Goodnight, Sweet dreams,
May shadows fall ever o'er your fears,
Trapping your nightmares in e'er darkening spheres,
Of sunlight's shadow pursuing forever,
The demons of mind and heart and fiery lies,
Attached as they are to your faith,
Belief in your frailty caused by venomous tongues,
And layered on in deaths sweet blissful state,
A dream unending yet ended abruptly,
Machinery whining for you to wake.
What troubles soar to rest ye from,
Your whimsical sleep unyielded,
Ever starred from peace by nary thought concealed,
And forgotten promises peace and rest abstain,
Your mem'ry seen from mortal plain to plane,
E'er the heavens reach for blinded youths,
Sweet songs of painful revery and ne'er a thought to heart forbidden,
Crushed by souls of modern day;
A dream.
What sorrow stains so erron'ously that,
By its own remission,
Held at bay,
It blocks out every stray beam,
Of light made by that god of sleep,
Your dreaming mind an abyss of thought and painful,
Memory rebelling against memory as rioting they call,
For vibrancy's attention,
Oh, sleeping dreamer,
Spin thy webs of ancient make and call forth dreary death,
From counsels deep,
T'which he e'er did escape my grasp,
And hunt the fallen angels fast,
Asleep upon the dreamers dream,
To me for which our souls twixt muttered charms,
did seek.
Good night, sweet dreams,
May ever you forgive,
That broken promise of sweet slumber,
Which thy love and heartbreak forbid,
To soothe that ache,
A dream!
A love!
A loss!
Forsooth, so saken be thy thoughts of dreams and peace,
My love.
(A/N) Hey Guys! How's it going? I've ben working on this poem for a long time now, and it's finally finished!!! Thanks for sticking with me, and have a wonderful christmas Break; and Sweet Dreams!
Till next time, Sept-Mates!
Your Poet and Scribe,

Of glorious demons and unholy angels
PoetryA series of poems that describe the beauty hiding in tragedy, and the disgusting truth about lovely things. Every rose has pricking thorns, every soul bares demon hate, if a devils eye you've caught, the storm is sure to abate.