The meaning of books to me

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Title: The Meaning of Books to Me…

Books are so kind to me,

They take me far away.

To the fairytales in which I wish be

Oh, how sweet they are to pull me away…

I start reading and hate to stop…

When I do I feel like somebody has stopped me from drinking when I’m thirsty…

I can’t put book down; I can’t stop..

I get too frisky… =]

These are how books feel to me…

This is the meaning of books to me…

Title: My Happiness Returned

Windy days are the best,

I really love them so…

The gentle winds take away my sadness,

And they brush it off and make me nice as snow.

Oh, what a great feeling happiness is,

What I nice way to feel.

I’m so joyful because, I finally again have happiness

Oh, how great I feel!!! =] =P

Poems from 2009 by Yours Truly =}Where stories live. Discover now