto the floor before nearly lunging for Ty, laying himself over his back so that Ty was pinned in place. He placed his arms on either side of him, fighting his way to wrap them around the smaller boy's chest, creating a vice around his brother's body. Julian kept his mouth right near the headphone, having learned the hard way what moving it even slightly would do. "TIBERIUS, LISTEN TO ME. I'M HERE. IT'S JULIAN. I'M HERE." Julian's voice was loud but firm and calm. He wasn't sure if it helped at all, but he continued to a steady mantra. Telling Ty he was there for him, that he wasn't going anywhere, that he could get through this moment of overwhelming sensation. His mind flashed to him saying nearly the same things over Livvy's dead body, and he had to tighten his grip, not because Ty needed him too, but because he needed something to ground him in this moment and this moment alone.

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