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(Wassup everyone! Sorry I haven't been updating lately! I've just been busy finishing up school :P Looks like I'm making another dedication...hmmm.......I'm guessing............REBELRUNNER14!!! Haha, it's her because 1) She was one of my first friends on Wattpd, and 2)BECAUSE I WANT TOO!!! >:DDD So anyway, read da chaptaw!)

Annabeth's POV:

     After our encounter with Gaea and Frank's injury, I had enough of one day. I limped away as they took Frank away. My breathing was heavy, and my ankle was sprained. But I could survive. I walked away from the scene, thinking that Gaea was one thing: CRAZY and EVIL!

     I walked on, and I thought, Who would win though? Percy or Jason? I tampered with the thought for a moment. Definetely Percy, I smiled. I walked away, thinking about Percy winning. As I walked, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I spun around to see a familiar face.

     "Poke," Percy greeted. I smiled,"Hey Seaweed Brain." I felt his hand hold mine. I said,"Did you think you'd win?" He laughed,"Of course! Well, maybe. It's a 50-50 chance." I nudged him,"It's not a 50-50 chance. No one can beat my Seaweed Brain."

     Percy blushed,"Aw, thanks Wise Girl." He kissed my cheek, leaving my face red. A grin spread across Percy's face,"You're blushing." I whined,"I am not!" He laughed,"Yeah you are!" I punched him playfully,"Perseus, I am not blushing."

     He doubled over, lying on his stomach. He was laughing so hard, I thought he'd run out of breath. What was so funny anyway?  I was blushing, how was that funny? Then again, my face felt super hot. I guess I was as red as an apple or a cherry.

     I rolled him over, and saw that his face was red also. He was panting, and laughing at the same time. It was pretty funny to see that. "Hahahaha-HUH-hahahahah!" Percy cracked. I started to giggle,"Alright Percy, maybe it is a little funny." I sat down, and put his head on my lap.

     He continued to laugh for a few more seconds. Then he stopped. He was staring at me, in an adorable way. Percy looked,"Your eyes are beautiful." I smiled,"I've heard this one before." He frowned,"Oh." I giggled,"But I like it."

     Percy nodded, and continued,"And have I ever told you that you're the hottest girl on Earth?" I nodded,"Yup." "And that you're the smartest person I know?" "Yup." "And that you love me as much as I love you." I stopped him,"Not so fast. I love you mabye a little bit more than you do to me."

     Percy sat up,"No, I love you more." I shook my head,"I don't think so. If you want to prove yourself right, you're gonna have to do something for me." He held his chin for a minute, and his lightbulb lit. A big smile played across his mouth,"I got an idea."

     I raised an eyebrow,"Oh, what's Seaweed Brain's idea." He leaned in,"This Wise Girl." Our lips touched, and magical sparks flew everywhere. My hand held his cheek, and my other hand was in his winblown hair. His arms were around my waist. He held me tightly.

     I leveled up a bit, and I ended up on top of him. We laid down on the ground, and then his lips opened. I followed his move, and we were soon making out. His gentle lips were brushing against mine. It felt amazing. Not trying to sound wrong or anything, but I loved it.

     My arms made their way down and into his shirt. Percy did the same. I pulled his shirt off, and stared at amazement. He had gotten more muscular in the past eight months. I traced his abs, and I couldn't help but stare. Percy smiled,"Annabeth, are you checking me out?"

     I purred,"Maybe." Our mouths interlocked again, and he my shirt off. Then we started to make out a little bit faster. I moaned as he kissed my neck. It was so.......rhythmic if you might say. I guess we were making up the time from when we were apart. Then I heard a girl's voice,"Hey I interrupting something?"

     I turned and saw Piper. She didn't look that great. She still had her injuries, but emotionally, she was a wreck. She had a depressed look on her face. She was struggling to keep tears from falling from her eyes. And she looked like she hasn't had any sleep.

     I got my shirt on, and turned,"Oh Piper, what happened?" I embraced her in a hug, and she started to cry,"Jason..he's like...cheating.......on me with...Reyna." Tears streamed from her eyes. Anger started to build up in me. I thought, Jason, you little, why you little--

     Percy interrupted my thoughts,"You don't have to kill him or anything. I'll talk to him." I protested ,"Let me kill him first." Percy shook his head,"I'll talk to him. Don't kill him." I said,"I will make no such promises." Percy gave me a puppy-dog face, and said,"C'mon. Please, for me?" I shook my head,"Nope."

     Percy frowned,"Fine. You can kill him after I talk to him. 'K?" I nodded weakly,"Alright..." He smiled,"Thanks Annabeth." He quickly kissed my cheek, and jogged towards camp. Piper and I were standing there alone. There was a long, eerie silence. I broke the ice,"So how did you figure out Jason was cheating on you."

     Immediately, I regretted saying it. She turned grim again, but answered,"It was after the Senate Meeting. Reyna wanted to talk to Jason, alone. So they went to back of the hall. I was sitting there for a while, and I grew impatient. I walked over, and saw them making out. I got really angry at him. I even slapped him. I was so devastated. I couldn't take it, and I ran away from him."

     I put my hand on her shoulder,"Oh Piper. I'm so sorry." She stifled a tear, and sniffed,"Yeah, and I don't know what to do." I answered,"Well maybe, you should talk to him first. Ask him what's up between you guys. Ask him if you and him are okay. You know, stuff like that."

     Piper nodded,"Alright. I'll try. But if he wants to be with Reyna, what should I do?" I thought, and said,"Well, I guess you guys should try to stay friends at least. Don't ignore or stay away from him. We all need to be at least friends."

     She nodded,"Alright....thanks Annabeth. I'll try now." She sat up, and walked over to Camp. I watched her walk away, and decided to go check with Percy and Jason. I sat up, and strapped my knife to by belt, and headed towards camp.

(Soooooooo....what do you think? Who should Jason be with? Piper or Reyna? What's Jason going to say? Will Piper ever get over Jason? Okay, so do the fun stuff! And if you haven't checked it out yet, check out my new book, The Spirit's Revenge!! Bye guys!!)

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