Ok today was extra wired kamren tried to kiss me!! like what the hell!! I tried to push him back but i was to weak. When the bell rang he winked at me!!! But then all of a sudden I wanted to kill him and That was very weird.
After school
When I got home my sister Sammie noticed I was uncomfortable. Are you ok Sammie asked me i told her the truth.she yelled What!! he kissed you!!!! But she said it to loud cause dad woke up and yelled what!!! Who kissed you!!! Then he slapped me I ran to my room crying. In my room I tried to kill myself then the demon me said stop you should kill your father instead of yourself. Then she disappeared.

dear dairy
RomanceAnna Dotson is a lonley 9th grader with depression, this is her dairy, will she kill herself or will she live WHO THE FUCK KNOWS